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Everything posted by budado

  1. budado -25th request of payments [LR] Username : budado Amount To Request (DMT points) :500 Liberty Reserve ID : U9169387 Thanks for the payments last time.
  2. Last January I'm happy that my total earning in forex trading is 330 dollars and my eanrings in ptp forum is 98 dollars. This is how much I earned last month and I'm hoping to earn 300 dollars this month. Although I have 73 dollars earning this week along. I'm still not confident enough to reach 300 dollars before the end of the month. But lets see.
  3. @trickster And what period is that? Is that daily? weekly? monthly? or Yearly? Me right now once I have more than 30 dollars earning in one of my accounts I automatically try to withdraw my earnings. For me this is the best way to make money in forex trading. But withdrawing when I'm making profit. Because I'm afraid that my earning is going to turn to zero and worse got MC if I make a wrong move. So its better to cashout right away.
  4. Theirs some expert economist who say that forex is not an investments. I guess the reason is obvious. When you say investments you are putting your money in their hoping to let it grow in the long run. But in forex you can end up getting MC. In short its not investing at all if you can end up losing money instead of making money. But same time if you really do your homework I'm sure forex is really the best investment.
  5. I'm sure newbies has hard time understanding and monitor one pair so I doubt if he can monitor multiple pairs. I'm trading eur/usd for five months before I add another pairs. that's how long its take me to understand the basic rules of forex trading and once I understand it its easy for me to apply in other pairs as well. But if you going to start with multiple pairs. I doubt if you going to understand how to monitor and analyst each pairs.
  6. The advantages of having free bonuses is that you are not pressured to make profit. In this way you are not afraid to loss your free bonus funds either as its free. That's why you can concentrate more in doing forex trading than doing some stressful trading when you use your own capital to trade. Right now I do trade in forex and make money and I'm happy to say that about 80% of my capital are bonus funds.
  7. I'm trading two broker sites right now and I can say that I'm really happy with my performance. I earn 290 dollars in instaforex and 40 dollars in ikofx. The good thing about instaforex is that most of the funds I have in here are bonus funds while in ikofx most of the funds I have in here is my own investments. I'm hoping to continue trading and hoping to make good earnings in this two broker site this year.
  8. If I have 50 dollars capital I prefer to target 5 dollars to 10 dollars profit each month. Thats the average earning that I want to earn in forex trading 10 to 20% profit each month. I know to some its high but what I read in a blog and I don't know if its credible or not that the average forex trader earn 40 to 60% profit a month. I know I can't do it in real account. I have doubled my money in demo account in three days but I never earned 40% a month not even once in real account.
  9. Give me 50 years and I'm sure I can earn 1,000 dollars a day by that time. lols. I know is really hard to make money in forex and individual poster like has has hard time earning in forex. But I also know that if we only going to focus on learning we can actually make good profit in here. I did earn 330 dollars this month in forex trading. I know its far from 1,000 dollars a day earning. But I'm sure each month is an opportunity to earn more for me.
  10. I have 2 dollars worth of post in here but right now I have stop posting in here. I just don't feel that I can post and make money in here. For me the best way to make money in here is to post constantly. But since theirs just too many other sites that I can post and earn. I think its good to spend more time in higher paying ptp forum than in here. But if I have extra time then I have no problem posting in here.
  11. 281 points. Its seems its take me lots of days before I'm going to reach 500 points in here. I'm struggling to post every day in here but that's what I want to achieve in here. I guess I just need to concentrate in posting that playing in fb if I really want to earn more in here. lols. But right now mtw is my priority forum. Meaning if I have free time this is one of the first few ptp forum that I want to post into.
  12. I'm happy that I reach more than 500 points right now but I still don't have plan to request payments today. I will just going to request payments tomorrow. I'm just too sleepy right now that I don't feel that I can finish posting in here and request payments. I will just try to post as long my eyes are open then go to sleep and just going to request payments tomorrow.
  13. Date: 2/3/2013 12:25 PM Batch: 130125663 From Account: U7274894 (Investorposts) Amount: $2.10 Memo: Payment From Investorposts Forum. Thanks for being Active. Thank you.
  14. I just PM Jeff about pending payments and hope to hear good news from him. I also notice that one member who has four post only and has 0.83 daily post average (that's even less than 1 post per day) got ban for post chasing. Its so ironic. I really don't understand why since I read this poster post and its three and half liner post and yet consider post chasing? Weird.
  15. I'm happy with my earnings in here but I'm wondering what happen to the posters in here especially in ptp section. I see few activity in ptp section. I only manage to post in eight threads in ptp section since other threads I'm still the last poster even though my last post on those threads is two days ago. I hope activity in ptp section will pick up. I have no problem posting in hyip section but in ptp section only.
  16. I have more post in this thread than in actual forum. But don't get me wrong. The reason why I have no post in here yet is that until now I'm still not being verified by this forum. I really want to post and make profit in here but I have no choice but to wait and hope that I will be verified now before I can even make some post in here. I hope I can make good profit in here.
  17. That's funny. In other forum you say that mods advice you to quote other members post. So which is true. this post or your other post in other forum? I guess this is the reason why your post in fxfred has been deleted because of inconsistency. Its better that theirs consistency in your post. Its better that your post is true. If you don't trade in forex yet better you trade in demo then post about your experience while posting in demo at least what you post is true and base on what you really experience.
  18. I don't know when will the next payments will come for me but right now I'm in the hurry to increase my reservation points to 1,000 points before I get paid. I want to make sure that I have enough extra funds to request payments so that when I get paid I can request payments again. The problem when we request payments in here is that we can't request payments until we get paid.
  19. At this early stage I have 12 dollars worth of post already. I'm happy and I'm sure I can reach 80 dollars easy for next month even though this month theirs only 28 days. I'm hoping to continue posting and continue increasing my bonus capital in instaforex. So far I'm happy with my trading performance. What I only need is more capital in three of my seven accounts in instaforex.
  20. thanks for payments Payment Received (Unique Transaction ID # 0WH17820654762230) Sent by: Steve Millar (The sender of this payment is Non-U.S. - Verified) Buyer email: admin@jkke.com Payment sent to: XXXXXXX@XXXXXXXX.com Amount received: $6.00 USD Fee amount: -$0.53 USD Net amount: $5.47 USD Issue a refund You have up to 60 days to refund the payment. Date: Feb 4, 2013 Time: 10:31:23 GMT+08:00 Status: Completed Subject: You've received a payment from www.Jkke.Com Note: Thank you for posting at www.Jkke.Com Payment type: Instant
  21. And what pairs that is you have in mind? If you have 100 dollars. In uwcfx lite account that's 1,000 pips. Now lets follow the 2% money management rule and of 1,000pips 2% is only 20 pips. Can you give me one pair that has only 20 pips volatility? Because theirs no way you can find a low volatile pairs that only has 20 pips or less volatility. Unless you disregard money management rules and do aggressive trading that can end up higher percentage of getting MC. Theirs no way you can trade 100 dollars only in uwcfx that will going to end up in profit in the long run.
  22. Date: 1/28/2013 8:08 AM Batch: 129284561 From Account: U7671442 (InstaForex Payments) Amount: $1.00 Memo: XXXXXXXX-WITHDRAW-liberty: 1.00 Thank you.
  23. I don't get your point. If a broker site turn to scam so what do forex market got to do with it? Its the broker site that goes to scam not the forex. You must learn to understand to differentiate the two. Its a trader fault if he got scammed by a broker site. Forex is foreign exchange and its never turn to scam. Just imagine if it did the whole world economy will be in questions.
  24. How can you trade on weekend? You can't trade every day since the market is only open 24/5 and half. So theirs no such thing as trading every day. You can only trade when the market is open and that's only open during business days or weekdays. Even banks can't trade and do close on weekends. Unless if you can provide me a way that a trader can trade every day even on weekends.
  25. I have 1,000 dollars plus capital in instaforex and have seven active accounts in instaforex. But in term of compounding profit. I don't believe in that terminology. First of all theirs no such thing as compounding in forex trading. If you try to use your profit in forex its not compounding at all. Because you can end up losing the said amount and even your capital. So how can you say compounding if you can end up losing it? Compounding only happen if you are putting your money in your bank in which its earn interest and no risk involve if you going to do it.
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