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Everything posted by budado

  1. I'm going to focus on learning how to trade and make some good profit. I do know we can handle our trading account in here and we know we can make some profit in here some how. I'm so sure that in the long run we can all be making one big income one after another. I'm just interested to know if I can really handle my trading account in here for good. I'm so sure I can and I do know we can all be making one good income one after another in here.
  2. I spend about an hour or two a day only. I do hope I can make big income in forex trading. My main goal and objective in forex trading is to make some good income in here. Lets just hope we can sustain and maintain our trading account in here for good. Lets see ourselves has having some good income and I'm so sure that in two to three years time we can all handle our trading account in here without any worries.
  3. Forex is risky business but some how we can end up making some good profit in here if we know how to handle our trading account. I been in here in two to three years time and I'm so sure that I can make so much profit in here without any worries. I do believe that we can all be making good income in forex if we only know how to make something good out of ourselves in here. So lets hope that we will end up in profit in here.
  4. Risk management is not a strategy. Its a way to manage our account. Its good if we going to read more about risk management to learn more. Simply because its best to make our account last longer especially when we are getting a bad hit. And most of the way to make good with our trade is to trade just 2% of our actual trading capital. This is how we can make some good profit in here some how.
  5. I hit the 90 dollars mark in here right now. I do hope that I can end up having 100 dollars next month. My main goal in forex trading is to trade long term and I do hope to reach 1,000 dollars in here before I'm going to cashout my funds and profit in here. I'm really excited to see myself making so good money in forex trading. For me this is the best way to handle my trading account.
  6. I'm just wondering. I open an account and its a mini account then why is 1 pip in here is equal to 10 cents in here? That's is not a mini account but a lite account. I think theirs something wrong with the account status. Its should be lite account so that we will not get confuse. I do hope I can make something good out of this one in the near future.
  7. How I wish I can be a winner also. But I do know its going to take lots of time and effort in my part to become a winner. Lets just hope we can really make something good out of this one. I'm so sure we can all enjoy making good income in here. I do know we can really become a big time trader. I do know we can focus on having something that can make us earn good in here.
  8. Is their a ptp forum that rvdmarket sponsor that we can post and make bonus funds? If my memory is correct I found a forum but I forgot to save the link so I really don't know if its the same. I do hope I can earn good amount of money in this forex broker site. I really do try to expand my trading account in joining as many forex broker site as I can.
  9. I'm just wondering if those who really joined this contest are real constestant. I mean theirs others who can just download a beautiful picture and upload it in instaforex and win if they have chance to win. I don't know if this is really going to happen or if theirs a screening out of it. But I do know we can become a big time trader if we know how to handle our trading account.
  10. I'm focus now on making something that going to help us earn really good income in here. I'm tired and sick of having big loses and this is the main reason why I don't know if I can handle my trading account well enough to make me really become a big time trader. I don't see myself having so much profit but I do know I can handle my account in here without any worries.
  11. Its nice to see that instaforex do make some good award. To be honest for me the best way to make it big in forex trading is to earn big but same time if we see our broker site getting good award its really help us as we all know that its going to make our broker site stable. I do hope that in the long run we can all say we are earning good and earning well in here.
  12. Reduce spread is good. I do hope that we can really make something good in here. I'm really excited to see myself making so much profit in here. I do know we can really earn really good amount of money in forex trading if the spread is really low. So lets just keep on hoping that eventually we can make some good profit in here some how. I'm so sure we can really enjoy having good earnings in here.
  13. I'm still trying to monitor this broker site. I know I still don't have enough trading capital to start investing in here but I still do try to monitor this site hoping to get some good tip on how to trade. I'm so sure that in the long run we can all be making something good with what we have in here. I do like to see myself making some good profit in here some how.
  14. I'm just wondering why its say that fbs has micro account but the minimum pip is valued 10 cents? For me its best that we try to trade in instaforex. Its has its own ptp forum that we can post and earn bonus funds that we can use to trade and make good profit. At least in this way we can say we can really earn good amount of money without any problem. For me this is how we can make some profit some how.
  15. I only have 80 dollars more or less worth of trading funds in here and I'm really hoping that I can make good post and earnings in fxfred hoping to increase my trading capital. How I wish the mayzus forum will be back as paying forum again. As I really do need big trading capital. I'm so excited to see myself making some how good income in here.
  16. Nice to see this site really a good site to make some profit. I do recommend that we invest big amount of money in forex trading if we want to earn good in FBS. I'm so sure that we can focus now on having something that we can really earn big. I'm so happy and interested to know if we can handle our account well enough to make some good money in here.
  17. I see that those proof of payments only come from a hyip monitoring site. I'm just wondering if its owned by the admin of this hyip site also or not. But even so if we invest and make good profit then why not join right? I do believe we can handle our trading account in here and make good income in here. As long we know how to make it big I do believe we can.
  18. I guess we can only do some hit and run in here. I do know we can make good income without any worries in here. I'm interested to make some good profit and I do hope that in the long run I can surely be making good income. In two to three days time we can make good with hit and run if this site is still paying. But if not then I guess we are just waiting our time in here.
  19. Its good if this site is turn out paying. But the big question is for how long. I do believe that this site will not going to last long enough for us to reach bep in here. I'm sure this hyip site will going to turn to scam in the most fashion without any making money out of this one. But same time its still good opportunity if this turn out paying good.
  20. I miss this forum. Before its good paying forum. But now its a non paying forum. But I do believe that this forum will become a big time once again if this is going to keep on paying. I do believe that this forum is really good to handle as we can expect to see a good paying from this site. I'm so interested to know that I can handle my account well enough to make good profit.
  21. I request payments in here but I still not check my account if I get paid. I do hope that I can grow and become a big time trader some day. I do know I can handle my trading account if I only know how. I'm so sure that in the near future my account will grow my bigger. Lets just hope we can really sustain and maintain our trading account and become a big time trader.
  22. That's life. Its only good if its paying. Lets just hope we can sustain and maintain our trading account in here. I'm so sure that in two to three years time we can really handle our trading account and become a big time earner in her. Who knows that in the long run we can still process and become a good earner. We just need to focus on having something that can make us earn money.
  23. I guess I can say I understand your frustration. But theirs really nothing admin can do if this forum does not get much advertisers. A forum is good as its advertiser only. If this forum gets more advertiser I'm sure this forum is going to be a good paying site once again. I'm really interested to see this forum going to make something good out of this one.
  24. Its seems good to try to join the contest as well. Its just a number game. And since theirs already a previous forecast I guess we can make something good with this one. Beside if we going to win in here we can earn more and we can join forex trading and hope that we going to grow our account big enough to make some good profit as well. I do believe that we can handle our account good in here.
  25. I really like this forum. I do hope that I can continue posting in here and make good income in here as well. I do have hard time posting on regular basis as I am busy but I do hope that in the long run I can surely be making good income in here as well. I do know we can be making so much profit if we keep on posting and earning good amount of money in here.
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