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High Risk Credit Card Processing. Everything You Wanted to Know Global Payments Solutions Get Your Company on the Path to Global Success Finding a reputable high risk card payment processor can be challenging, but you’ll be surprised how having one will streamline your business processes. Working with a payment processor that knows the high risk industry inside out will improve your reputation and keep your money secure. Here’s what you should know about high risk payment processing. When your sales go up, the risk of fraud gets higher. This is why you should ensure that your payment processing system is backed by superior security solutions that keep you away from cybercriminals. It’s especially important if you’re a high risk merchant. Who is a high risk merchant? Payment processing card associations define some online business models and industries as risky. Several factors can put your business into a high risk category, but the main reasons can refer to your chargeback ratio, returns, or payment processing history. What are typical high risk verticals or business models? They are industries such as travel, adult entertainment, advanced bookings, forex, telemarketing, pharmacy, gaming, and gambling to name a few. What Makes a Business Risky Every day, banks turn down online merchants that have excellent credit scores, good reputations, and solid revenue streams because they don’t have bricks-and-mortar businesses or enough assets. Banks classify these companies as high-risk merchants because there is a greater chance that these businesses disappear or go bankrupt before they pay back their debts. A High-Risk Merchant Account Provider Offering Boundless Services Traditional financial institutions also don’t like to work with businesses, such as online dating, auction, and gambling sites, adult entertainers, telemarketers, and web-hosting services. Banks turn them away their rates of failure are higher and they sell what they consider questionable products or services. It’s simple. We take the risk when banks won’t. Fill out an online application today and get approved in as little as 24 hours. As companies considered as high risk run businesses that are more prompt to chargebacks than regular merchants, their activity and transaction patterns require in-depth analyses. Before a payment platform decides whether to work with a certain company, it estimates how likely the business will be to generate chargebacks and what might be their origin. This is why it’s so important to work with a high risk payment processor that has know-how and experience with this specialized market, as well as top security. Apply with lotpayments today and discover the great benefits available, especially for high-risk businesses seeking merchant accounts. With lotpayments’s expensive offshore acquiring bank connections, you can be sure to find a solution to make your business a success. Schedule a Consultation +(382) 6708 4511
- the gaming merchant
- high risk payment processing offshore
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