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Everything posted by budado

  1. Its their loss my friend not ours. Its better that we follow the rules as an example. Beside once they get warning they will realize their mistake and its up to them to correct it. Problem that I notice and sad to say most violators are actually hyip monitoring admin. They are admin also and they must be the one who need to respect dmt rules and regulation as they are site admin also but they are the one who end up violate dmt rules.
  2. I'm satisfied with my forex broker sites right now and I don't have plans to chance my broker site. But I do want to add more broker sites just to diversify my investments. I do hope that my main broker site will going to keep on growing along with my current capital. I really do like to trade and I really do like to see my account grow to the point that I will have 10,000 dollars trading capital.
  3. Each order I have has either 30 pips TP or 55 pips TP and its depends on market volatility. If the market is volatile so I will going to trade with big TP but if the market is not that volatile so I just settle down to 30 pips TP. Sometime I don't get TP and sometimes I also got multiple TP. I don't get SL as I don't use SL I trade using averaging and hedging strategy.
  4. In total I will say 2,500 dollars both investments and bonus funds that I earn from posting in ptp forums. So that's how much I loss and main while my total profit is about 1,500 dollars. So I guess I can say that I'm at loss right now. I don't want to count the capital that I have in my account as its can turn to profit or its can turn to loss. But as long its it my account its neither a profit yet or a loss.
  5. If you can manage more broker site then why not? Me right now that's what I want to accomplish. I want to trade in five broker site more or less for three reason. One is that we really don't know when a broker site will turn to scam. So its better that we have five broker sites. Secondly information. The more broker site you have the more likely you going to have more forex reading and studying material. And the third strategy. Having the same strategy is like do or die as you can end up earning or losing. But if you have five different broker sites and each broker site you use different strategy the better.
  6. Theirs a saying that your best friend can also be your worse enemy. As chance are in forex will be real. I have make good profit in forex fore eight months straight. earning 10 to 30% profit without encountering or experiencing MC. Until last month. And worse last month I have multiple MC experience. But starting then me and my best friend trend is friend again as I did earn again. Some how I'm hoping that it will be another 8 months of continues profit without getting MC.
  7. Trading and hoping to earn 15 pips more or less in matter of few hours to few minutes only. This is scalping and usually scalpers love to trade a very volatile pairs as the more volatile the pair the easy the order to get filled. Regardless if its going to be TP or SL. The objective of scalping strategy is to have lots of trading with small profits. So its more like quantity trade type of strategy and not quality type of strategy.
  8. Of course live mentor. Online mentor can't really give you the whole perspective in forex trading. But if you have a live instructor you can see how he trades and he can see how you trade live and this way you can learn a lot more. How I wish I can have a live instructor that going to teach me how to trade. I'm really interested to make forex my full time earning machine and I can only do that if I have a stable source of educations.
  9. Best if we can just browse and read some words about forex. We can increase our curiosity that going to result to more focus learning and earning chance. I know its hard to make good income in forex right now. But slowly but surely as long you read some forex terminology you going to get some idea and that Idea you can grow it to the point that you can make good income in the long run.
  10. Actually our performance in demo and real account base on skills will be the same. the only difference is that in demo account you have 50,000 dollars trading capital while in real account I'm sure it less. But if you have 50,000 dollars in your real account chance are your going to make good income in real account as well. That's why if I want to earn like I earn in demo account I need to have the same capital as my demo account.
  11. I only owe my trading knowledge mostly from forex forums so of course I will going to say yes as this is how I started to become a forex trader. Without forex forums I will be posting in ptp forums that is hyip sponsored and earn few dollars a month only. But now majority of my earnings come from forex trading. That's how good forex trading is for me and I will going to continue to trade until I reach a point in which I can earn full amount.
  12. I'm now thinking of having two accounts in mayzus as one for fxfred and one for mayzus forum. This to make sure that I can trade separately using accounts in here. I do hope I can make good income in here. I really like to see myself grow in this broker site. This is the only broker site that I have right now that I have a lite account. All of mhy active accounts in other broker sites are in mini account. That's why for me mayzus is a second step higher.
  13. I'm not active in here anymore but I do once trade in here as you can see my proof of payments above. And when I'm still active in here I don't have problem doing scalping in here. That's why I'm just curious if this scalping rules is a new rules or you just assume that its does not allow scalping? I do hope to be active in here again but I really need to have good capital if I want to be active in here once again.
  14. Date: 3/15/2013 5:40 AM Batch: 135786453 From Account: U7671442 (InstaForex Payments) Amount: $20.00 Memo: XXXXXXXXX0-WITHDRAW-liberty: 20.00 Thank you.
  15. I don't now but I don't feel that a rate like this one can make me earn good amount of money. So far so good that this site is giving us an opportunity to earn since this site has no minimum amount to withdraw. So just imagine if we can click 10 ads in here we can already earn 40 cents in here. that's is if all the ads that we click is worth 4 cents. But what if all ads we click in here has rate of mini cents?
  16. 50 cents is not bad at all. I'm hoping that I can earn good amount of money in here. I know its really hard to make good income so lets just hope that in two to three weeks time we can reach 50 cents in here and hope that we can get paid in here. Because if this site will not going to pay us we can end up getting lots of loses. I know its hard but lets just hope that we can actually make good in this site.
  17. I guess this is will be more of a type of ptc site that only going to earn money from members who is willing to click in here and invest at the same time. And its not really a ptc site that going to look for advertisers but more of a ptc site that going to revolve the investments of its members. In short in the long run we can end up getting lots of loses in here if we invest and only the lucky few will going to make some profit in here.
  18. 21 cents per click? In just five ads click its already 1 dollar. Do you think after clicking five ads in here we will get paid? Its good to try if I have free time but right now I'm just busy posting in ptp forums and clicking ads that I don't think its worth it to try to join and click in here just to find out if this site is going to pay or not. Because I'm sure chance are this site is not going to pay at all.
  19. I'm just curious with the 2.2 cents rate in here. its seems a good rate but problem right now is that most ptc sites that has 1 cent or more rate those not pay and those who does pay does not last long also. That's why I always have reservation to all ptc site that has high per click rate. If the site will going to pay then its going to pay but the chance are so low that I prefer to click in an aurora rate ptc site.
  20. This this a ptc? Why do we need to invest 1 dollar in order to earn in here? Can we just not join this site and click and earn via clicking only? Its good to make good income in here and make some profit in here. But if I need to invest even a dollar just to earn in here then I guess its a waste of my time. For me I earn online simply because I want to earn and not to invest and give myself a chance to loss money online.
  21. Two cents is a good rate per click but problem is that theirs just too many who end up losing lots of money in here simply because they don't know how to get referrals and make profit in here. Must clickers prefer to earn money in ptc site that they can promote and get lots of referrals so that they can earn via referrals click and not really via their own click. But if we really can make good income in here promoting this site then why not.
  22. So what is the rate per click in here? If theirs no minimum to cashout in here its good if we can earn 4 cents a day total in here and in 10 days we can earn 40 cents. I think if we can withdraw in here every 10 days then for me that is already a great achievement. So far I have a reservation its look cheap and I don't see any active clickers in here. But if this one will turn out good and paying then why not. Right?
  23. wow. 13 dollars in here? How did you earn that much in here since this site has a mini cent ads to click? I mean its going to take you 10 ads just to earn 1 cent in here right? So clicking and earning 13 dollars plus in here means you have click like 1,300 ads more or in here. That's for me is a great effort in your part. Unless theirs some ways and means that you make that much without really spending time clicking in here that many.
  24. 4 dollars minimum means its going to take us 4 months more or less to reach minimum and got paid in here. I don't know if anyone will going to start clicking in here hoping that they will get paid after four months. I don't have anything against this ptc site but if its going to take me 4 months to get paid in here I don't think its good idea to click in here at all. For me its just a waste of my time.
  25. budado -27th request of payments [LR] Username : budado Amount To Request (DMT points) :500 Liberty Reserve ID : U9169387 Thanks for the payments last time.
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