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Everything posted by budado

  1. Any update in payments? My request of payments has been approved already and I'm hoping that in two to three days time I can make good income. If my wait is more than three more days I just feel that I need to slow down posting in here. I have hard time earning in ptp forums right now in general and I just feel that its better for me to trade in forex and earn weekly 10 dollars or more than to post and earn 5 dollars a month.
  2. I'm hoping that payments will be done twice a month and not once a month. But if ever payments are done once a month I'm just wondering if I can open two pending payments worth 5 dollars each. or if its okay to request payments as high as 10 dollars in just one request of payments? Its because the rate in here is 2 to 3 cents so its really plausible to reach 1,000 points each month.
  3. Date: 3/24/2013 10:11 PM Batch: 137132345 From Account: U3497716 (Bubetrade Venture) Amount: $0.50 Memo: Thank you for posting in Bubetrade forum! Please post your payment proof for next payment! Thank you.
  4. Date: 3/24/2013 10:32 PM Batch: 137133345 From Account: U6565052 (Forex Work Station) Amount: $0.50 Memo: Thank you for posting in FWS forum! Please post your payment proof for next payment! Thank you.
  5. Date: 3/24/2013 12:34 PM Batch: 137087440 From Account: U7274894 (Investorposts) Amount: $1.10 Memo: Payment From Investorposts Forum. Thanks for being Active. Thank you.
  6. Date: 3/23/2013 5:18 PM Batch: 137010604 From Account: U3497716 (Bubetrade Venture) Amount: $0.50 Memo: Thank you for posting in Bubetrade forum! Please post your payment proof for next payment! Thank you.
  7. If you see a hyip site with an hourly plan chance are its going to turn to scam. So I do really don't like to invest in a hyip site that has an hourly plan. For me its a waste of time and I just don't feel its good to make even a minimum investments in here. I do like to earn and I do like to make my earnings work in here. That's why my main goal is to make some profit in here.
  8. <div> </div><div>Double your money in one day is really unrealistic. I will not be surprise if I see this site turn to scam status tomorrow if I'm going to check hyip monitoring sites. Usually its take time for a hyip monitoring site to get a scam status. So far so good that its paying. I know its really hard to make money in here and I know we can just end up getting scammed by this site.</div>
  9. This site has many plan so lets see if we can make something good out of this site right now. I do hope that we really can earn some good money in here but same time I'm worried that we can end up getting scammed by this site. A site like this one is only good for a hit and run strategy and in order for that strategy to work we need to focus on investing as early as we can.
  10. <div> </div><div>Its really good to see this site paying good and paying well but as like other cheap script hyip site its do pay for few days just to prove its paying and get some investors going but once this site get enough investors its will just simply turn to scam. That's why I do advice investors in here just to do hit and run and right now I think its better that we just stay away from this site.</div>
  11. <div> </div><div>I think this thread does not deserve to be open in the first place. Now I know if this a thread is open by this author theirs a big chance that its a scam site because the author of this thread know that theirs no way a site like this one can pay its members. No way. Just imagine 200% in one hour only? Its really unrealistic. So this thread must belong to scam section instead in this section</div>
  12. Nice to see this site continue paying. Lets just hope that we really can make something good out of this site. I know its hard to make some good earning in here. Anyway so far so good that its paying. Lets just hope that it can turn into something good and something special. I just do like to invest in here and I just do like to make good income in here. So lets see if we can really have a good earning run in this site.
  13. Another hourly hyip site. If you going to ask me if I want to invest in here I guess those who know me will already know the answer. Theirs no way I will going to invest in here. this site is a scam site from the moment this site has opened. An hourly hyip site is not stable in any means and in anyway so I don't see any reason why I can end up getting scammed by this site because I will never going to invest in here.
  14. I do hope I can make good income in here. I really like to see this site paying good also. But I'm afraid to invest in here the plan look complicated and I don't like complicated matter. It does not matter if its paying if I can't understand how the plan works I just feel that I'm not good with this one. So far so good but lets just hope we can make something good out of this one. I really do like to see this one really paying.
  15. Is this a joke? 100 dollars minimum to invest? For me this is a scam site. Its just a waste of time for me if you ask me. As this site can turn to scam in matter of just few days if not hours. Because if I am admin even theirs only ten who going to invest in my site that's already 1,000 dollars total since the minimum amount to invest in here is 100 dollars.
  16. One plan, On processor use. Its seems this site has a very simple plan. But is this plan going to work? Is this site going to pay long enough for use to get BEP and make some profit in here? I don't know but one thing I'm sure we can't make good income in here since I never find a single plan hyip site pay and last long. And beside if you check its alexa rating its not really getting enough traffic.
  17. Just wondering how long this plan really going to last? Is this plan good for a day or two? or is this plan for life time daily payments already? The minimum amount to invest in here is some how a big amount for my own standard as its going to take me two months of posting in ptp forums to have enough capital to invest in here. And I'm worried that I can just lost it in matter of few days.
  18. Even the three days plan I do feel I have some reservation about this. I do hope I can make good income in here for three days. But the odds that I will get paid in here is only 10% chance and that is a very conservative plan already. So I'm sure the risk is much more higher if the plan that I choose is the highest roi plan. I do hope that hit and run is still good for this site but at this late I doubt it.
  19. At this rate this site will turn to scam before its going to reach 200%. The minimum amount to invest in this plan is only 10 dollars so many can actually join and invest in this one. I do hope that we really can spend some time in here. So far so god that this site is paying. Now the big question is for how long since its can afford to pay the daily plan for three days more or less but its can't pay 5 days plan
  20. 2 dollars minimum means in two months time I can reach minimum in here. I'm just hoping that I can really make something good out of this site. So far so good that this site has potential but right now I really do like to see this site getting lots of members as for me the more member this site have the more we can actually make some profit in here. I know its seems hard to believe but I think its good to try this one right now.
  21. And you are only standard member clicking in here without any direct referrals and only rented referrals? I feel tired of clicking now but if RR is the way to make money in here then I'm hoping that I can earn in here some how. I do hope that in the near future I can make good income in here. I know its hard to make money in neobux but right now I just want to see this one as a game and not some site that I can earn.
  22. I don't understand what the extra zeros for. I mean its better that its only 0.01 than 0.0100 since literally theirs no such thing as 0.0100. US dollars has only up to a cent or two decimals. I know theirs no difference but I thing its way to deceive us to think that the rate is much better since you see 100 instead of 01. But the fact remain that the value is just the same.
  23. Another clone site. This is like the 4th ptc site thread that I open that has the same content as the other threads. I'm just wondering if this is a case of copy and paste stats and only chance the site url link or this site is a clone site with so many sisters sites using the scam script and the same plan and only chance the site name. I'm afraid if this is the case then this site is a scam site.
  24. Proof of payments really make a difference. As long we see proof of payments its means this site is paying good and if we only try to join this site as early as we can maybe right now we already reach minimum and maybe right now we already get paid. But at this moment i don't see any reason why its bad to join this site. I'm sure even if we join this late we can still end up getting paid.
  25. Just see the same plan as this one and the only different is the site name. I guess admin of this ptc sites open lots and lots of ptc sites hoping to get many members. I really don't know what admin of this site thinking but maybe he is opening to get investors who want to upgrade in here. One thing I learn in my ptc clicking is that if I want to be active in my life I need to make sure that I join as many ptc sites as I can.
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