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Everything posted by budado

  1. I'm just wondering if I'm the only one who is experiencing this. Right now the site is loading but when I login theirs a database error. Its happen to me since last night. I don't know what but I'm hoping that I can post in here again and I do hope to make a good start in here again. I'm sure in the long run I can see myself earning good amount of money in mtw. As its really a good and stable ptp forum.
  2. I just realize that my request of payments has not been approved yet. Its already been a week and its still not been approved. I do hope that its will be approved this week so that next week I can request payments and hope that I will get paid next week. I'm really happy that some how I do make good 5 dollars a month average income in here and right now I can earn 10 dollars if I get paid this week or next week and I will try to request payments again for 500 points or 5 dollars worth of post.
  3. Today I will try to post and hope to reach 997 points total in here. Just few more post and I'm good for 1,000 points. I guess I can say that after I make a post today I will stop posting in here again. I know its going to take some time to get paid in here again and I'm sure once I got paid in here again I can post 500 more points before I will get paid in here again so its okay for me just to lay low right now after I reach another 1000 points in here.
  4. I'm still confuse with my status in here. My status officially is not ban in here as its already been confirmed but still each time I login in here I can't post since I been ban permanently for spamming. Now I'm totally confuse. Because in their end I'm not ban and I can post and request payments if I want but on other hand when I login I can't login because I'm still ban.
  5. That's true. But its worth the risk sometimes. Especially if we believe that we can really learn good skills in fxfred and also we need to trade sometimes to make sure that our account in mayzus is active. I have long term plan in mayzus and what I need right now is just big trading capital and that's why I'm trying to build my confidence by at least trade some of my earnings from fxfred to mayzus.
  6. And its really the best if forex trading forums as we can earn 20 cents per post in here. I don't think theirs still other ptp forum that can beat this good rate. Anyway I'm happy that some how I do earn good amount of money each month trading in forex thanks to the funds that I receive in mt5. I do hope that I can eventually make good income in here in the long run. If I have 1,000 dollars trading capital in instaforex thanks to mt5 I'm sure I can earn 100 to 300 dollars a month.
  7. I'm still hoping to reach 1,000 dollars trading capital. Right now my goal is simple. Reach 1,000 dollars trading capital and earn 100 dollars a month. I only earn 57 dollars this month and even though its only half a month and theirs still half a month left. I doubt I can earn another 43 dollars at this current rate. But I do hope I can make good income in forex in the long run.
  8. For me the simplest way to earn money in forex is via learning. Its in learning we will going to know if we can make good trade or not. I know its so hard to make good income in forex but if we can find ways and means to make good money in here we can actually make good income in here. I been trading in forex for many months now and one thing I learn. Don't put all of your apple in one basket as once theirs a rotten apple all apple will be rotten.
  9. I don't know if we can say its easy but one thing I'm sure. If I really want to make good income in forex I need to make sure that I only trade one pair at a time and not trade multiple pair in one account. This is the mistake that I make right now and I'm trying to solve this problem. I do hope that in matter of few days I can find ways to make good income in forex trading. I know its so hard to make money if we don't know how in forex.
  10. Forex trading right now is my main job. I do like to see myself earning good amount of money in forex for many months to come. I know many don't like to loss money in forex so I'm hoping that in two to three months time I can master enough trading capital and enough trading skills to earn 200 dollars a month. This is my main goal right now and this is were I'm focusing my trading right now.
  11. I only have one trading plan and that is averaging. The draw back of averaging if you make mistake in doing analysis. that's why I do weekly and daily analysis just to make sure that I'm trading in the right side of the track. I do hope I can make good income in forex trading for a long time. I'm sure many will going to end up losing big money in forex as they don't know how to trade but I'm sure in the long run we call can make good profit in here without any problem at all.
  12. I only spend few hours a day. depends on the market situation. If the market goes side way I usually spend more time online hoping I can spot a breakout. But if the market is going strong bullish or bearish at least I know when to open a position and when to make good profit. I do hope that in every three weeks I can make good profit in forex without any problem at all. This is what I'm trying to focus right now.
  13. If I have my way I will always going to trade using forex than invest in hyip site. Because in forex trading the more you can do accurate analysis the more we can make good profit in here. But in hyip if we don't do anything that can make this turn to good paying hyip site and even if we do its still can turn to scam. So better that we take some day off and don't try to invest in a hyip site instead spend time studying forex trading.
  14. I guess I can say that mistake that many forex trader makes is that they don't do deep analysis. they want to trade and make profit right away but they don't want to do some hard work doing analysis. So in the end they end up getting one mc after another. I do hope that we can really make good income in here each month. I know many don't like to see this as good sign. But me I prefer not to invest money if I don't try trading in demo first.
  15. I don't think we can make good income in forex if we are not focus and dedicated. I do make good income in forex for many months now. But this month I think I can only earn 57 dollars. I'm still shy of 42 dollars to reach my minimum monthly income in here but I'm hoping that I can make good income in here in the long run as my main goal is always to make good profit in here each month.
  16. Date: 4/12/2013 11:14 AM Batch: 139855014 From Account: U7671442 (InstaForex Payments) Amount: $6.00 Memo: XXXXXXX-WITHDRAW-liberty: 6.00 Thank you.
  17. I have make a mistake by not opening a position right away in eur/jpy as the price goes up to 132. I thought it not going to reach that high so I put my entry point at 129. But its only goes down to 130 before its just back up to 132. Another opportunity loss in my part. But that's okay. I'm hoping that soon I can have good analysis that I can trade each trend and pattern using fxfred bonus funds.
  18. I have made some bad trading right now. I do hope I can recover. Its been a hard for me last time I got multiple MC in here. Although right now I'm still far from getting multiple MC. I'm hoping that I can make good profit in here each month. Because my main goal right now is to see myself earning good and earning well in all pairs that I'm trading right now.
  19. I'm just wondering what happen to this site. I do hope that admin will going to visit us and inform us about the status of jkke so that we will not going to wait for nothing in here. I do hope that its still going to end up paying. but if not then I guess I have no choice but just to give up as theirs no way this one will going to end up paying good and paying well anyway.
  20. Can you support your claim? I hope you are not post chasing right now and posting false information. Because its will give wrong signal to others that we are allowed to post and request payments 4 to 5 times a month. That means you request payments in here at least once a week. I check the history of request of payments but I don't see any member in here requested payments that many in a month.
  21. Its good to know that you guy are earning good in here. My goal in here right now is to post 20 post each time I visited this site. this is the only way I can increase my earnings and my post in here also. I been slowing down in posting in ptp forum but I'm hoping I can return to post in here again hoping that I can make good income in here each month.
  22. Its take me six days to finish posting 25 post in here. I really don't know why its take me that long but right now I make sure that I will going to priorities this site hoping that I can make good income in here each month. I know its so hard to make good income in here each month if I will not going to post in here daily. My priority right now is to post in here at least four times a week.
  23. After taking some days off I'm back posting again. But I know I will once again be busy again offline so I'm sure I will going to have hard time posting in here. My goal is so simple and I do like to see myself earning good and earning well in here. I can end up making good income in here for many years to come as I do believe that dmt is really a stable ptp forum.
  24. I have not posted in here for three days but now I'm back posting in here again. I do hope to post 15 post in here each day starting today. My main goal is always to make sure that I reach more than 3 dollars each month. If I can earn 5 dollars a month the better but I guess i will going to have hard time doing that so I will just going to aim for 3 dollars a month earning in here.
  25. I will try to check later on if my request of payments has been approved in here. so far I'm happy with my earnings in here and I do hope that I can maintain and sustain my posting in here. One thing I'm sure that in two to three weeks time I can reach another 500 points in here and I can request payments again in here. I really do hope that I can sustain and maintain my posting power in here as this is my main goal in here.
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