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Everything posted by budado

  1. What is small investment? What is the smallest account in here? As far as I remember and if I remember it right I have a lite account in here. So I really need to have some how a big trading capital to start with. And I do hope that in the long run I can really enjoy making good income in here if only its forum is still paying equally and without any condition.
  2. Its good to invest pamm if you want to invest money but don't want to trade. But I do recommend that we study forex trading also. I do know we can all end up making big income in forex trading once we all know how to handle our trading account. I'm so sure we are all in here to make some good money. Lets just hope we all are making something good in here.
  3. If you don't like to use Stop loss then don't use stop loss. I do know we all be making one big income in here one after another and I'm so sure that we all are in here to earn good amount of money. I'm so focus now on doing something good out of myself in here and I'm so sure that in two to three years time I can really have bigger income if I know how to do averaging and hedging. This strategy has no SL.
  4. Its good to start with cent account then mini account then lite account then standard account. Since in cent account I'm already happy trading with my 10 dollars investments and in mini account I'm already happy with my 100 dollars investments. In lite account I'm happy to have 1,000 dollars trading capital. My next goal right now is to have 10,000 dollars trading capital in standard account.
  5. I do have multiple accounts and multiple broker sites and for me this is how I can save my trading account some how. At least if one get MC I still have other accounts that going to make me earn good amount of money. I do hope that in the long run we can surely be making one good income one after another. Lets just hope we all going to become a big time trader some day.
  6. Its good if we can find ways and means to become active in forex. If we can just keep on investing in here I'm so sure that in two to three years time we all going to have big income without any worries. I'm really interested to see myself grow and become a big time trader. I do hope that in the long run we can surely be making one big income and I do believe we all going to have something that is good for us.
  7. First of all you must know your trading strategy. If you going to trade long term or short term. For example I do trade long term and I do have 50 SL and 50 TP. But if I do short term then I guess I will just going to put 30 SL and 25 TP. In this way I can loss less. Since my earnings is less also. I'm really happy that some how I do end up making some profit in here.
  8. I did contact and its say their system works just fine and I need to check the spam and the inbox. But I really don't see the link and beside theirs no reset button or resend button. Now how I suppose to get some funds in here? I do believe I can make big loses in forex and really earn big in here. I'm so happy with the way things are in here for me. But same time I'm sad that I don't get bonus funds.
  9. I really have hard time growing my funds in this for the last two months. I guess I'm just not that lucky in my analysis and since I have limited trading capital in here some how I can't do big risk. I really do hope I can make something good out of myself in here. I'm so sure that in two to three years time I can end up making so much profit that I will going to have big income in here for sure.
  10. My 5 dollars bonus I turn to 27 dollars only to get MC. But some how I'm happy that I end up getting back with 12 dollars trading capital left. I do hope that I can return to my previous high in fbs. I really like to see myself having big trading earnings in here. My main goal and objective in here is always to make sure that I do some hit and run or scalping strategy in here only.
  11. I'm frustrated that my earnings in mt5 has not been updated in my instaforex account. Its because I did not click the email link when I chance my account number. But the problem is that I don't receive any emails even in my spam folder theirs no email so how can I confirm if I don't receive any email in the first place? This is the main reason why I got frustrated right now.
  12. Now the 5 dollars bonus funds that I get is now worth 27 dollars. I really good to have this trading amount. How I wish I have this kind of aggressiveness in my other accounts in other forex broker sites. Just imagine if I invested 500 dollars and its turn to 2,700 dollars in matter of two months. I'm so sure that is really a big earnings in my part. Lets just hope we can grow big in here.
  13. Its seems my account in here will get MC. I open a sell position hoping to take advantage of aud/usd going bearish. But to my surprise its turn bullish right now and since I have limited funds in here I maybe end up getting MC in here if I'm not going to trade right in here. I do hope the price will go down so that I can still save my trading funds in here.
  14. First question is how much trading capital you can afford to loss in forex trading? Another question is can we make some good profit in forex? I do want to have 100,000 dollars trading capital and I do hope I can make big income in here. Another reason why I like to continue trading in forex is that from a few 10 dollars I already going to reach a 1,000 dollars trading capital.
  15. Its very risky but the big question is can we make good profit in here or not if we going to try to trade long term? Because in my experience if we going to trade long term we really can end up making some good profit. I do know that its going to take months and even years to make big in forex trading. I'm sure once we know how to handle our trading account we can end up having good income as well.
  16. I'm just wondering do you know an forex trading forums that has a forex broker site as sponsored that we can post and earn bonus funds and make some good earnings in the future also? This is what I'm hoping to achieve right now. I do know I can handle my trading account once I know how to make some good profit. So lets just hope we can really earn big in forex trading.
  17. Now I have 15 dollars from the 5 dollars trading capital that I get. I do also have another 50 dollars coming from instaforex and another 20 dollars more or less in fxfred. I really do like to see my trading account grow and grow and make me become a big time trader. Just waiting for my account to reach my dream goal and that is to have a 1,000 dollars trading capital to start with.
  18. Long term? If you going to trade long term you really need to have big trading capital. Problem is that many don't have that much to start with. That's why I do suggest that we spend more time trading in demo account if we are newbies than in real account because we really need to practice first before we can make some profit some how. I do recommend this because this is the only way we can earn good amount of money some how.
  19. It's good to know that we can handle our trading account in here. I do know we can surely be making some good income in forex and I do know we can end up making good earnings without any problem. Lets just hope we can sustain and maintain our trading account without any problem and I do hope we can eventually make some good success in here. I do know I can and I do know I will.
  20. Theirs also a lot of forex broker sites that has a forums that we can join and earn bonus funds that we can use to trade and make good profit. I do recommend that we spend more time trading on those and hope that we can eventually make good income in here. I do know its going to take us a lot of time and effort to become a big time trader. So lets just hope we can sustain and maintain our trading account in here for good. I really do like to see myself having so much profit in here.
  21. Talent is God gift. But we need to practice to enhance it. I do know we can end up having so much profit in forex if we know how to handle our trading account. I'm sure we can all be making good income in forex trading once we know how to trade. That's why if you think you have it in you to earn good in forex then its better that you practice it and enhance it.
  22. Its good to have a bots to help us automate our trade. But its not good to try to trade in real account if we don't know how to trade. Because in forex trading we need to know first how to trade if we want to trade. Even if we going to use bots we still need to know how to trade to make sure that we can monitor our bots trading ways.
  23. Live mentor is always the best way for us to learn how to trade. I don't know if we going to end up having some good income in here or not. But I do know we can surely be making really good income in here without any worries. I'm really tired and sick of having so much loses in forex and I do know that in the long run we can surely be having good income in here without fails.
  24. Its always good to try to trade in demo account if we really want to learn how to trade. I do know its going to take lots of time and effort in our part to become a millionaire. I really don't like to loss money in forex but I do know that if we going to keep on trading in forex we can end up developing our trading skills. Who knows we can all become a millionaire in here.
  25. I see that its allowed us to invest using PM. I do hope I can withdraw using PM. Right now I have 10 dollars in my PM account but for me that's is not enough to make me trade in here. I do like to trade at least 50 dollars in here. So I will just going to wait for my PM funds to reach 60 dollars before I'm going to invest in here the 50 dollars to start trading in here.
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