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Everything posted by budado

  1. I guess until now I'm going to stick to one broker site and that is instaforex. Its not a perfect broker site but as long I'm earning I don't see any reason why I'm going to get worried. I been trading and making profit for sometime now. I know its hard to make good living and I know that in the long run I going to have hard time earning. But one thing I'm sure right now that I can make good income in forex if I have trust to my broker site.
  2. Over trading, Aggressive approach. this is the main reason why they incur loses. they make profit and they feel that they are earning good so they increase their lot size and when they make another profit they increase lot size and so on until they reach a point in which they experience the price reversal and since they increase the lot size so high they end up getting MC in just a few pips loses.
  3. I'm happy that with my 50 dollars capital in one account and 300 dollars capital in other account. My 50 dollars earn me right now 9 dollars and that is more than 10% of my target profit even though I'm only half way this month as 10% of 50 dollars is only 5 dollars so this month target is already accomplished. I also make 42 dollars in my 300 dollars trading capital and that is more than 10% also as 10% of 300 is only 30 dollars. So in short got my target profit this month even though theirs still two weeks to go.
  4. Practice. I know many do like to listen to tips simply because they don't want to practice in forex. But no matter how good the tips is if you don't know how to trade you can end up making big loses. I do recommend that we spend more time trading in demo account than in real account. this is the only way we can make profit in forex. I know its hard to make good income in forex but lets hope that in the long run we can as long we practice.
  5. Right now I'm more satisfied with my broker site than with my performance in forex trading. I been aggressive lately in forex and I end up getting multiple MC. I know I make a wrong decision when I decided to open multiple account with small capital as I over stretch my trading funds. But now I learn my lesson and now I'm trying to have a stable account. I tried to make sure that in the long run I can make good income in forex without any problem.
  6. In my many years in hyip I always end up investing and losing two capital investments before I can make one capital profit. So its like talking one step forward but slide down two step backward. But in forex I make eight steps forward and five step backward. Some how I do earn good amount of money in forex in the long run. I know I can do it and I know only patience is the key to success in forex and also a lot of trading capital to speak with.
  7. In demo account you have nothing to loss so you can trade aggressively and when you get MC you just can open new account or refresh your funds so you some how don't feel the loss but in real account once you incur loses its going to be a permanent loses and unless you make some profit in trading or earn more money you can end up getting more and more loses before you can taste some profit. Sad to say if you don't have enough capital then you will end up getting MC and no chance of returning back.
  8. Trade in demo and don't invest money in forex. This is the best tip I can give to newbies. Keep on trading in demo until you have enough skills and confidence to start trading in real account and when you are in real account make sure you can find a good broker site that has ptp forum that we can post and earn bonus funds. this is the best way to make money in here.
  9. I do like to earn and make good income in forex. For me no matter how small the bonus funds is its still a bonus funds. The good thing about forex trading is that we must make sure that we take forex trading seriously. Many don't like to trade in forex and many end up getting lots of loses in forex. But one thing I'm sure if we really want to make good income in forex we need to make sure that we are doing the right way in here.
  10. I'm making good income in forex each month and that is takes to bonus funds that I'm earning so I guess its only right to say that I'm earning good and earning well because of the funds that I earn from trading in forex. its not about who is right who is wrong in here its about making good of what we have and right now since most of us does not have starting capital to trade in forex its right for use to use the bonus funds to make sure we can make good profit.
  11. If you make money trading multiple currency then why not. My point is this. Theirs no don't and won't in forex trading even if you are a newbies as long you can handle the situation the right away. Most newbies though started to trade in forex without even doing some reviews and research and practice in demo account. So how do you expect them to learn and earn in forex? While other newbies has spend months attending seminars and practicing trading so of course they can handle multiple pairs right away.
  12. If you can speak and can see and can walk that's already god gift to us. We must make sure that we can earn and make money in forex by develop the skills of forex trading and we can't develop this skills if we can't see or if we can't think right. That's why the raw requirements to become successful in forex is already God gift to us. Its up to us to make this grow. I do make good profit in forex but its because I do hard work and I make sure I make good of God gift to me.
  13. First question is do you have enough capital? What is enough earning and what is enough capital for you? Me for example my average earning so far is 10% profit each month now if I have 10,000 dollars then I can earn 1,000 dollars a month and for me that is enough for me to make profit in forex. I don't like to say that I want to be rich or millionaire but we must be realistic if we want to make forex our full time earning job then we need to earn the amount that we need to earn to survive financially.
  14. Its really important to know money management rules and risk management rules and for me right now its very important to know more about risk management as this is were we can balance our money and our leverage an our lot size and the pair that we are trading. So far its having good analysis that really can make us survive in forex trading. Because money and risk management is only slowing down the loses but if you are against the trend you can end up dry in a month or two depends on your capital.
  15. In term of capital I guess I can manage. I run mini exchanger myself before but my main problem is how to turn my LR funds to cash. I mean I can buy LR who going to sell LR to me but how can I exchange my LR back to cash once I have lots of LR funds? this is the main problem. Is LR processor willing to buy back those LR funds that I have? This is what I want to know and understand first before I can operate.
  16. That's true. Skrill is like paypal but with dry attitude. I don't want to sound like racist but lets just be realistic in here. Compare to american for me british personality are boring. So I guess that's the same with paypal and skrill. Paypal is more fun to use than skrill and I guess its reflection of personality of the owner also. One good thing about skill is if you are located in UK then its good to have skrill.
  17. I find my username and password and try to open my account and so far I can still see my few cents in my account. I have payments in a ptp forum few years back and its in my account ever since. lols. Although I know this site will never turn to popular but if a forum will only pay via HD you have no choice but to cashout using HD and hope for the best. Hope to make good income in HD if theirs a way and means to do it.
  18. Okpay is good processor if you are going to handle big amount. So If I'm trading in forex and have 10,000 dollars capital in one broker site that accept okpay then I'm sure I'm going to use okpay. Since the fees can be manage if the amount of transaction in withdrawals is big. For example if you withdraw 100 dollars and have to spend 30 dollars on fees. that's a big amount. But if you have 10,000 dollars then 30 dollars seems a small amount.
  19. Its funny that I almost exchange my LR to PP since the value of PP two days ago was higher than LR. but when I tried to exchange my LR to PP. I check the rate again to my surprise the LR value is much higher than PP. So I not decided to exchange my LR to PP and instead just exchange it to cash. This is the good thing of having paypal as paypal has an withdrawal features that if I can't fine a good rate for LR I just going to exchange my LR to PP and if LR has good rate I will cashout via LR.
  20. That's why if STP really want to be a popular processor its need to promote itself in many earning sites as well. I'm sure if STP can penetrate the forex industry I'm sure it's going to get a big boost. Right now most broker sites added LR in their list of processor and the processor activity and popularity almost increase 30% right now from three years ago. In fact this year majority of LR activity now come from broker sites and not hyip sites. So just imagine if STP can do the same.
  21. Its good that in your country Payza is still good but in our country its not the same as before. Theirs just so many sites that is not using payza that most of those who use payza before only use LR as LR is getting popular and those sites that have payza as their processor has LR right now. That's why most of payza users in our country shift to LR as LR can easily be exchange to PP and Payza and even to cash but Payza you will have hard time finding exchanger.
  22. That's what I think also. The interest is much better than the bank. I guess its because theirs also a loan features. Although I really don't know how this loan feature works and what if I will not going to pay back and so on. I do like PM features and I guess this is also some of the reason why its is second to LR is hyip site processor alternative. Although not that popular and only a distant second.
  23. All the site plan has 30 days plan.I do hope that this site can last long. But one thing I'm sure right now if we going to take risk in here its better that we just going to compound our investments and wait for 30 days. I'm sure I can earn good in here if this site is going to pay at the end of the 30 days plan. But if the site will not pay at the end of the 30 days plan then we can end up getting loses as we can get scammed.
  24. Next week I'm sure we can see this site status as a scam site. Problem with hourly hyip site is that it does not last long and it can't last long even if its want to. I know its hard to make profit in here and I know that we can end up getting lots of loses if we keep on investing in here as this site main goal is to do hit and run. Meaning its going to pay first few investors then after theirs a proof of payments and investors add money they turn to scam.
  25. Coming soon? I bet this hyip site will turn to scam and yet this debitcard will never going to come. lols. I have seen so many hyip site offers and promise the same thing debitcard and all just turn to scam without giving a single investors their debitcard. I do hope that in the long run we can make good income in here. Its really hard money. I know but in the long run we end up getting big loses in here so its about reaching bep and making profit that is important in here not debitcard.
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