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Everything posted by budado

  1. So far theirs already a paying status from some hyip monitoring site. I do hope we can make good income in here. I'm just wondering though how long this site going to pay and if its going to pay for a long time. I do hope we can see this site paying good and paying well. So far so good that its paying and I'm hoping that in the long run we can end up making good income in here.I just really do hope its can be a good site enough for us to get BEP.
  2. I'm surprise that I see about 20 hyip monitoring site monitoring this site. So far so good that this site is paying. I do hope that I can earn good amount of money in here as well. I'm just hoping if a hyip site can invest 200 dollars in here why not me invest 50 dollars in here. Problem though is that hyip monitoring sites can actually maximize their earning in here. As this site can pay good and pay well for a long time.
  3. 120% a day we really need to ask our profit right away in here. lols. theirs no way this site can end up paying for more than a week so its good if we can invest and make money in here right away. I know its hard to make a good living in here and at most we can do is hit and run so I advice that we invest in here for two to three days at most only. More than that I do believe this site will turn to scam.
  4. This is the problem. We earn 4% but our principal in here included. If we going to deduct our principal then we are just actually earning 2% profit although some how its not bad but by earning 4% a day its going to take us 25 days just to reach bep in here so if the site turn to scam before 25 days then we don't get bep in here and we loss money in here. This is the risk that we need to take care in here.
  5. Theirs no way I'm going to invest an earn 0.55% profit each day in here. For me this is just too small amount for my own comfort. I can invest in here if the rate is 1.5% a day more or less but not as low as less than 1% because for me its not a hyip site if its not going to pay more than 1% a day. I do hope that I can earn big amount of money in here. I do hope that in the long run I can make good income in here.
  6. 45 days. I guess this is the shortest plan that we can invest and hope that we can get paid right now. I really do like to see this site end up paying good and paying well. So far so good that this site is paying and I'm hoping that I can earn good amount of money in here as well. But problem is that the waiting period is just too long that I'm afraid that this site can turn to scam before we get bep in here or reach first cycle in here.
  7. I'm sure this hourly hyip site is a scam site by now. Unless you believe that you can double your money in here every six hours. Just imagine 200% in six hours that's just too much and its really unstable. I do hope that in the long run I can earn good amount of money in here but we all know that a hyip site like this one can turn to scam in matter of few hours only. Theirs no way you can earn in here. This is a scam site for sure.
  8. This admin really don't think do you agree? Since this two plan has the same 10 dollars minimum what is advantage of investing in 60 days plan as I can only earn 6% a day and need to wait 60 days for the plan to mature while on one day plan on other hand I will going to earn 25% plus I can get back my principal in the say day or total of 125% in one day. So in short this hyip site admin those not think at all. lols.
  9. This is the most common script that I know right now. If you don't know this script or familiar with this script then you are not a hyip investors at all. I guess in one out of ten hyip sites that open each week one is using this kind of script and this kind of plan. They just chance some figures but over all this is the same script. If my memory is correct this type of script is only cost 250 dollars more or less and the older this script goes the cheaper it become.
  10. I see few hyip monitoring site actually investing in here from 100 dollars to 200 dollars range and that amount is a big amount. I notice also that most of hyip site that has investments in here has paying status while most of those hyip site that those not invest in here has not paid or waiting status. I guess its clear now why other hyip monitoring site has pending or waiting or not paying status. Because they don't have investments so theirs no payments to them. Its figures. lols.
  11. Another hourly hyip site. I really don't understand why theirs just too many hyip site that has an hourly plan that is still been created until now. I mean almost all know that an hourly hyip site is a scam site and almost no one is investing in an hourly hyip site so why theirs still so many hyip admin opening new hourly site each week? I guess theirs still so many foolish newbies investors falling for this strap?
  12. All the plan are in hourly and that is so risky if you ask me. I don't recommend that we invest big money in here. I do hope that in the long run we can earn good amount of money in here but 75 hours and paying hourly that's just so risky and unless this site is getting good number of investors each hours theirs really hard to sustain and maintain this site. That's why I do advice investors just to invest minimum or just shy away from this site.
  13. I'm just wondering what happen to this site after hack attack. Its this site going to end up paying again? I mean all request of payments has been cancelled and its say that investors need to request payments again but I don't see any update if this site is paying again or not. I'm some how worried to those who invest in here. I'm sure this site is good and paying. But I doubt it can after its has experience a hacking accident and in my experience this is mostly the excuse of many hyip site before its turn to scam.
  14. Some times I just feel tired of posting in here since I can't maximize my post in here. I only target 45 points in here instead of 50 points that I usually do. Although its only 5 points but in the long run its really can make a difference. I do hope that I can earn good amount of money in here still. But right now I don't feel that this site will be my priority although I still do post in here three times a week.
  15. Actually they advise that. But my problem is that I forgot my telephone pin and other valid information that I need and I need to go another process of renewal in here. I'm just tired and spending whole day chatting with chat support and filling the requirements to get the whole data that I need to open another account in Mayzus. Beside I already have joined so many other same broker sites ptp forum scheme.
  16. Now that I do reach 1,000 points plus in here and still don't see my request of payments approved I just feel low and don't want to post in here. But I'm still hoping that this site will going to continue paying but I guess its going to take more than a month of waiting before I will end up getting paid in here. I will try to be active in here once my request of payments has been approved. I will try to reach 1,500 points if my request of payments has been approved.
  17. If only I can pay others to post for me I will going to do it. lols. Just imagine if I can. But sad to day theirs no way I can download the bonus funds that they have. I'm thinking of finding ways to manage other accounts in instaforex. In short they post and I will going to trade on their behalf and if they make profit half of the profit is mine or 50-50 but my problem is what if its end up at loss or MC?
  18. I'm happy that I got in here. I'm going to post my proof of payments in here tomorrow if I can. I just have some problem with my print screen and saving it in paint. I do hope that I can fix this soon. I'm happy that I do earn good amount of money in here and I'm hoping that I can post in here as regularly as I can. So that I can maintain and earn at least 5 dollars a month in here.
  19. Date: 3/16/2013 5:48 AM Batch: 135931153 From Account: U0990758 (DMT and MTW Account) Amount: $5.00 Memo: Payout from DMT,Enjoy Posting at forum!!! Thank you.
  20. My earnings from fxfred Date: 3/11/2013 6:28 AM Batch: 135123704 From Account: U1602801 (UWC Financial Services Ltd) Amount: $38.00 Memo: IN ORDER OF Mayzus Investment Company Limited (9311.19) Thank you.
  21. If I'm going to post in here today I only have 40 post in here total. I'm still 160 post away from requesting payments in here. I know its hard to make good post in here since the rate is low and the activity is really not that good. But I do hope that I can sustain and maintain my post in here to the point that I can earn big amount of money in here without any problem at all.
  22. Date: 3/15/2013 9:18 AM Batch: 135812313 From Account: U3497716 (Bubetrade Venture) Amount: $0.50 Memo: Thank you for posting in Bubetrade forum! Please post your payment proof for next payment! Thank you.
  23. I have requested payments yesterday. I suppose to done that many days ago but I just have hard time doing it since I have lots to do offline. But since yesterday I can post whole day yesterday I'm happy that so far I'm earning good and earning well in here. I do hope that I can earn big amount of money. I know its paying slow right now but its still paying and even theirs a slow down my monthly income of 5 dollars a month is still preserve in here except February.
  24. I'm happy that I got paid in here. I will going to post my proof of payments in as many ptp forum as I can today also. I'm just happy that I got paid. I thought payments will going to come next week so I'm not really expecting any payments today but at least theirs payments now and I'm so happy. Hoping that their will be more payments going to come soon in here for me. As I request another payments right now. lols.
  25. Date: 3/15/2013 9:18 AM Batch: 135812313 From Account: U3497716 (Bubetrade Venture) Amount: $0.50 Memo: Thank you for posting in Bubetrade forum! Please post your payment proof for next payment! Thank you.
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