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Everything posted by budado

  1. Theirs no guarantee that this site will going to last long. But compare to other long term hyip site. I prefer to take risk in here. At least in here its paying and its popular. And the chance that this site will going to last long is much better in here than in other sites. I do hope I can make good income in here as well. I'm sure in two to three month time this site has higher chance to have a paying status still than other long term hyip site.
  2. lols. Its funny. How can I earn or how can this site pay that much in just one hour? I think this thread belong to scam section. theirs no way this site is going to pay anyway and its almost stupidity if we going to believe that this site is going to pay at all. For me right now this site is a scam site and theirs no way a site like this one will going to end up paying good and paying well.
  3. Yeah me too. I notice that this site is good and paying but same time all the proof of payments that I see seems come from hyip monitoring site only and I don't see anyone who is an ordinary investors invested in here at all. I do hope I can make good income in here. I really do like to see this site paying good and paying well. But I do hope that if I invest big in here I will get paid also.
  4. 10 dollars minimum seems a good sign that this site is going to pay some how. But I don't think the other site plan is going to pay at all. I'm sure at most this site is going to do some hit and run as well. this site is good to invest so lets just hope that we can end up making good income in a site like this one.I do hope that in two to three weeks time we can see this site status as a good and paying hyip site.
  5. This hyip site is only using LR and not other processor. I'm some how curious if this site really going to last long or not but one thing I'm sure if this site going to last long I'm sure we can still have hard time earning in here since the minimum to deposit in here is 1,500 dollars if my understanding is correct. I don't know if anyone in here is going to invest in here at all. Just imagine 1,500 dollars. Its just too darn high.
  6. Cheap hyip site like this one sometimes always means this site is good to invest for a hit and run purposes only. I don't think its good to invest and hope that we will get paid in the long run. At most we can make in here is we can get paid in three days tops. I don't think a site like this one can make us earn for more than a week. This site is a good site to do hit and run but still we need to be careful and not too greedy in here.
  7. I would like to make good income in ptc site but same time it seems hard to make good income in a ptc site if this site can't make me earn good money. So far so good that I'm earning in here. I do hope that in two to three weeks time we can see this site turn to paying site. I do like to make good income in here. I do like to see this site grow to a point in which I can make something good out of this one.
  8. Making good investments in here is not good but we can try to join and just click in here. I'm sure if we get paid then its a good site but if this site turn to out to be a scam site I don't think its a big deal as we only end up losing our time and not money in here anyway. I do hope that in two to three years time I can say I'm earning good and earning well in here as well. So far so good that this site is really paying good.
  9. I'm tired of seeing the same script and the same plan over and over again and the only difference is that this site has different name. I'm wondering if theirs ever going to be a legit ptc site that has a customize script. I'm sure a customize script can last longer than the 25 dollars a month buxhost script. I'm frustrated because I joined like 100 of this sites and not one has paid me.
  10. I'm just wondering how much is the minimum amount to withdraw in here? I'm just curious because I see lots of threads with the same plan as this one but one of this thread has a post of minimum amount to request payments. So I don't know if the rate is good if I don't know if the minimum is high or low. One thing I'm sure in two to three months time we can't see this ptc site anymore as I'm sure its going to end up a scam site.
  11. Another buxhost script. I guess the main reason why theirs so many ptc site that look like the same and has the same rate and plan and so on is that its using the same script also. I know this is a buxhost script and if the rate is still the same its only going to cost as 25 dollars to open our own ptc site. I like to open my own ptc site as well but the big question is how can I make it grow and make profit while my members earn profit as well.
  12. No paypal? I like to join a site and earn via paypal. Right now the only site that I'm earning via paypal is neobux but the rest of the site I still not find a way or means to join and earn. I don't think this site will going to last long anyway so I don't think I'm going to join this site. So far so good that this site is earning. I'm just hoping that in the long run I can earn good in here as well.
  13. I guess I see a pattern right now. I don't know but I think its time to forget any ptc site that has this kind of plan for three reason. One cloning. Lets face it theirs just too many ptc site with the same plan and script as this one. Secondly rate. High rate always means high probability of a site to turn to scam and 3rd and most important thing. Long term payment. I'm sure this site can't sustain itself at all.
  14. Theirs just so many ptc site right now that has this rate. I guess this is a case of cloning. I don't advice anyone to join a ptc site with this kind of plan. I'm sure this site is owned by the same admin and I'm sure we going to have hard time earning. Maybe in one out of ten he open one will turn out paying good for few months but the rest will just going to end up a scam site.
  15. I'm just wondering is requesting payments can affect our RR performance? I'm afraid that its going to happen again. When I was still a golden member and rented 300 RR every thing is good as my RR click is good but after a month I request payments and my RR daily average click drastically goes down. That's why right now I decided not to cashout in here. I only invested 20 dollars but my plan is to reach 300 RR then try to go golden.
  16. So far I only saw two hyip monitoring site that has paying status and seven still has no paying status or waiting status. I'm just hoping that in the long run I can say I'm making good income in here. I know its really hard to see this site turn into a good paying site but I'm hoping that in the long run we can say that this site is really good and really going to last long. Because if this site will not going to last long then its can end up turned to scam.
  17. Funny that this site name is paypal trade but this site is not using paypal processor at all. So I really don't understand why this site call it site paypal trade if paypal has nothing to do with this site. I do hope that this site end up paying but for me if a site can't even use its name right I don't see any reason why this site will going to turn out paying good and paying well as well.
  18. Not good. I don't think its worth it to try this one out. I just don't like to spend my time investing in a site like this one. I know its really hard to make money in here. But lets face it. If we can't find ways and means to make money in here I thing its not good to try this one at all. I just don't like to make good income in here. I just don't like to see this site paying at all. For me its a waste of time if we just going to loss our chance in here.
  19. Some how has good potential as well. Theirs already 7 hyip monitoring site that has this site status as paying and theirs 8 more that has waiting status so I'm sure in two to three days time we will going to see if this site is going to end up having good paying status in all 15 hyip monitoring site or not. I'm sure this site will be a good site and I'm sure in the long run we can say we going to have a good time in here. Lets just hope that this site will not going to end up like other hyip sites that turn to scam early.
  20. Rate for me is just unrealistically low. I know this plan can sustain and maintain itself in two to three more months if this site will get good number of investors and in fact it can last a year or two if its going to be popular. But as of now when I check its traffic its seems this site is not getting any good deal at all. I think what admin of this hyip site lack is promotion. I'm sure if admin of this site promote this site in many ptp forum this site will get many investors as well.
  21. I'm sure a site like this one mean that its not going to last long at all. And that the amount we going to earn in here already include our principal as well. Because if not then the roi in here is just too darn big. Just imagine that in one day we get 24% and that means in four days we already get 96%. So the rest of six days will be our profit already so just imagine if this site will return 100% of our capital.
  22. But how come theirs still some hyip monitoring site that has paying status? Theirs 5 that still has paying status and the last payments is dated April 11. I guess this site is doing selective payment if others got paid and others not got paid. I know once theirs a selective payments its will not going to last long. So lets see if this site is really going to turn to good site or not. I do hope that those who invest in here can still make profit before its totally turn to scam.
  23. Its so hard to make income in hyip investing. Just look at the site plan and you will see that this is a common script as I'm sure if you are investing in hyip you will see lots of hyip sites that has the same plan as this one. I don't know if its a good or bad sign but this site has 17 hyip monitoring site monitoring this site and some how its seems good but same time its seems bad if all of the waiting status will turn to scam.
  24. I'm surprise to see that theirs 4 hyip monitoring site that has paying status and 4 other hyip monitoring site that has waiting status. I don't know if this site will going to last long but since this site is using an hourly plan I doubt if this site will going to last long at all. For sure this site is a scam site no matter what because in the end this site will be a scam site as hourly hyip site can't sustain itself.
  25. I'm afraid that this site will going to turn to scam eventually. I don't know if this site is going to last long or not but one thing I'm sure in two to three days time we can see if this site is going to have paying status or all of this waiting status will turn to scam status. I know this site is new so lets just hope that we can see this site paying good and paying well soon and going to continue to do so.
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