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Everything posted by budado

  1. That's really curious me how come this site can pay this long. I guess if can speculate its either doing selective payments. I guess all of the proof of payments come from hyip monitoring sites and its not actually an investments earnings or profit earnings but rather a commission earnings. For me this is the only explanation why its still payign until now.
  2. I will try to post today and hope to reach 369 points in here. I'm happy that I'm earning in here each month. Although I tried to cashout and maintain 500 points to 1000 points post each month. I still end up earning less than 5 dollars on each request of payments in here. I guess I only get two to three payments that is in full amount in my whole life posting in here. The rest always below the amount that I requested.
  3. that's why I tried to post in here as regulary as I can. Beside 10 post per day is not bad at all. I'm just hoping that I can make good income in here in the long run. Just 10 post per day five times a week means I can earn 50 cents a week in here. If theirs four weeks in a month that's 2 dollars earning a month. For me not bad at all. I'm just hoping that I can end up making good profit in here in the long run.
  4. I also post as regulary as I can in here. Now instead of three times a week post I'm trying to post four to five times a week post in here. For me this is the best way to maintain my posting power in here. I'm hoping to see myself reach a 200 post before February 20. So that I can request payments and get paid at the end of the month. I just hope that I can post that fast in here.
  5. I'm happy that my request of payments has been approved and that means I'm going to get paid soon. I'm hoping to reach 1,500 points next week. I already have 1,100 points but if I will get paid then its going to be down to 600 points and that means I will need to post regularly in here if I want to maintain my 1,500 points target points. Because 1,500 points means three pending payments buffer zone.
  6. Yeah. that's true. GT actually is not an earning forum. Its only sponsored by goldpoll and goldpoll is the one that is paying us. That's why admin really don't mind if activity is down or bad as long its goldpoll hyip monitoring site is earning good and earning well. But same time I think the main reason why GT has slow in payments because of goldpoll low income as a hyip monitoring site.
  7. @jkke, Posting for three days straight now in here. I hope to continue posting every day in here. the good thing about 10 post a day only is that its only take me about 15 to 20 minutes to finish posting in here so its really good to post regulary in here. But my initial plan is to post in here five times a week and I will give myself a two days rest in here each week.
  8. I have about 36 dollars worth of post in here. At this rate I think I can still reach 50 to 60 dollars before the end of the month. I 'm hoping that I can earn good amount of money in here. I know its hard to make good living in here and I know that no matter what we do we can't earn good amount of money in here unless we make good income in instaforex as we only earn bonus that we can trade in instaforex.
  9. I have another problem for next month. Its seems my activity will going to go slower and slower as theirs a lot of things to do right now. I do hope that I can end up still maintaining my earning. Right now I do hope that I can end up earning good and earning well. But sad to say no matter what I do. Even if I'm going to post in here the whole day at most I can earn is only 1.10 dollars on average each day.
  10. Just speculation not realy a fact. The only person who really knows the true nature of this forum is admin himself. But since I really don't see any reason why I'm going to be active or going to get paid in this forum right now. I prefer to say that this site is dead ptp forum unless admin pays its members then that's the time I will going to return in here. As theirs a saying "good reputation is not, given its earned".
  11. My trategy is simple what I earn in fxfred right now I invest in other broker sites that has mini and cent accounts. And I just let it grow in their and if I have enough capitla then that's the time I will going to invest back in Mayzus. The good thing about this is that while I wait for my 1,000 dollars capital target I'm trading real account in other broker sites and its not only the earning that make me happy but the experience and knowledge I gain that I can use to trade in Mayzus.
  12. I'm going to post and hope to reach 756 points right now and I'm hoping that on monday dmt will going to process and pays its members and I guess by that time I can reach another 500 points then I guess I can request payments at that time also. So I'm still hoping to earn 10 dollars total this month in dmt. I know admin is some how busy but still I know even if he is buys he still pay fast.
  13. 411 points. I only need 90 more points or 45 post and I'm good to withdraw in here again. I'm hoping that I can post in here and reach 500 points on friday. I hope that even though Its friday I can still end up counted and by paid on sunday or monday if theirs going to be payments next week. But if not its okay. I'm sure after a week or two I will also going to get paid as its really a good paying forum.
  14. I'm online whole day but I really don't spend much time staring at my account. For me I don't need to. Becuase I already put SL and TP so regardless what will happen I'm sure to see my postiion either still floating or have SL and TP already. I do make sure though to check my analysis and see if the trends and pattern chance so that I can close some losing position even if its still not get SL and open more position to tak advantage of the new trend.
  15. My total capital is 1,000 dollars right now in eight accounts. The lowest capital in one account has 40 dollars plus only an the highest is 275 dollars capital. But even though my lowest capital in one account is 40 dollars sometimes I can earn more in here than the 275 dollars account as each account represent different pairs and sometimes I make some loses in some account and make profit in other account. But over all on average I do earn 100 dollars a month. But last month I did earn 330 dollars total.
  16. Right now I like to trade eur/jpy while its still volatile. Once its stop being volatile I will going to find other pairs that is very volatile. Right now I'm happy that I'm earning trading eur/jpy but I know also that if I make wrong positioning I can get big loses. This is the risk that I'm willing to take. As I'm sure the more I can trade with focus the more I can be in earning side.
  17. If its free for me its basic. And basic bots usually are good only in certain trends and patterns but in other trends and patterns its not going to work at all. That's why I suggest that we going to invest our time in demo acount first and try our bots in their. If you see that its working just fine in demo account that's the time you going to try to trade that bots in real account.
  18. Open as many accounts as you can and just reinvest what ever profit you have in other account. Don't invest and reinvest your profit in the same account as you can get MC all of your earnings wil be loss also. But if you have multiple accounts at least you can earn in one account even if you get MC in other account. And for me this is the best way to make money in forex.
  19. And if ever you get MC. Some has 20% to 50% capital left after you get MC. So you still have some funds to trade. But usually that 20% to 50% is not 20 to 50% of your capital but rather 20 to 50% of your free margin and that means what left to you you can't even trade as you need at least 100% free margin to trade and make money. But that's a clear sign that you can stil have some capital left even if you get MC.
  20. First 10,000 members and we going to have a pioneer status. its good thing as we can have good rate compare to regular members only but same time I doubt that this site is going to last long enough for us to earn in here. I even doubt that this site going to reach 10,000 members before its turn to scam. But if this site going to last longer and going to pay longer then I guess we have another good ptc site.
  21. I guess its a new site. This thread is new but when I check the site I can't open it anymore. I don't know if I'm just the one who can't open the site and I don't know if this site even existed at all. I wonder if anyone can confirm if this site is available or not. If not then I guess its time to close this thread. As I'm sure this site has turn to scam already.
  22. I'm just curious. I open and post in a thread with almost the same if not the same content as this one but the title is not the same. I'm wondering if this is real stats or not since when I visited the site its only accepting paypal and payza while above its accepting payza and LR. So for me this is a clear sign that the stats above is fake. Unless if this site just chance its processors.
  23. Just wondering how much is the minimum amount to withdraw in here? I think its important to put also how much is the minimum amount to withdraw in here. So far I see this site running good but I'm afraid to join and check the details as I feel I'm just wasting my time as I don't know and I don't think its going to pay if ever I join and click in here. I just don't feel its worth it to join in here right now.
  24. This is a buxhost script ptc site and its only cost 25 dollars a month to operate and to maintain and you think I'm going to invest and upgrade in here? Just imagine if ten members going to upgade in here. That's already total of 34.90 dollars and that mean each month if theirs ten members who going to upgrade in here admin of this site can sustain his ptc site
  25. I prefer not to loss but going to succeed. We don't need to loss to succeed. What we need is to learn how to trade in forex before we even try to invest in fores. As this is the best way to make money in forex without taking too much risk. I know many don't like forex trading because of fear of losing money. But if they know how to trade I'm sure they will have confidence to trade and make profit in forex.
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