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Everything posted by budado

  1. I guess LR and HD just give up. I think LR decided to just make good with LR and just let HD be a dead e-currency if you ask me. I wonder though what happen to its gentleman understanding with LR. As far as I know LR has shown its potential as the becoming a good big brother for this site helping it to be popular as well. But after HD open and promote the site with some extra bonus when we cashout using HD instead of LR its just died out.
  2. I do have good chance of earning MB or skrills in forex trading but problem is that since my account got suspended in here I have no chance of opening a new account unless I'm going to sue skrills for suspending my account without a due process. I do hope I can still open an account in here just for back up purposes but right now I do earn good amount of money via LR so even without MB some how I still do can earn.
  3. Date: 3/21/2013 5:45 AM Batch: 136631356 From Account: U3497716 (Bubetrade Venture) Amount: $0.50 Memo: Thank you for posting in Bubetrade forum! Please post your payment proof for next payment! Thank you. Date: 3/21/2013 5:59 AM Batch: 136632846 From Account: U3497716 (Bubetrade Venture) Amount: $0.50 Memo: Thank you for posting in Bubetrade forum! Please post your payment proof for next payment! Thank you.
  4. <div> </div><div>I prefer this plan. the minimum to invest is 10 dollars and in three days I can earn 30% profit and that is 3 dollars. I know its not much but its better to invest small amount and hope to get paid than be greedy and invest big amount and never be paid. So far I'm happy with the site plan. Now its time for me to find ways and mean to earn 10 dollars or find 10 dollars to invest in here today.</div>
  5. I will going to say that I'm an hourly hyip site slayer. I really don't like to invest money in a hyip site that has an hourly plan. For me that is just a waste of time. I prefer to invest money in a daily plan that is stable at the same time short plan than an hourly plan. Because hourly plan just move so fast that a few hours running is like few days running in a daily plan already. And that's what scares me.
  6. <div> </div><div>The minimum to invest is 5 dollars but if we can invest in here 40 dollars then we can earn back 6 dollars per day right? I'm just thinking what if I'm going to invest 40 dollars in here then cashout the 1 dollar and reinvest the 5 dollars in here and keep on reinvesting the 5 dollars that I'm going to earn in here daily. I'm just wondering if its going to make me earn good profit in here or not. And since its a 10 days plan. I'm thinking if this site can last 20 days or not.</div>
  7. This some how is good to know that this site is protected but for how long this site is going to pay that's another story. I do hope that in the long run I can earn good amount of money in here. I know that investing in a site like this one is good. But if we can make good income in here then the better. So far so good that this site is paying and I'm hoping that if we can make good plan in here we can some how make some good profit in here and 10 dollars is high but I think its manageable as well.
  8. Theirs 15 hyip monitoring site so far that is monitoring this site. I don't like this site. I think its not going to last long and most hyip monitoring site that I see actually does not have any investments in here at all. Just waiting for something I guess. So far so good that this site is paying and I'm hoping that we can earn good amount of money in here as well. But since this site look hard to earn I doubt we can actually make some good income in here.
  9. Nice to see proof of payments but I just want to remind members that proof of payments of hyip site is not allowed in discussion section. Its better that its be posted in hyip payments proof section. Anyway so far I only see about three hyip monitoring site actually monitoring this site and that's just too few for my own comfort. Why do other hyip monitoring site does not monitor this site? I don't know but one thing I'm sure the less hyip monitoring site for me means risky.
  10. I guess its not a surprise that this site has turn to scam because in the first place this site is using a cheap script. And I'm just wondering though. If its really worth it for a hyip admin to open a hyip site knowingly that its not going to last long. I mean is it worth it? I do hope I can make good income trading in forex than actually investing in a hyip site like this one but still theirs so many hyip site like this one open each week.
  11. Still has a waiting status and theirs only few hyip monitoring site actually monitoring this site so far. So I don't know if its advisable to invest in here right now but I'm hoping that in two to three days time we can see this site status as paying. But same time I'm expecting this site to last between one to two weeks only. At this rate I doubt its can last more than two weeks. This site is not that popular and its plan is just not that stable.
  12. This site does not exist and I only find one hyip monitoring site who actually invested in here. Its worth 150 dollars but with no payments yet. I don't know how did a hyip monitoring site invested in here since this site is just open today and its down today also. I guess after admin of this hyip monitoring site make a deposit admin of this hyip site close down. lols. I never heard of a website hosting that only host for 12 hours to a day. But I think this is the shortest living hyip that I know or encounter so far. lols.
  13. That's 160% only after 80 days. I don't know if we can get back the principal or if the 2% is already included the principal but one thing I know right now is that if I can earn profit in here I know I can last long. I know its hard to make good living in a hyip site and 2% and 80 days to wait make me think twice on investing in here. I guess I will just going to say no to this site. I'm not saying its a scam site I'm just not comfortable with the plan.
  14. Theirs already about 15 hyip monitoring site trying to monitor this site. So far so good if we can earn good amount of money in here.I'm not really thinking that we can earn good amount of money in here but I really do hope that in the long run I can make some good income in here. So far so good that we can make something out of this site if we can just try to promote and get referrals and earn commissions. And with good hyip monitoring site that can give us RCB I'm sure we can maximize our earnings in here.
  15. I'm just confuse with the site plan. Its seems I don't understand the site plan at all. I'm just wondering if this site going to last long or not. A plan like this one that is unique and not common always make me shy away as I don't want to involve myself in a plan that I don't fully understand.I do hope that I can make good income in here as well. But since I'm not really familiar with the plan I think its better that I just going to shy away from this site.
  16. I'm sure this week will going to end with this site turn to scam already. I know its hard to make good income in a hyip site and having a 130% rate in one day means thiss site has unstable plan that this site can't last long. I do hope that I can make good income in here by doing hit and run. But same time 10 dollars for me is already a big amount and if I'm going to loss ten dollars then I can end up getting scammed by this site.
  17. Today I'm going to reach 7.40 dollars in here. I just feel like I'm spamming the site so I will going to take one day rest tomorrow. I'm hoping that I can reach 10 dollars before the end of the month. So far so good that I can post in here regularly. I post in here like four to five times a week and earn 50 to 80 cents each time I post in here. If not for 10 dollars minimum to cashout in here I already cashout when I reach 5 dollars in here.
  18. Today I will going to reach 80 post in here today. I keep on maintaining 10 post a day in here if I can. I know that's only 3 dollars a month at most if I'm going to keep on posting 10 post a day but for me that is okay. I just want to make sure that each month I do earn good amount of money in here and each month I do hope this site is paying. 1 cent is small amount but if I click in ptc site and wait 25 seconds to 50 second for each 0.001 cents earning then why not spend 1 to 2 minutes for 1 cent posting earning in IP right?
  19. Finally today is thursday. I don't know if the triple or quadruple your post rate is still available but I decided to post in here today and tomorrow anyway. I decided that twice a week I'm going to post and make some good income in here for my paypal account sake. I know right now time is gold so I'm hoping that I can post as many post I can do in here in very short time period. I hope I will not be consider as spamming in here.
  20. I'm more focus posting after I finish my analysis and trade in forex and check if I make money or loss money and my mood and views will depends on my trading that day. That's why I can continue posting 15 post each day without any problem and if I feel not posting I usually don't push myself to post. I some time take a day off also. So far so good that I have breach the 4,000 points today and I'm hoping to reach 5,000 points in five to six days time. That's still give me two to three more days to push more and hope to have some extra points.
  21. I have hard time opening the site two days ago and even yesterday whole day. But late last night I finally open the site and make some post and I'm very happy. Now I'm thinking to post again today but I don't know if its okay just to post less than 20 hours since I post late last night and today I want to post this afternoon and not wait for the night to post. I'm really happy that I can regularly post in here again.
  22. I make mt5 as my priority. Since I do earn 10% profit in trading some how. The more capital I have the bigger I will going to earn and survive market volatility as well. That's why I prioritize mt5. But I guess its depends on each one of use. If we think we can earn more on other site then its better to prioritize that site. Me on other hand most of my earnings now come from forex trading so I'm more focus on trading than ptp forum posting.
  23. Tonight I will surely going to reach 500 points plus in here. I will going to request payments in here tonight. I'm hoping to earn or get paid in here first week of next month. So far so good that I'm earning. I'm just hoping that I can earn big amount of money in here if not full amount of money. Last time I only earn like 4.78 dollars in here and I never get the full amount for a very long time now.
  24. 1,000 points and my pending request of payments not been approved yet. I think its just right that I will stop posting in here for a while. Beside I'm some how busy with my trading in forex and I just want to off load some ptp forums that not serving me well as my earnings in mtv decrease from 15 dollars a month high to almost 0 to 5 dollars a month earnings depends on when my request of payments has been approved and paid.
  25. Today I'm hoping to reach 671 points. My request of payments has not been approved until now but I'm hoping to reach 1,000 points in here before the end of the month. then I will going to check what I'm going to do next. If theirs no payments yet then I guess I will going to stop for a while if theirs payments then I will going to continue posting in here. My goal in here is really to make sure that I can sustain and maintain 5 dollars earnings or more each month in here.
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