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Everything posted by budado

  1. I'm thinking of doing hit and run in here for just one day. But looking at the three days plan.I just feel that this site will not going to last that long as I do believe that a site like this one has no way to last that long. Just imagine if this site is going to pay 180% in just a matter of three days. Were will admin going to get the 80% more to pay its investors in three days? A clear sign that its can't last that long.
  2. This site has just one plan so lets hope that this one will going to end up paying good for at least 12 days. Because if not then theirs no way we can reach bep in here if this site will turn to scam before we even taste the first maturity of this plan. I do hope I can make good income in here. 12 days waiting is some how okay with me and same time the rate is good. its now up to admin if he going to pay that long or turn to scam easy.
  3. For me an hourly plan does not mix with daily plan. I don't think its worth it to invest in here at all. As I fear that this site can turn to scam in matter of two to three days only simply because theirs no way a site like this one can turn to paying if its has an hourly plan. As its daily plan will sure be affected. Unless of course this site is so popular that each day its getting at least 25% more investors each day.
  4. You don't need to post 30 post in here daily. That's the maximum we can post in here in a day. Me post about 23 post more or less three times a week only. So that's not even 30 post a day. Sometimes we just need to post in as many ptp forum as we can if we really want to make money. Because we really can end up getting a spamming status if we don't do our posting good in here.
  5. I will continue to post in here. I already have 825 points in here and in just four to five days I can reach 1,000 points in here. I guess after that I will going to request payments again and has two pending payments. That's is if theirs still no payments. But if theirs already payments then that means my bonus funds will be back to 500 points and that means I need to continue posting again to maintain 1,000 points in here.
  6. Did you have some problem like this before? If my memory is correct I have some problem in here when I return. Usually its happen because of inactivity in my part. Meaning I don't have any post in here for a while and when I return I have this posting problem as well. Its takes few weeks before this problem has been solved and I think its been act by many mods as well before I finally can post. I guess theirs some bug problem if activity is low. But this is only my speculation.
  7. I'm trying to be active posting in here again. Theirs just some offline responsibilities that I need to take care right now and when I return at night I'm just too sleepy and too tired to post in here again. I do hope that in the long run I can make good income in here once I started to post in here daily. I tried to find ways to make me feel alive at night as I feel my post will be no substance if I'm going to post in here half a sleep. lols.
  8. This week is the last full week of this month. I'm excited that I will get paid this week as I really have high hopes that this week theirs will be payments. I do hope that in two to three months time I can make something good in this site. So far so good that I'm earning in here. I just really want to see this site status turn to paying again as four weeks of no payments is really hard to swallow.
  9. I guess I can say its only in mylot that we really not worrying that we get warning or deduction if we spam. I have posted in here like more than 100 post once and I earn about 1.10 dollars in one day in here. That's the biggest earnings I have in one day if my memory is right. But I guess I spend like three to four hours posting back then. So its really time consuming in my part. I do hope I can really make some good post in a site like this one again. But right now I prioritize a much higher paying ptp forums.
  10. Try to post a long with other ptp forum. That's what I do. For example I post in dmt right now and I will going to post in gt as well. so when I finish one post in GT I will try to post in dmt the return to post in next thread in GT and so on. In this way I can keep on continuing posting without waiting for the time to mature in GT. This can save time same time we can finish posting in two threads much much faster.
  11. Finally I request payments in here today. I have some offline responsibility right now so I'm sure I will have hard time posting in here again. But I still want to try to maintain my 200 post a month in here. I will also try to see to it that I'm earning good and earning well in here. My focus now is in forex trading but I still do hope to continue posting in ptp forums like DCP if I have some extra time.
  12. I have not posted in here yesterday do I will going to try to post 20 post today in here. I hope I can still have enough time to post in here today as I'm some how ultra busy yesterday , today and tomorrow and when the night come I'm just too darn sleepy already. lols. I do hope I can really make some good income in here. So far so good to see this site paying good and paying well as its the only reason why I'm still motivated to post in here.
  13. I do agree. Because after I make 200 post then what then? I think is is not how ptp forums in general works. Members become more active posting daily knowing that they can earn at some point. But what will going to motive them to continue posting after they reach 200 post? And I don't think if you post 200 post its going to be spamming already. If TCF wants its can just limit the post to 10 post a day to control spamming not to stop paying after 200 post.
  14. 1,000 dollars in three weeks. That's the biggest loss I have. But I also have lots of multiple MC but I don't count my loses for three reason. One is that I got MC using a bonus funds, Two I already reach bep so even if I get MC I actually still end up in profit. And third is that usually I only get MC because I do some experiment so its not really a regular trade for me. Because if I follow my regular strategy I will not going to end up getting MC anyway.
  15. I just let my position float. Usually I put 20 to 80 pips target depends on the result of my analysis. If the pair that I'm trading is going side way then I will going to trade and use 20 pips only as TP hoping to get some fill. But if the market is volatile then I will going to increase my TP to 80 pips hoping to take advantage of this volatility. So far so good that I'm earning doing this and I'm hoping that in two to three years time I can earn 1,000 dollars a month by just doing this.
  16. I prefer to use forex instead of profit. At least in forex I control my destiny in here and not rely on some hope that I can end up in profit. I do make good income in forex and in the end of the month I usually earn 10% to 30%. Unlike in hyip site that I can't make profit until I reach bep. At least in forex trading I know that the more I do accurate analysis the more I can end up making good profit. That's why I do love to focus on forex trading and forex earning.
  17. Our talent is God gift. So I don't see any reason why we going to decide which is which. I do make good income in forex simply not because God give me a gift in forex trading. I do earn in forex simply because I use all the good things that God have given me. My patience and focus on learning how to trade and most of all. I'm using commonsense in learning how to trade. Sometimes we do things so complicated that even an easy way to trade we make it complicated. Just trade in a simple way and we make profit in simple way.
  18. I prefer to have a live mentor. I can learn more if I see the person who is teaching me and I can ask some question and have face to face answer. Problem with online mentor is that if theirs a chart that you want to ask you can't ask that person directly since its an online conversation you need to upload the chart and so on just to ask some basic question. But if the person that is teaching you in beside you. You can just point your finger to the chart and you can get the answer.
  19. If you want to play safe then its better to cashout as many profit as you make. If you want to grow your account then its good to continue your trading and hope that in the long run you can make good income. Right now I'm happy that I'm earning good and earning well in forex trading without any problem. I do hope that I can continue to trade and hope that in the long run I can grow my account while earning some also. My ratio write now is that 50% of the profit I cashout and 50% I add to my trading capital.
  20. if its just a 5 dollars bonus then I guess not. But if we are talking about bonus funds that we can get if we going to be active posting in ptp forum sponsored by forex broker site then I can say yes. I do earn 100 dollars a month in forex trading thanks to the bonus funds that I get when I'm posting in ptp forum that a forex broker site sponsored. So I can say I'm earning good and earning well in forex trading without any problem at all.
  21. Trading in real account right away. this is the most common mistake of newbies. they feel that they are wasting their time if they going to trade in demo account. So instead they want to try real account right away and the result is just so darn bad because they can end up losing so much when they trade in real account without any knowledge about forex trading. That's why I do recommend that we invest our time in demo account first.
  22. You don't need to loss to become a successful forex trader. If you want to be a successful forex trader the best thing that you need to do is to try to trade in demo account first. Its in demo account that we going to try to practice and hope that we can learn enough trading skills to make us a successful forex trader. I do hope I can make good income in forex and I do hope that in the long run we can actually make good money. That's why I do advice investors and traders to always start in demo account if we want to be successful in real account.
  23. If you don't have time I suggest you don't try forex trading. I know many will say they like to do part time trading in forex. But I don't know how they end up earning or if ever they even trade in forex or just a fun words coming from their mouth but totally has no plan of doing forex trading. Because theirs no way you can maintain and sustain your account if you are only planning to do part time in forex trading. As its hard enough to constantly monitor forex trends and patterns how much more if you are not trading regularly.
  24. As long it does make sense and have some sense then its okay. Just post three liners and I'm sure you can earn points without any problem. I do earn good amount of money in instaforex. Date: 4/8/2013 11:51 PM Batch: 139333731 From Account: U7671442 (InstaForex Payments) Amount: $37.00 Memo: XXXXXXX-WITHDRAW-liberty: 37.00 Thank you. Date: 4/8/2013 6:52 AM Batch: 139209402 From Account: U7671442 (InstaForex Payments) Amount: $5.00 Memo: XXXXXXX-WITHDRAW-liberty: 5.00 Thank you.
  25. First of all Cyrus bank is the second biggest bank in Cyrus. So having zero funds in that bank for me is hard to believe. But lets say Mayzus really had no deposits in the bank. The mere fact that Mayzus is located in Cyrus will have a big effect. Come on. Lets be realistic and factual. If you are an investors. Will you still invest money in Cyrus? Lets say even not the bank of Cyrus. Do you still believe in bank system of Cyrus? chance are your answer will be no and you will going to find a much better country with much better bank system right? That's what Mayzus even do. They have expound their money in other banks outside Cyrus. But since Mayzus is located in Mayzus my concern is not Mayzus performance as a broker site but investors confidence toward that broker site. I don't want to sound negative. But directly and indirectly theirs no way Mayzus is not going to be affected by this bank system failure.
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