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Everything posted by budado

  1. For me theirs nothing to compare between the two. For me forex trading in demo account has different purpose and that is to learn while in real account our main purpose is to earn. So what will be the vs on that? As theirs really nothing in common that we can share of. I do hope that in the long run I can see myself becoming a successful trader. I really do.
  2. Some how I do end up earning good and earning well in here. I'm really happy that I been earning online for so long now. I do hope that I can see myself becoming a successful trader also. I just don't see any reason why I been failing from one start to another but I'm hoping with constant trading I can find myself as a successful trader.
  3. I guess I can say yes. I don't know if I can just end up making good income in forex after three years but for me right now what is important is I will keep on trading and hoping that time well come that I will become a successful forex trader. I just don't want to loss money right now and my goal is just to keep on trading and earning until I succeed.
  4. Forex is really good for investments and I'm sure we can all end up making good income in here if we want to. I'm really happy with the way things are in here for me. I'm sure many do want to see themselves becoming a successful trader as well. I do hope that we can all find time to spend learning and earning in forex. As for me this is my main goal.
  5. Its all going to be all our own reflection. I'm sure many of us right now don't know if we can end up making profit in here or not. But one thing I'm ure if we keep on trading we can all end up in profit some day. This is the reason why I keep on trading because I do believe that in the long run I can actually make something good out of myself in forex trading.
  6. Having a demo account really helps a lot. I'm sure in two to three months time with continues trading you can actually end up making good income in forex in the long run. I do hope that in two to three years time I can reach 1,000 dollars a month earning. You see in forex trading its all about making some goal and try to achieve that goal. Because this is the only way we can actually make profit in forex.
  7. I will just keep on monitoring this broker site. I just joined so many broker site already that I don't know if I can invest in here and trade. I guess I will just need to slow down. I'm sure in two to three years time I can have enough trading capital to invest in here also. I do want to expand my accounts to different broker sites to make sure that if one fails the other one keep on running.
  8. I'm really happy and excited to grow my account in here. I just learn that I can cashout using bank wire in here and the minimum is just 100 dollars and the good part is that if my understanding is correct theirs no bank wire fees. So I do hope that when I cashout I will going to receive my cashout full amount in my bank account without deductions of bank wire fees.
  9. I'm not adding more funds in my account via CC that has LR investments before. I don't know what will be the complication of this but I'm hoping that I can start all over again. I wonder if instaforex can just turn all the LR funds into bonus funds in which we can't cashout but we can cashout the profit using other processors like paypal and so on.
  10. I have high respect to this site when its say its still going to continue paying its members who invest in LR unlike other broker sites that has put restrictions in here we know we are safe that once we invest our money in here its already a good earning money. I do hope to continue earning in here also. But right now what I really need is trading capital.
  11. Its good that this site is accepting neteller. Its seems I going to have some good time in here. I will try to expand my accounts so I'm trying to join as many broker sites as I can and right now as long theirs neteller and paypal I'm willing to join and invest. So I'm happy to see that this site has neteller. Now what I just need to have is trading capital.
  12. I'm thinking of requesting payments either vie webmoney or paypal. I still don't know which one is better for me right now. But I'm hoping to use webmoney so that I can invest in forex using webmoney. I'm really happy and excited that in the long run I can still end up having online earnings like eugold because other ptp forums still undecided when to pay.
  13. We can use egopay right now. I do request payments via egopay. I also have plans to continue posting in here. Although my earnings is really not that high enough for me to say I'm earning good and earning well in here. I'm happy that I can start posting and start earning again online. I do hope that in the long run I can make good profit in here again.
  14. I'm happy that I can resume posting in here again. I really don't mind earning via egopay in here. I do hope that in the long run I can make good income in here without fails. Right now the rate is back to 1 to 1.5 cents per post. I will try to maintain posting in two section in here if I can. But of course majority of my post will be done in 1.5 cents sections.
  15. this is frist week of June so I'm still waiting for the funds to appear in my instaforex account. I still don't know what will going to happen next but I'm hoping that in the long run I can still earn more in instaforex using mt5 funds. I'm some how frustrated with LR going down but I'm hoping that in the end of six months instaforex will be back strong and able.
  16. I request payments for 3 dollars worth in this forum using payza. I don't know what to do next after I get payza but I'm hoping that in the long run I can end up making good income in payza then just going to exchange it to cash. I really do like forex trading. Maybe I can find a way to invest using payza also. I do hope that in the long run I can find ways and meants to cashout using payza and turn payza to cash.
  17. I decided to increase my post to 15 post a day in here. I do hope to increase my earnings in here since theirs a lot of ptp forums that has pending payments. I do hope to earn in here via paypal or payza. But if admin can add webmoney then why not. I really do like to continue posting and earning in here.
  18. I notice that after I reach 25 dollars worth of post in here each time I post my post does not earn anymore. I will going to stop posting in here and wait for the funds to appear in my mayzus trading account. I do hope that in the long run I can make good income via forex trading. I have no plans to cashout and my plan is just to keep on posting and earning bonus funds in here.
  19. I guess we can do hit and run in here if we want to. I don't know how long this site will going to end up paying but for me this site only going to count days and not weeks to pay its members investors as its going to turn to scam right away because the site has high roi. I don't think its going to make some changes in here soon. But lets see if itsd going to last long.
  20. If this site allowed compounding then I guess its good to compound this site in first three days then cashout starting from their. I don't know if its allowed to compound in here but I just feel that its not worth to earn few earnings cents in here per hour as we can just end up getting loses not because the site turn to scam but because each time we cashout we pay processor fees.
  21. If you see an hourly hyip site plan its better that you don't invest at all. For me its a waste of time nothing more nothing less. I do recommend that you make big income in here. I'm sure in the long run we can see ourself becoming a good paying site. I'm really happy with the way things are in here. I'm sure in two to three days time we can make good income without fails. Nothing to loss but that's if you are the admin of this site. lols.
  22. This is an hourly hyip site. Theirs no way we can end up getting paid in here. And this site is using a cheap script. I think you only need less than 500 dollars to run a two to three weeks hourly hyip site and I'm sure many will end up getting scammed by this site. But still they will going to try hoping to make some trill out of it.
  23. I don't think its a good idea to invest in here. The roi is just too high to be consider a good investing site. I guess earning 50% profit in just one day is totally unrealistic even for hyip investing. I really do like to make good income in hyip investing but I'm not that foolish enough to try to invest and believe that I will earn 50% profit after a day only.
  24. Hourly hyip site? I don't think theirs beauty in losing our investments. I do hope that in the long run I can make good constant profit and not afraid that I will get scammed. But same time I know theirs no such hyip. At most we can do in an hourly hyip site is do hit and run but at this time I doubt if we can even do hit and run in here.
  25. Its seems this site is still paying until now even though the site has some loses because of LR closing down. I don't know how much this site loss but one thing I'm sure in the long run this site will turn to scam eventually. We just need to make some good with this site if we are already in here and hope that we can end up getting paid in here without any problem at all.
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