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Everything posted by budado

  1. I really make good post and earnings in here before. But right now I have hard time posting in here again. I do have more than 600 points in here to request payments but since I stop posting in here and forget to post proof of payments I can request payments in here again as its a requirements that we post proof of payments in here before we request payments again.
  2. I guess admin has some funds issue until now. Its really hard to recover if all earnings source come from LR payments and when LR went down its really greatly affected the forum. I do hope that its can recover and become a good paying forum once again. I do know that its really hard to sustain and maintain a forum like this one.
  3. I just post in here if I have free time. I'm really interested to make good income and I do hope that in the long run I can surely be making so much profit in here. I'm just really interested to post so many post in here and request payments in here once a while only. I do believe that I can post in here on regular basis if I have time and I do hope I can make so much profit in here as well.
  4. Nice that you got paid in here. Me right now I'm trying to reach 200 dollars worth of post in here. I'm hoping that after I reach that amount I will going to try to request payments using paypal. I do like to earn using paypal. I do really enjoy making good income in forex trading that I do believe I can grow my trading account in here without any worries.
  5. I'm really interested to know if I can handle my trading account in here. I'm so sure that I can make something good with what I have if I keep on trading and hoping that some day I can really become a successful trader that's why I keep on posting in here.
  6. I really want to monitor this forex broker site. Its seems good to try this one. I do know I have a lot of forex broker site joined already and I do hope that in the long run I can really enjoy making some good profit in here. I do know that we need to have many broker site to diversify our investments in order to have a sustainable trading account.
  7. I'm happy that one of my account in here get verified but same time I'm sadden because I don't have enough trading capital to invest in here. I do hope that I can invest in here soon. Even if its just 50 dollars I do hope I can make it big in here. I do know I can handle my account in forex trading once I know how to make something big in here.
  8. I do hope I can get my funds in fxfred so that I can trade in here again soon. Right now I do have one open position and I know I can get MC in here soon if the funds will arrived to late. I do need to have another 30 dollars in my trading account just to survive in here. I'm really hoping to see myself as a successful trader in here some day.
  9. I thought this forex broker site has a mini account and get 5 dollars bonus. But when I tried to trade I realize that this mini account is a lite account. A mini account has 1 cent 1 pip value. But in here the mini account has 1 pip 10 cents value and this is the main reason why even though I do have 5 dollars trading capital in here I can't still trade because the funds is not enough to have long term trade.
  10. I don't think this site will going to pay that long. I'm sure this site will turn to scam before its going to reach 60 days. That's why I do advice that we invest in much shorter plan of this hyip site if we are willing to invest in here. As theirs no way this one will going to end up paying good and paying well that long. And if ever it will at least you are in less plan.
  11. Proof of payments coming from the same monitoring site. I don't see anyone get paid in here except the proof of payments from this hyip monitoring site. I do believe that its better that we don't invest in here. Yes its paying but I just don't like the site set up so its up to you guys to try to invest in here or not. But me I prefer not to invest in here at all.
  12. To be honest if I am a forex trader I will not going to open a hyip site at all. I will just going to open a PAMM account and lets investors invest in PAMM account. In short I don't believe that this site do actually trade in forex. Because its really not advisable to open a hyip site if you do trade in forex and its best really to have a PAMM account instead.
  13. This hyip site is using a cheap hyip script but its good that its paying and I do believe that this one will not going to last long even if this site is paying simply because its has cheap script. Secondly we really don't know if this site is only paying hyip monitoring sites and not investors like us. As I still don't see an individual proof of payments coming from individuals.
  14. Since this is a fast paying and fast plan hyip site its good just to do hit and run in here. I don't suggest that we try to trade in here good time. Because I do know that we can handle our account in here without any problem. I'm so happy and interested to know if I can handle my account and become a big time trader. I do know I can and I do know I will surely be making some profit.
  15. Since this site is paying I will going to go after the lowest plan. I do know that I can do still hit and run in here. Lets just hope that this site will going to last at least five days in here and investing in three days plan can really make us earn some how. I do believe that the best way to earn is always do a hit and run. So lets just hope we can make it big in here.
  16. Investing in a site like this one is really good. Lets just hope we can really enjoy making some profit in here. I do like to see myself making some profit and I do know I can handle my account well enough to be sustainable trading account. I do know that we need to make sure that we can handle our account and really have good income without any worries.
  17. Its nice to see lots of proof of payments in here. Lets just hope we can really make good income in here also. I do know that in hyip investing its all about taking risk. The more risk we take the more likely we can end up making good profit in here as well. So lets just enjoy making some good investments in here and hope to make some good income in here.
  18. If its an hourly hyip site we all know that its going to turn to scam soon. I do advice and suggest that we try not to invest our time and effort in a site like this one. Its better that we just keep our money and be safe in forex trading than in hyip investing. I'm sure we are in here to make some good income without any worries and we going to become a big time trader.
  19. Its seems hard to invest in a hyip site anymore like this one. But if you can afford to loss some money its good to try to invest in minimum amount only. Lets just hope we can sustain and maintain our account in here for good. So far so good that I do make some good income in here. My main goal and objective really is to make some profit in here. So lets just enjoy making some good income in here.
  20. I do trade in regular basis and I do hope that in the long run I can really make something good in here I do know that in two to three years time we can really become a good earner. I do know that on regular basis we can make some profit in here. I'm tired and sick of losing money and I do know we can really handle our account in here without any problem at all.
  21. Forex broker site does not earn from our loss. Its earn from our trade. So it does not matter if we end up making profit or going to end up losing their profit is the same as the spread is what make them earn. I do believe that in two to three years time I can have big trading capital that forex broker sites will surely going to earn good each time I trade.
  22. I really like freebies. As long its free I don't see any reason why I will going to end up not going to make some profit in here. I do recommend that we spend more time trading in demo account than in real account. I do know that in forex trading what we really need is money. The more we know how to handle our account the more we can end up having so much profit. So lets just hope we can really enjoy making some money in here.
  23. Its not only going to improve your trading skills its going to help you earn more also as you can get bonus funds. Right now I do earn good amount of money and I do hope eventually I can make some profit in here. I do believe that forex trading is really the key to success in here. I do believe that forex trading is what we going to earn and make some profit.
  24. If I have 25,000 dollars trading capital I can say yes. simply because some how I do earn about 5 to 10% profit each month and its really good to make some good income in here. I do believe that in the long run I can really grow my account big enough to make so much profit. I do know we can handle our account in here and become a big time trader.
  25. Forex is really good for investments. If I have 100,000 dollars I can say I'm happy with my monthly income. I really do like to see myself having a 100,000 dollars trading capital. Right now I already break the 1,000 dollars trading capital so my next goal is to have 10,000 dollars trading capital. Who know before we know it I already reach the 100,000 dollars trading capital.
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