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Everything posted by budado

  1. 2 cents is a high click rate. I do hope that I can make good income in here. I do hope that in the long run I can make good in here. But same time I know if a ptc site has 2 cents per click rate theirs a big chance that its going to turn to none paying. As theirs no way this site can end up paying. I really do like to earn big amount. but same time sometimes we need to let reality sets in and see that theirs no way this site can pay.
  2. I do like to see this site paying good and paying well forever. I know theirs some ptc site that has been paying for more than four years now and I'm hoping that this sitew will going to do the same. I know the odds are always against me. But my point is that if we can make profit in here then why not right? I'm sure this one will going to last long. I'm sure this site will be good and paying for a long time if we can only join and invest in here to make profit.
  3. I like to join as manyptc site as I can. I know its hard to make profit in ptc site but in ptc sites its about quanity and not quality. The more ptc site you join and click the more chances you can make some profit some how. I do know that its hard to make some earning in ptc but if you join 500 ptc sites and 100 pays you 1 dollar each a month then you can end up earning 100 dollars a month.
  4. The best way to know if this site is going to pay or not is by joining then click and then hope that we will get paid by this site. I know its hard to make good income in here so lets just hope that we can earn good amount of money in here. I have have hard time finding a good ptc site but same time as long you don't invest in a ptc sites you actually loss no money but only time that you spend clicking.
  5. High profit seems like no profit in here. I don't know but theirs just too many scam ptc site right now and I do feel that its owned by the same admin. Just commonsense dictates that theirs no way a site like this one can get some advertisers and charge those advertisers mor than 3 cents per click if that advertisers can advertise in a much popular ptc site that only charge less than a cent per click.
  6. 3 cents is not a regular rate. I don't know about other clickers but if you ask me theirs no way this site is going to pay at all. I know its hard to make good income in ptc site and we can end up getting scammed in here so its better that we just going to forget about this site and not going to join this site at all. Don't waste your time and effort in here. I'm sure this site will going to turn to scam. I'm sure this site will be a dead site even before we get paid for our first request of payments.
  7. 10 cents per click? I think this is a clear sign that this site is a scam site. Theirs no way this site can pay 10 cents per click. Who going to advertise and pay a ptc site more than 10 cents per click if theirs an aurora ptc sites that they can pays less than a cent per click? So for me this site is a scam site. I doubt that ptc site like this one will going to pay unless admin of this site is foolish enough to pay its members at the rate of 10 cents per click.
  8. My concern right now is this 50% back. For me this is a clear sign that this site is near its end. Lets face is a site that offers big discount in ptc sites usually is their way of getting investors before they turn to scam so for me chance are this site is going to turn to scam. I do hope I can join and not invest and still end up going to make some profit in here. But same time I'm worried that its going to stop paying soon.
  9. Yeah, Its really good for admin of a hyip site to try his best to maintain his hyip site. I know all hyip site will eventually turn to scam. But important thing is that if you are in hyip investing and you earn and the hyip site keeps on paying chance are we can make good income in here. I don't know if its too late to invest not but one thing I'm sure I rather invest in this site that is paying for now than invest in a new site that we don't know if its going to pay or not.
  10. Its not paying in goldpoll so for me its not paying or doing selective payments. Usually those hyip monitoring sites are the last accounts not to get paid. The first that will not get paid are regular investors and other investors will still give doubts to the claim of others who are not been paid since they see that in a hyip monitoring sites is still paying. That's why when theirs smoke theirs always a fire so its better that we shy away than to take more risk.
  11. I can still open the site but its seems the author of this thread did not return to update us if theirs payments or not. I'm hoping that we can earn good amount of money in here. I know that in the long run if this site is going to pay some how its going to last long because of its stable plan. But that's is if its going to pay. And right now I'm thinking that this site can either make us or break us. Since theirs no room for a hit and run in here.
  12. Its really important to check if a hyip site is paying first before we invest. I know its hard to make good living in a hyip site but if we can earn good amount of money in here each month then I can say its going to make use earn good and earn well. I'm just hoping that even if we going to invest now in here we can still reach bep in here. my goal and my dream right now is to reach a point in which I can earn good amount of money in a hyip site.
  13. It's good if its paying and its bad if its not. Right now I also play poker. In fact I'm an addict poker player. But one thing I learn in my life right now is that if we want to make good income playing poker we better play only free poker and not invest in any of it. I don't know if this site will going to last but I will base my rating of this site if its paying and not if its playing because in the long run poker will drain our pocket.
  14. I can't open the site also. I guess this site is a goner now. I'm hoping to earn good amount of money in here. I know its hard to make good income in a site like this one. One thing I'm sure though that in the long run we can really make good income in here if we know what to do. I really like that this thread be close in few days if this hyip site will not return. As I'm sure its will be officially declared scam site. lols
  15. 150 days seems too long for me to wait. Beside this site has only one plan. I doubt that its going to last that long. A hyip site like this one usually turn to scam after a week or two and since the plan is long term admin of this hyip site can maximize its earnings by keeping the site running for two weeks and paying its members. At most admin of this site will loss is about 20% of our investments only the rest is his to keep.
  16. Lets just hope that their will be a good earning in here. I know the risk that is happening in here. I know that we going to have hard time earning in here. But one thing I'm sure right now if this site is going to pay some how we can minimize our exposure by withdrawing the interest or the profit that we are getting from this site. The more we withdraw the more we can reach BEP soon. That's what I'm hoping to achieve in here.
  17. I think this is a clear evidence that we shall not invest in here. Theirs no way we can earn good amount of money in here. I know its hard to make good living in here. As we can just get scammed by this site. Unless your really think a hyip site like this one will going to pay 250% in three days. But I doubt it. I don't want to loss money in here at all. It's a waste of time if you ask me.
  18. Its so important that we don't invest too much in a hyip site. This one is good but its better that we just going to invest minimum. Lets try to increase our earnings only by finding more hyip sites. In this way if one turn to scam at least we still have many others hyip site that can make us earn money. Right now I'm trying to find ways and means to make good income in hyip and I think its good to invest minimum in here.
  19. IDate: 3/3/2013 12:25 PM Batch: 133974150 From Account: U0990758 (DMT and MTW Account) Amount: $5.00 Memo: Payment From Money Talk World Forum, Post proof at different forum!!! Thank you.
  20. This is my priority ptp forum right now. And that's the main reason why I'm trying to post in here as regularly as I can. Although my post average is just 10 post a day on average. I just want to make sure that I can post in here as daily as I want so that when time come for me to request payments in here I can request payments in here twice a month. That's my goal in here right now.
  21. I don't see any difference. I'm posting in here almost every days and if theirs a slow down as you say I don't see or feel it. As I can still post in here 70 point each time I visited this site without any problem. I guess you are just concentrating in one section. Try to spread your post in as many section as much as possible in this way you can post each day without any problem.
  22. I'm happy that 37 dollars has been approved to be paid to me. Actually its a full 50 dollars but theirs a 73% payments only. And I feel that is 2% lower than last month since if my memory is right last month theirs 75% payments right? I don't know right now if I want to cheer or jeers. I want to cheer because fxfred is finally getting popular. But problem is that the more members post in here the less we can earn in here.
  23. I'm some how struggling but same time I'm still hoping that in two to three years time I can bounce back and hand a solid earnings in mt5. I know mt5 right now is my favorite if not one of my favorite forums to post. I almost most 20 days a month in here. Compare to other ptp forums that I usually post 10 days a month. My goal in mt5 is now to earn 70 to 80 dollars a month.
  24. Now its request of payments and payments waiting time for me. I'm hoping to receive payments this first week of March. I still don't have any earnings this month and I'm hoping to have some good earnings in here. I'm hoping that in two to three days time I can see my earnings in my email. I also trying to be more active in here as I really need to increase my monthly income since my forex income decreasing.
  25. I'm now happy with how I handle my account in here. I'm trying to spread as many post as I can and I have posted in hyip and in ptp sections. I still not post in ptc section since I feel that the rate in that section is below 1 cent. Although its seems I'm the only one until now complaining about it. But anyway I will try to focus on posting in ptp sections and sometimes in hyip sections just to reach 200 point soon.
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