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Everything posted by budado

  1. I guess 22 days is just too long wait for me. I do hope that I can earn good amount of money in here also. But right now I don't think I can afford to wait that long in here. If this site is going to end up paying I'm hoping that this one will going to make something good out of this one. As this one is really going to make me earn big amount of money each month.
  2. An hourly hyip site like this one will not going to last long. In fact I will be surprise if this site end up paying. I do recommend that we spend more time investing in a hyip that has much stable plan than this one. I'm sure this one will going to turn to scam in matter of few hours. So better that we just forget about this site. So far so good that some how this site look paying. but for me its still risky.
  3. Its good to have an hourly hyip site if you are a hyip admin. But if you are just ordinary investors then you are going to be likely losing money in here. I do hope that in the long run we can really make something good out of ourself in here. I'm really excited to make good income. So far so good but lets see if I do see myself as a successful hyip investor.
  4. I guess we can just invest in the minimum amount and invest in the shortest plan hoping that we can get good earnings in here. I hit and run is some how the most realistic way to make profit in here. I'm sure I can make something good out of this one. I'm really hoping that in two to three days time we can see ourself becoming a successful trader.
  5. Even hit and run strategy I doubt we can do this in here. I think its better that we just going to forget about this site. As this site for sure for me is a scam site. I'm really happy that some how I do earn good amount of money in forex. But I do hope that I can earn money in hyip investing also. But in this hyip site I feel I'm more prone of getting loses than profit.
  6. Scam. Just looking at the site plan its already a clear sign that this site is a scam site so better that we just going to forget about this site and move on. As theirs no way I can end up making good profit in a hyip site that can't even pay its members. And worse thing is that we all know that a hyip site like this one will never going to pay its member or investors at all.
  7. Hourly hyip site is something good for me. I do hope that in the long run I can make something out of this one. I just going to do hit and run and make good with my profit. How I wish what I'm saying right now is that easy. But an hourly hyip site do turn to scam before we even know it. Maybe this time its already turn to scam already who knows. But one thing I'm sure its good to make profit in hyip if we can.
  8. An hourly hyip site like this one is not worth it to trade right now. I do hope that I can end up making good investments in a hyip site. But I'm surely not going to invest in an hourly hyip site. I'm sure the only way I can make profit in a hyip site if I have a hyip site that has stable income for me. I'm really interesting to see myself becoming a good hyip investor some day.
  9. I guess this thread need to be close right now. this site is a scam site. Unless you really believe you can earn in here if you going to invest in here. Just look at the site plan and you going to see how unrealistic this site is. I'm sure this site is a scam site. Nothing more nothing less. So better just forget about this one.
  10. Its good that this site is paying and I do hope that I can end up making good income in here. I'm really interested to make some money in here if I can. I'm sure in two to three weeks time we can still see this hyip site paying good and paying well and I do hope to make something good out of this one also.
  11. Its seems all that I can see in here right now are just proof of payments. I'm just wondering if this site is really going to pay long or not. I do hope to see myself becoming a successful hyip investors also. But its seems this one is really makine me feel like I'm losing some money in here. So I guess I just need to slow down in here.
  12. Its so that by the time other will going to post after me I'm sure this site has turn to scam already. In fact I will not be surprise if its turn to scam right now. But I guess we all know why. Its because a hyip site with an hourly plan will not going to last long at all. Its just going to be a waste of time if we think we can earn good amount of money in here.
  13. if you don't know how to trade then chance are you going to end up getting emotional. I don't think its good idea to keep on thinking of investing money in forex only to end up giving up forex trading also because you can't handley our emotion. Forex trading is all about taking responsibility and that's how we can manage in forex.
  14. One thing I want to say. In my experience if the I keep on watching my position I get emotional and always try to open as many position as I can. thats' why I only open my position twice to three times a day to update my position. If I feel I can't control myself I even go out and take some break just to make sure I can still control myself in trading.
  15. I really don't get the question of this thread. Of course its alreay a profit so we get it so why ask the question why? It does not make sense to me. its like asking why a do you breath or drink water and so on. In forex we trade to make profit. Simple as that and I do hope that we can become a successful trader so its not a question why really.
  16. If its free money then I will going to take it. But if its not free money then I guess its pointless as I don't want to spend sometimes earnings that funds only to loss it in forex trading. I do hope that in the long run I can see myself becoming a successful trader. This is the reason why I keep on working to earn and make money. But if its free sometimes we don't put value on it.
  17. Scalping is trying to invest and cashout in the short time and usually target only 30 pips more or less per trade. I do hope I can sustain and maintain my account for good doing just scalping. But sad to say its also hard to keep on trading in forex if we don't know if we can end up in profit or not. Because in the long run we all going to end up getting MC if we don't know how to trade.
  18. Dream is nothing but a dream until we make or turn it to reality. I don't recommend that we invest money in forex if we don't have trading plan. Dream can turn to nightmare in just a matter of time. So its better that we just going to forget about forex trading if we don't know how to trade in the first place. I do hope that in the long run I can see myself as a successful trader also.
  19. Profit only happen when we already cashout and turn it to cash. Many especially newbies count their earnings even though its still in their trading account and when they open a position and they forgot to put SL and they get MC. They realize that their earnings are gone and so their capital. That's why I do recommend investors to trade and cashout profit as they can.
  20. Time. I guess I can say the longer we trade the more we learn the more we earn. I realize that forex trading for me is all about earning in forex. I'm happy that so far I'm earning good and earning well without worrying that I will end up making some hard time earning. I just don't like the way things are for me in forex and I do hope that in the long run I can make good income in forex.
  21. I'm going to invest in forex broker sites that I see in bloomberg. But when I realize that the minimum amount to invest in this broker sites is just too high. I end up giving up. I do hope that in the long run I can have a stable broker sites that going to make me earn good amount of money each month. this is what I'm dreaming right now. To have a time to sustain and maintain my accounts.
  22. I just don't think forex is an investments. Its more like a dangerous business to me as we can end up getting MC if we don't know how to trade. So far so good that I'm earning without getting some loses. But I'm sure in the long run I will get mc and lots of MC. thats' what happen to me before I don't get MC for many months then I get multiple MC afterwards.
  23. I do trade every day and I say yes we really need to trade every day. As this is the only way we can actually make some profit in forex. I do hope that I can sustain and maintain my trading style. I'm sure I can become a successful trader if I want to. But sad to say I just have hard time earning right now and I do feel like giving up. But I'm sure the longer I hang on the more I can end up in profit.
  24. I started just posting in ptp forums and earn bonus funds and in the long run I can afford to invest using my own money. I do hope that I can really make something good out of myself in forex trading. My main goal is to make sure that I can see myself as an earning person. For me forex trading is the only way I can survive without worrying that I can turn into a hard time earning person.
  25. If its less than 10 dollars then for me its not really worth it. Its because we can't sustain and maintain ourself if we going to trade as volatility will just going to eat our bonus funds. That's why I do suggest that we spend more time posting in ptp forum and add more additional funds in our trading account to survive market volatility.
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