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Everything posted by budado

  1. Scalping is trading with just 15 TP target. I'm hoping to make good income in forex trading by trading long term than by trading short term. Right now my goal is simple. The less I take the hit the less I'm going to loss. Sometimes we are aiming to earn big but we end up getting MC. That's why right now I tried to minimize my exposure to forex trading and only trade few lot and few position at a time.
  2. In forex trading the secret to success is just so simple and that is practice. Theirs no trader new or veteran that will end up successful for a long time if they don't practice in demo account first. the only reason why they last and make money is that they practice and they have plans and no matter what will happen they are determined to succeed. I have lots of loses in forex also but same time I'm happy to say that some how I still make profit some how.
  3. I'm happy with my posting in here so far I have some two to three consecutive post in here each week and sometimes I have five days posting in a week in here. I'm hoping to make it 10 post a day each week in here to maximize my earnings and activity in here. Right now so far my scheduling of posting seems working. I'm hoping that I can increase my earnings in ptp forums while my earnings in forex decreases.
  4. I agree. 10 dollars a month is actually reachable if you are daily poster in here. I have tried and I have earned 1 dollar plus a day in here for many days in here when i'm still active in here so I can say its really good to post in here a daily as we an so that we can earn 10 dollars or more a month in here. I'm hoping to see myself earning good and earning well in here in the long run.
  5. And activity now increasing again since its started to pay. But its seems activity is only limited in payment processor and in ptp sections the rest of the section still has some slow activity. I'm hoping that in hyip section the activity will going to increase so that I can post more in hyip section as well. I also hope that payments will be done twice a week and not once a month or more.
  6. Finally after four days on no posting I'm back posting in here again. I'm happy that I'm back posting. I have hard time posting and I feel that I slow down but now I'm determine that ever to continue posting and become one of the best poster in here in term of quantity post. In short I will try to post in here as regularly as I can and I'm hoping that I can increase and maintain 10 dollars a month earning in here.
  7. I'm going to post in here tonight and hope to reach 1,000 points tonight. This is my goal and this is what I want to achieve in here. So far so good that this site is paying even though its paying theirs just too many pending payments that its end up payments seems so slow. But if you visit the payments section you will see how many have been paid this month already.
  8. That's true. Right now I just want to slow down posting in here. I already reached 5000 points plus and tonight will be the last night that I'm going to post in here for this month. As the maximum of the points that I will get paid is 5,000 points anyway. I'm hoping that I can still earn about 30 dollars and above in here even if this site will going to have some division of payments against.
  9. I only trying to maintain 10 post a day in here if I can. I'm not really hoping to earn big in here but its good to continue posting in here and hoping to earn big in here. One thing I'm sure right now is that when this site is paying its going to pay within a week after you request payments. So we really know if the site stop paying or not since after a week if theirs no payments we know its already pending.
  10. I now have 60 dollars plus in here. I'm happy with what I achieve right now. I'm hoping to earn big amount of funds in mt5 so that I can continue trading and earning in instaforex. I don't know how come instaforex can keep on paying lots and lots of members in mt5 but one thing I'm sure as long I'm earning when I'm trading in instaforex I'm going to keep on posting in mt5.
  11. I'm happy that some how I'm posting regularly in here again. I'm now focusing on reaching another 500 points in here and I'm hoping that I will going to get paid with my pending request of paymentsd in here. I know its hard to make good income in forex trading and that's why I'm trying to squeeze lots of profit as much as possible in here. Lets just hope that we can see MEF still going to pay forever even though its does not have much activity for a long time now.
  12. I already reduce my post to 20 post three times a week in here. So over all my post will be 60 post a week in here only. But I'm sure once the payments has been done activity will going to start increasing again. We just need to be patient if we really want to be earning in mtw still. Because I know mtw is stable and its going to pay soon as dmt already got paid we are next.
  13. I'm happy that today I can finally request payments in here again. So far so good with my activity in here. I'm hoping that I can bounce back with my low income this month in ptp forums. I hope that to see dmt going to continue paying for a long time. Having been running for few years I see dmt grow strong and I see dmt struggle also. But one thing I learn is that in the long run dmt always prevail.
  14. I don't know if its a blessing or not. My plan is to invest 1,000 dollars in uwcfx this coming march 1 but I decided not to. And now just two weeks before March three out of my five accounts in forex got MC. I really don't expect this to happen and its so frustrating. I guess its a wake up call that I need to think it for a long time before I'm going to invest bigger amount.
  15. I have good earning last month and even first two weeks of this month and suddenly three of my accounts got MC in span of three days. Its so hard for me to bounce back right now. And I'm hoping that the other five of my accounts will going to earn me enough to bounce back in three to four months. I'm so frustrated with what happen to me in here. I really don't expect it. The market is trading side way and my analysis say its going to be bullish in the long run but suddenly the price deep while I'm off because of vacation.
  16. I think right now if I really want to be a successful forex trader I need to attend forex seminars. I know theirs some potential in forex trading but same time I just don't know if I really can earn good amount of money in forex or not. Because right now three of my accounts got MC after eight months of trading and earning profits. So I just feel surprise with what happen. But I think if I have some proper education I can actually be a successful forex trader.
  17. Its both God gift and learned. God give us the consciousness and its up to use to develop that consciousness to something useful. I have hard time earning in forex right now but I don't blame God for this. I blame myself becuase I know God give me the power to learn and yet I don't use that power to learn in good use as I don't do my best at all. I hope that this year will be my luck year.
  18. Don't try to trade big right away but don't trade small amount also. Try to compute how many pips volatility the pair have each month and then double it. that's will the amount you need to have on each position you open. So if you want to open multiple position its better you have bigger capital as well. That's why right now I decided to slow down in forex trading.
  19. I guess its time for me to relax again in demo account. I have a bad week. I got MC in three of my accounts and counting. I'm just so tired of trading and making analysis only to get MC after few trade. I do hope that I can make good income in forex but what the use if I do earn 10 dollars only to loss 20 dollars on the next day right? I think its better that I'm going to attend formal forex schooling.
  20. Just give me 10,000 dollars and I'm good. I know its hard to make good income in forex and that's the main reason why I prefer to have big amount to survive market volatility. I want to have 10,000 dollars capital plus 50,000 dollars extra funds in case theirs going to be some problem with my account. This is for me is the ideal capital if I want to be successful in forex.
  21. We can only minimize risk but I doubt if we can make risk go away. I do make some income in forex and one thing I learn right now is that in forex trading its take time to make money. Forex is not something that we can just invest and hope we can make profit right away. Forex is something that we need to focus and continue focusing until we reach a point in which we make good income. Its does not come that easy.
  22. That's the problem. Many newbies and even veteran traders just want to earn in forex and so excited that they decided to invest big. Me I do hope I can earn big time in forex. I know that many will like to see themselves earning big and earning well. In fact I do hope I can earn big amount of money in forex in the long run. That's my mental focus in forex. Profit and I want to make sure I can make it a reality.
  23. I will be forever be a hyip investors. I don't have plans to incur loses in hyip sites as I'm sure theirs no way I can make good income in hyip but in forex at least I know I can make some profit in here. I know that in the long run I can see myself become the most stable and profitable trader. I hope and I'm hoping that this will come true. But sometimes the risk is just too great that we can get MC also.
  24. Its a market of all currency in the world. The more currency you have the more profit you can make and that's what I want to take as an opportunity. Just imagine if you know how to do buy and sell. The more you do buy and sell the more you can make good money in here. I know many don't like forex trading. But if you only learn how to trade you can give yourself an earning chances.
  25. Do okay has half a cent rate transaction? Anyway I do think PM still have some followers as many hyip sites still accept PM. Beside the good thing and I think the reason why so many hyip admin like to use PM is that you can withdraw your funds via bank transfer. A features that LR until now does not have. But still many do prefer ot use LR than to use PM.
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