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Everything posted by budado

  1. I'm happy that some how even the activity is not that good theirs still an activity in here. I'm just hoping that many will going to concentrate in ptp section as this is the weak spot. I can post as regularly as I want in hyip section but in ptp section I have hard time posting. I hope to see at least 5 guys posting in ptp forum so that I can do some healthy discussion post.
  2. I still try to post 10 post a day in here. I'm just little busy right now but I'm hoping that I can post as regularly as I can in here. Problem right now is that its seems I'm slowing down posting and same time my eyes seems failing. I guess its because each day I'm online starring at my laptop screen. But I have no choice right now I still want to continue posting in here even though the rate and the activity is not that good anymore.
  3. Good to make some profit in here. I'm hoping to make good post in here as regularly as I can. I know this site is paying good and paying well and most of all its paying fast also. That's why I like to post in here to maintain my earning power in here. So far I like this site. I'm just hoping that I can maintain and sustain my earning power in here each month. But my problem is that activity seems slowing down in here.
  4. I'm happy to cashout my earnings from fxfred in uwcfx. But I only end up investing it to othre forex broker site that has mini account. My plan is to grow my mini accoutns first before I'm going to try to invest back in uwcfx once I have grown my account funds. So far I need to have 10,000 dollars capital in my other broker sites so that I can invest 1,000 dollars in uwcfx.
  5. Right now I keep on trying to post as regularly in here. But today I just end up watching tv instead of posting in here. I guess its my day off or something as its weekend. lols. I'm hoping to make good income in forex trading and I guess that's why I relax posting in JKKE. But I'm sure I will going to be more active in JKKE once I'm back to posting mode.
  6. Now that I know that the maximum post we can make in here is 30 post per day. I just realize that my posting in here is below par as I only post 20 post three times a week. That's only 60 post per week compare to the maximum post of 210 post per week. now I decided to post at least half of that and that is 105 post total per week. I will try to post 26 post four times a week to reach 104-105 post a week. I think half the maximum is a good average post.
  7. Some how I slow down posting this last few days. Its Chinese new year so we have some celebration. I really do feel that my earnings this month will go down in mtw because of this. But same time I'm hoping that my activity will not to affect the activity in mtw. In my experience in other forums. Especially in forums that theirs less activity when I stop posting for few days those who are my posting tandem stop posting also.
  8. I have maintain 1,000 dollars capital and so far I'm earning 100 dollars on average. A good 10% profit only. I'm hoping to increase my capital soon and that's why right now I decided to continue trading and continue posting in ptp forum hoping that I can earn good amount of money. I know its hard to make good income and that's why we must make sure that we target profits that we can realistically reach.
  9. Theirs a lot of ptp forums that has nothing to do with forex trading. Emoneyspace as far as I know is not forex forum so I really don't understand what you are point out in here. Getting free money for forex trading means free bonus funds for forex trading. For example. If you join a broker that that offers 5 dollars bonus just to join. That's free bonus funds. If you join ptp forum of a forex broker site that pays trading bonus funds. That's forex bonus. But posting in a ptp forum that is not connected to forex has nothing to do with it.
  10. I'm happy that I earn 51 dollars this month of February and its still have 20 more days left and I'm hoping that I can earn 50 dollars more. My monthly target is always to earn 100 dollars or more a month and its seems I can do it right now. I know its hard to make good income in forex but if we are determine to succeed I don't see any reason why we need to fear forex trading.
  11. Risk management is more detailed and more complicated to study than money management. Since money management is about minimizing exposure of our capital so that we going to have as many trade possible even if we are losing. Risk management on other hands involve lots of things. Like the computation of lot size the volatility of each pairs that you want to trade. The leverage and the free margin and so on. In risk management its almost like you are doing balancing act.
  12. Its good if its has free sign up bonus but problem is how long does it take to reach minimum and do you think after we reach minimum if we can end up earning good money in here. Because that is the most problem of ptc site right now. they all turn to scam before we get paid. I hope I can make good income in ptc site like this one. But same time earning few dollars for me right now is not worth it anymore.
  13. Its seems this ptc site is really wanting to make history. So far I see this site looking good and running good. its seems if you are a ptc clicker you will going to like this site and join this site. I know ptc site we can only earn few dollars a month even if we have good way to find referrals we can still end up earning small amount since we also need to invest and upgrade to accomodate referrals.
  14. I guess its a suprise because once we join and click in here and when we decided to withdraw we realize that this site is not paying. lols. Just joking. I don't know if this site is paying or not. But just looking at the site script I have some guts feel that this site is not good at all. I hope I can earn good amount of money in here. If we have many paying ptc site then its good to be in ptc but I dont' think this one will turn out good.
  15. Since this ptc site has mini cents ads its take long time to earn in here. I guess I will just going to pass away. This site is good to earn if its paying. But since I'm active in forex trading and earn few dollars a week. I think I rather spend my time trading in forex than wasting my time earning mini cents in this ptc site. But to those who does not know who to trade in forex then its good to try this one.
  16. I'm trading every day. As this is the only way for me to earn money. I know its hard to make good income in forex trading and that's why I make sure that I'm doing the right thing by trading daily. The more I focus trading daily the more I can make profit in forex trading. I don't mind if I end up losing money in forex. What important for me is that I can earn and make good income.
  17. Its funny that he loss 20 trades and he is still wondering if he want to stop trading. A clear sign that he does not know what he is doing. forex trading is good and we can make good income if we only know what we are doing. And losing 20 trades and still don't know what to do is a clear sign that a trader has minimal if no knowledge about forex trading at all.
  18. In term of possible its possible. But in term of performance we all know that mobile phone has limited features so theirs no way we can trade in full potential if we going to trade in mobile phone. Mobile phone is good but we need to make sure that we trade using our computers than our mobile phone and if I have a choice between mobile phone and tablet I will prefer to use tablet instead.
  19. Forex has great potential. Forex is like mining. You know theirs is gold and we try to dig it but problem is that its so dangerous to dig that and we need to seperate gold from rocks and soils in order to have gold. That's how hard and risky to get gold when we mine. Same thing in forex trading. Forex trading is very dangerous as we can get MC and yet the potential to make profit is here.
  20. If you are a good trader bots are the best way to make good income in forex. But if you don't know how to trade manually its hard to make profit in forex even if you have good bots. As bots are tools and like all tools its only going to be effective if the person using it knows how to use it. I do hope that some day I can program my own bots. Its been a year that I'm trading but I stil don't know how to program bots.
  21. Chance are that we can win in demo is slim and I don't think those who win in demo are actual trader but rather bots. In this way bots can trade 24 hours a day unlike human and that's the main reason why they win. Even me I use bots in my demo account but sad to say I did not win. But my point is that if I can do it some how other also doing it and its frustrating if you trade manually.
  22. Its so lonely in this thread. I'm the only one posting in here and I'm the only one earning in here. But I already committed myself in here. I already have 200 dollars capital balance in here and I only have 70 dollars exposure in here and this month I have plan to withdraw 10 dollars in here. I'm hoping that I can earn good amount of money in here until I reach bep in here.
  23. Now I see why even though FBS has no sponsored forum its still popular simply because of its pyramiding type of referral system. And for me this is dangerous as all form of pyramiding don't last as its only good if someone invest in FBS. But what if suddenly those investors can't find more referrals? Then we can end up seeing FBS close down? That's is my worries right now.
  24. AUD/USD has 61 pips daily volatility and USD/CAD has 45 pips daily volatility now in term of monetary value its 6.10 dollars daily volatility and 4.50 dollars daily volatility as in uwcfx the smallest lot is 0.01 and 1 pip is worth 10 cents. Suppose we going to use 5% as your money management rule. 5% of 100 dollars is 5 dollars only. A clear sign taht you can't even open AUD/USD. Another thing in USD/CAD has 4.50 dollars daily volatility and its below 5 dollars your maximum amount to risk. Now what will be your SL? as you only have 50 cents extra funds to loss? And that 50 cents is only 5 pips. So are you wiling to put 5 pips as your SL?
  25. Date: 1/29/2013 8:59 AM Batch: 129438303 From Account: U7671442 (InstaForex Payments) Amount: $2.00 Memo: XXXXXXXX-WITHDRAW-liberty: 2.00 Thank you.
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