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Everything posted by budado

  1. Theirs only two section that is paying in MEF. hyip and ptp forums so you really don't have a choice but to be active in either or both section only. Unless if you want to do some charity post in which you can post in other section that is not paying for free. But me I rather post in ptp section and add in hyip section if I still want to post. And since I want to maximize my earnings I post in two sections most if not all the time.
  2. I already received the 5 dollars that I won in the contest. I'm hoping to earn 50 dollars plus with my post this month. I'm excited to get paid in here already. I hope that this monday or tuesday we will get paid or else we have no choice but to wait for another week since mostly its only pays during monday or tuesday depends on your location.
  3. Even if you use one email address its okay. I have six active instaforex accounts right now and I only use one email address to open my accounts and I'm earning in all of my accounts without any problem. As long your accounts is verified you have nothing to worry. About the affiliate links. Theirs many promo in instaforex so I suggest you read more and read in details and try to pick one that you think is the best.
  4. I'm stlll see a member asking for payments in letsfx. lols. I guess he is just hoping that he will still going to get paid in here. I know admin did not visit his site for a long time and its did not pay since last week of November and its already first day of February so I'm sure this site is a scam site. I don't think its worth it to invest our time in here and still hoping that we will get paid.
  5. Just wondering. How long does it take to get verified in here? Its like a week already and still my account is not activated. I hope that my account will get verified soon. Right now I just decided to visit the site once a week or if I have extra time. Since I doubt that I can get verified this week. At this rate I guess admin is just trying to maintain its current active posters.
  6. I'm happy to earn 5 dollars in here and its seems many got paid with 2.5 cents per post rate right now. I'm happy that many are now earning good and been paid fast in here. I'm just hoping that I can grow my account in here. My target now is to earn 10 dollars a month in here. I know its a tall order but I'm really hoping that I can manage to do that this month.
  7. I'm hoping to reach 440 points today. And in two to three more days I'm hoping to reach 500 points and hope to request payments. So far so good that I'm earning good in here. I'm just hoping and wishing that I can post as regularly in here as I'm targetting to make some good income online this month of February. Since its valentine its really expensive to go out with a date if you don't have a job. lols.
  8. So you mean you can still post in mtw? I have har time loging in for two days now and today is the third day that I opening the site but I can't still opend my account. Its seems that database is corrupted or something. I hope our post and our points earning is safe. I'm excited to see this site back so that I can post and earn in here again.
  9. Date: 1/31/2013 11:21 AM Batch: 129751432 From Account: U9396631 (MoneyTalkVillage) Amount: $5.00 Memo: MTV Payment Thank you.
  10. I'm totally satisfied with my broker. But I'm not satisfied with my capital. I know I can grow my account big if only I have big capital. That's why my focus is to increase my capital and hope that I can earn more each month. The more capital I have the higher the probability that I'm going to grow big. I hope that some day I can say to myself that I'm a successful forex trader.
  11. I think its better that we rely on something that is more stable and that is doing some analysis. Compounding is actually not a terminology in forex trading. Its just some posters and blogs who use that word compounding simply because they think when they earn money and use that profit to trade again its called compounding. But that's is not a case. compounding happens when you earn interest and add that interest to earn more interest. In forex trading if you add your profit you can end up losing your profit and even your capital if you get MC.
  12. I'm down to 1,000 dollars capital right now. I incur some loses of my profits but I still end up withdrawing about 300 dollars profit. I'm hoping that I can reach 2,000 dollars capital but I know its hard to reach that much capital if I'm only going to rely on my posting power. I'm hoping that I will going to invest money in forex to increase my capital. But same time I'm afraid to take risk.
  13. I'm expecting 10 to 20% a month profit. But sometimes I go down as low as 5%. But Its really does not matter to me. As long I make profit each month I'm happy. And so far I'm bless with profit of 30% this month and I'm hoping that next month I can earn 10%. Usually when I have big earnings in a month on the next month I have a lower income. But on average I do earn 10%.
  14. Be satisfied with what you got but same time be open to more challenges and upgrades. Me I'm happy trading using averaging and hedging strategy. But same time I make sure that I'm open with new ideas and if its going to make me earn more money than my current strategy I will going to use that new strategy. Sometimes we must learn how to adopt as well.
  15. Sorry you quote my post but I don't see any connection of my post to your reply especially the one that I highlighed. Because first and foremost demo and real accounts are live accounts. Its live feed. So don't know what your trying to address to me. Anyway I just doubled my money again in demo account. How I wish I can do the same in real account. But with all this forex management rules theirs no way I'm going to trade in real account the same risk that I do in demo account.
  16. Its possible. But is it legal and allowed? I dont' think its good to try to trade using other accounts. I rather open my own accounts for security reason and the only reason why someone is going to sell their account is that its not registestered in their name also. I hope I can make good income in forex but I make sure that I run my account clean and not bother to do something illegal.
  17. If I have 10,000 dollars capital and earn 1,000 dollars a month I can say yes. This is my goal right now and this is what I want to achieve. I hope that I can make good income in forex trading. My goal is to become a regular and successful forex trader and the only thing that actually holding me back is that I don't have enough funds to trade with the big boys.
  18. I still can't program right now. I'm really frustrated that some how my mind is not as good as before. I'm graduate of comsci and yet I end up not as a programmer. lols. But I hope that some day I can program my own bots. This is my dream and I will not going to give up trying. Right now the only reason why I'm not yet spend time trying to program is that I don't have enough earnings to help me out.
  19. In term of knowledge some how I can manage. All eight of my accounts in two other forums that is mini accounts is making me profit. But in uwcfx since the minimum account is lite account I have hard time earning. In mini accounts I have 100 to 250 dollars capital and its make me earn 10 to 25 dollars minimum to 20 to 50 dollars maximum or 10 to 20% profit each month. So if I want to earn in uwcfx right now I need to have 1,000 to 2,500 dollars capital and earn 100 to 500 dollars a month.
  20. Date: 1/24/2013 1:09 PM Batch: 128858572 From Account: U7671442 (InstaForex Payments) Amount: $20.00 Memo: 7XXXXXXX-WITHDRAW-liberty: 20.00 Thank you.
  21. Right now if I will be ask if I'm going to earn via MB or Payza or okpay I will going to say that I will going to pick MB than payza or okpay. for me MB is much better and stable than this two. And its good to trade in forex using MB as payza already abandon forex and okpay has high fees that its make me frustrated when I withdraw in Okpay.
  22. Its best if they lower the bank withdrawal or bankwire fees. In this way I will going to be active in here. the only reason why I don't like this site is because its just paying too much attention to its earnings that its does not concentrate in lowering its fees to attract users. And that's the main reason why right now I don't like to trade in forex using okpay because of its high fees.
  23. I still need some 15 dollars so that I can request payments from paypal without paying 50 pesos withdrawal fees. Now I'm in dilemma right now. Because if I'm going to hold my funds and wait for 15 dollars I maybe going to end up needing more US dollars since our peso is keep on appreciating. I'm hoping that I will get 15 dollars in paypal soon so that I can withdraw.
  24. I have some good feeling about this site right now. As I notice that the transfer rate is now half a cent per dollar. Unlike in LR that is 1 cent per dollar and the good thing is that theirs a bankwire transfer that we can use in here. Right now I'm thinking of finding ways to earn in PM. I want to do some experiments and if PM will be more economical than LR then I will going to use PM instead of LR.
  25. My account has zero balance since March last year and its almost one year now but I can still open my account so I don't think if you have zero balance you will get your account suspended. I also not open my account for many months and only open it today when you say your account got suspended because of zero balance.
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