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Everything posted by budado

  1. Nice to see proof of payments but seriously? 131% in one day? I don't know how this site can sustain and maintain its paying in here but I doubt it. I doubt that its going to pay at all. One thing I'm sure this site can turn to scam in matter of few days only but if its paying I guess its doing selective payments as its seems the only proof of payments that I see come from a hyip monitoring site.
  2. I'm surprise to see like 25 to 30 hyip monitoring site that has paying status. I do hope that we can end up making good income in here. I'm little tired and bored in here at the same time. But same time I'm hoping that I can be a successful investors in here. Tired and bored simply because after you invest you are actually at the mercy of admin aif he going to continue paying or not.
  3. 110% profit in seven days or one week is actually look good. As in ten weeks we can reach bep in here and that means its less than 100 days and we can reach bep in here. I'm thinking that one week plan one time investments is some how a good try as this is the only way we can do hit and run in here. The 30 days plan look long for me and I doubts that its going to last that long.
  4. Is my eye correct? the shortest plan in here is three days plan? If its three days plan then for me that is a good start. I think its much better if we can find ways and means to explore this by doing a hit an run perhaps? This is a good way to make good income in a hyip site. As the more risk we are willing to take in here the more we can end up making lots of loses. I do hope that in a hit and run we can make profit but longer than that I don't know if we can.
  5. Nice to see this site paying but I'm some how disappointed that even though its paying theirs only like four hyip monitoring sites that is monitoring this site a clear sign that its not popular among hyip monitoring site and if its not popular among hyip monitoring site then I don't see any reason why its going to be popular amount investors as well. I guess theirs some reason why a hyip monitoring site does not want to monitor this site right?
  6. <div> </div><div>50 weeks is really not my waiting game. I do like to invest in hyip but I want to cashout as early as I can. That's why I prefer to invest in 5 days to 10 days type of plan. More than 10 days for me the waiting period is just too long and less than 5 days sometimes its means we are taking too much risk. That's why if I invest in hyip I prefer to 5 to 10 days plan. But still if you feel its good to try this one we can try this one as well.</div>
  7. Then use bank trransfer if its available. You don't need to pay higher fees if bank transfer is available. The only reason why bank wire is much higher that bank transfer is because bank wire uses third party bank while bank transfer is doing direct transaction. That's why paypal can afford to transfer funds to my bank with zero fees as long I withdraw 180 dollars or more. In PM case. I still not have enough funds to try to withdraw in here to my bank.
  8. I need to have 10,000 dollars capital if I want to earn 500 to 1,000 dollars a month. I know my goal is to earn 5 to 10% profit each month in forex. But that's 50% to 100% profit every 10 months. And in my last eight months experience my earnings is between 10 to 30% profit each month. But that's is because I'm using 1,000 dollars capital and I earn 100 to 300 dollars profit. But if I have 10,000 dollars then I will play even more safer just 500 to 1,000 dollars. and that's is all will be in LR when I cashout.
  9. I need 180 dollars more or less to withdraw to my bank each month so that I don't need to pay about 1.25 dollars fees. That's the main reason why I wan to increase my earnings online via paypal. But sad to say my broker accounts suffer lots of MC and that's why my earnings now is totally affected. From 100 dollars plus minimum I only end up earning 9 dollars this month of march.
  10. I don't think of any. I can't use payza in forex trading like before. I don't want to use payza in my online exchange like before because many exchanger sites does not want to accept payza anymore. In short I end up having low market for payza that's why I don't use payza anymore as well. And in term of value its just a small compare to other processors so having payza for me will end up at loss.
  11. One thing I'm sure if you are in industrial country chance are you going to have smooth use of skrill. But if you are in 3rd world country chance are they will automatically think that you are a scammer. I have experience this first hand. they suspended my account without due process. But when I push for evidence so that I can defend my account they ask me to call them. When I ask for tool free number they say they don't have any. I ask if they can shoulder my international call they say they can't I need to pay the long distance bill. No skype, no online video call too.
  12. Its funny that okpay has lower its fees in withdrawals but increase its fees in getting your bank accounts verified. Unlike other processors okpay charges id subdivided. Meaning you pay fee for withdrawals. But before you can withdraw you need to verify your banks first so its another fees and in case the transaction failed you need to pay another fees. Its seems if you going to total all the fees your first withdrawal will be like paying 60 dollrs more or less in worse case scenario.
  13. Egopay is really trying to get the void alertpay leave when alertpay become payza and chance its rules that they don't want to cather hyip sites anymore. I do hope that in the long run we can earn good amount of money in egopay but I think what egopay need if its really want to have a stable hold in hyip is to invest in promoting itself in ptp forums as well. So that those who got paid in ptp forums will use their egopay funds to invest in hyip as well.
  14. Until now I still do believe that its in instaforex that I will grow and become a big trader. Although I only trust instaforex for my cent and mini account if I'm going to have lite account then I guess I'm going to trust other broker sites that is good for lite account as right now I can't find a lite account in instaforex. If I become a successful lite account trader then I will going to go for standard account. And I guess in standard account I will going to invest in a site that is advertise in bloomberg.
  15. I'm trading full time and banks traders and financial institutions has lots of forex traders that is trading full time. I'm sure we can earn big amount of money in forex trading. The only question is how can we maximize our profit in forex. I know many don't like to loss money in forex and that's the main reason why so many do like to trade hoping that they can become a successful trader some day.
  16. Its all depends on your strategy. Its happen that I trade every day because I'm a full time trader and I make sure that I'm making good income in forex and no matter what will happen I want to make sure that I can earn good amount of money. I do hope that in the long run I can be a successful forex trader. I know its hard to make money but lets just focus on learning and I'm sure earning will come.
  17. Its all about supply and demand. For example if you have US dollars and you want yen The exchange rate will going to chance depends on demands and supply. If theirs a lot of supply of yen then the price can go up in US dollars. If theirs lot of demands in yen the price of US dollars will drop. That's why its good to make good income in forex if we are trading knowing what the supply and the demand.
  18. Practice and practice. Read and read. And don't bother to think about making profit. This is the main reason why so many end up losing money. Newbies prefer to earn and make money right away that they reject spending time learning. In the end a trader who don't know how to trade end up losing money. That's why I do recommend that we spend more time and effort in demo account if we are newbies.
  19. Its good to have daily profit and I'm hoping that I can end up earning good amount each month. Just imagine that in two to three years time I can earn 1,000 dollars a month or more. This is my goal and this is what I want to achieve and so far so good that I'm in the right direction. I'm just hoping though that I can end up making good income to the point that I can reach my goal.
  20. If you can't master one then how can you make profit in other pairs? that's why its good to master one pair at a time. Me its take me six months to master one pairs and when I jump to eight pairs hoping to exagerate my earnings I end up getting multiple MC and that's why I'm back to square one in which I'm maintaining three pairs and not eight as I use to. I want to have a strong accounts and pairs first before I expand again.
  21. I slow down trading in my real account and focus in demo account again after I experience multiple MC. I have loss four of my real accounts already and only have four active accounts right now. My plan is to make this four accounts that is active stronger than ever. then hope that I can grow my account to the point that I can be a successful trader. I know its really hard to make money in forex so lets hope that I can end up making good income in here in the long run.
  22. Question is what is realistic return? Some say they earn 200% a month. Some blog say regular traders earn 40 to 60% a month. While I earn only about 10% a month. My question is what is realistic earning? Becuase even though I earn only 10% a month that's already 120% profit each year. And if some who claim they double their money each month then concervative yearly earning will be 2200% a year profit. So what is really realistic earning average?
  23. Right now eur/jpy and usd/jpy is settle down. I'm hoping that its not going to loss another 200 pips and I'm hoping its going bouce back. Actualy usd/jpy has bounce back alreayd its only eur/jpy that I need to wait and hope to bounce back but my analysis don't have a clear sign that its going to be. I do hope that I can recover soon enough to have another 1,000 dollars so that I can start trading in uwcfx again. If only mayzus has mini account its will be much easier to recover than a lite account.
  24. 4 cents per click for me is a clear sign that this site is a scam site. I know its hard to make money in a ptc site and 4 cents rate look tempting. But commonsense is that even 1 cent per click ptc site has hard time paying its members how much more this site. I think its better that we just going to look for ways and means to find a much better ptc site than this one. I think this thread is better be close so that other members will not be scammed by this site.
  25. I just see a ptc site just like this one with the same rate also but the only difference is that this site name is different or the site that I see before this is different. A clear sign that this can be a clone script. Maybe admin of this site open multiple ptc using the same script and hoping that he can get more with having more ptc sites opened using one script and just open new sites and just closing this script and change its template.
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