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Everything posted by budado

  1. I do trade every day. In fact I have 13 trading accounts to trade each day. I really don't earn much right now but I do hope that in the long run I can really build my trading account. I see my trading account grow and I do believe that in the long run we can all make big income in here. I'm tired and sick of losing money in forex trading before. But now I'm happy that some how I do earn big in here.
  2. I just have 18 dollars investments in my trading account right now. the 5 dollars bonus funds is already gone got MC. Right now I'm afraid to trade since I can't follow money and risk management with this little trading capital. I do hope that I can reach at least 100 dollars minimum before I can start trading in here. I'm so happy and interested to know when I will going to grow my trading account from 18 dollars to 100 dollars starting capital.
  3. I'm so frustrating that I don't have enough trading capital to invest in here. But I do hope that I can fully earn good amount of money in my other forex broker sites and invest some in here soon. This is the one of the forex broker sites that I joined but still don't have enough trading capital to start with. I do believe I can handle my trading account in here once I have money to invest in here.
  4. Hope to see paypal soon. Anyway I'm happy that I have 10 trading accounts in here and hoping to make it big in instaforex. My main goal is to have 100,000 dollars trading capital in here. I do know its going to take years but with the help of instaforex I'm so sure I will going to make it big in forex trading. I do believe that this forex broker sites is going to make me earn good for the rest of my life.
  5. Can you elaborate what kind of fees that you think is high in this ecurrency? I do use this some how and I don't find the fees high. At least its almost the same as other processors also. I do know I can really make good income in here if I only find a good site that I can earn with stp. My problem is not stp. My problem is that I don't have enough site that I can earn via stp.
  6. Its better to have an active antivirus to prevent this things to happen again. I also worried that this things going to happen to me. That's why I never tried to be active in ptp forums any more when I'm still active in forex trading. But now I decide to be active in both ptp forums and forex again. I do hope that theirs really nothing bad that going to happen to me also.
  7. Totally not true. You need to set this thing up in order to make a withdrawal. Just imagine if its automatic and you only have 5 dollars in your account minum the fees then you going to end up losing a lot. This is why its manual to withdraw via bank wire. theirs no way you can just let paypal transfer your funds in your bank account without you giving go signal on it.
  8. Its so frustrating that I have about 5 dollars in here earnings but I don't know what to do with it. I guess its already a waste of my money as I don't know if I can find an exchanger that going to accept just 5 dollars to exchange. I don't think I can have more earnings in here again. If only this is an earning bearing processor I'm sure I can earn interest in here but theirs none.
  9. Its seems theirs a lot of new forex broker sites that I can join in this forum. Its been a while since I joined and invested in one of this forum forex broker sites sponsored. I do hope that in the long run I can earn on regular basis in here once again and use the bonus funds that I earn in here to trade in forex. I'm really trying to get back in ptp forums to increase my trading capital in forex trading.
  10. I don't know if its true but theirs a lot of negative things about this forum and this forex broker site so for me its good to find much better ptp forums to post and earn money. But same time I do see others get paid in here. But if you invest and make good with forex trading I don't think you going to last with your money in here. I need farther research is needed if you want to be active in here.
  11. lets see after two to three months time if this one is still good and paying and getting lots of members. Once this forum gets good then I will going to be active in here also. I'm trying to have a come back in forex trading and and in ptp forums as well and the more I earn money the more trading capital I can have for my forex trading. So lets all hope to see ourselves earning good in here.
  12. Its so frustrating that I can't open the site right now. My internet connection has some problem with connecting to other forums. I'm happy that some how I can post in dmt but I do hope to post in iaft soon also. I will going to try to post in here tonight. I do hope that by tonigh I can open this forum. I do believe I can handle my trading account if I can be active in here in regular basis.
  13. You really get me interested with I see that you are earning good in here. I'm still new in this forum and I will try to active in here. I do hope that this one will not going to be the same as other ptp forums that pays high and then end up losing since this is look like a forex sponsored forum and that means for me is a sign that its can afford to pay its members good.
  14. Its really good to have this site. I do hope that this one will be stable than ever. I see another ptp forums turn to non paying last month its really worries me. But same time I do know that this forum is stable and this is the main reason why I love to continue posting in here. I do hope that in the long run I can really enjoy making big income in here without any worries.
  15. If its reported then its up to mods to decide what to do. But its better that we don't spam in order to make good earnings in here and same time support the site by posting on regular basis without posting too much to be consider a spam post. I do believe that this is what make this forum stable. unlike what happen to other many ptp forums this one is still paying good.
  16. I have hard time earning 100 to 200 dollars a month so I can't say that I can earn that much in a day on regular basis but if I do then I guess I would have a 100,000 dollars trading capital. this is the amount that I need in order to become a successful forex trader. My goal is really to become a rich trader. I don't expect to loss money in here with this big trading capital.
  17. Its really easy to earn in forex once you know how to trade. I do some how make profit in forex but the main problem is that I have limited trading capital. Now my main focus and goal is really to make it big in forex trading. I'm so sure we can all focus on having so much profit in here. Lets all do something that can make us earn big in here. Lets all become a big time trader.
  18. Just believe that you can make profit in forex trading. This is the main reason why I make money in forex trading because I did believe that I can make it big in here. I'm so sure that eventually we can all focus on having so much profit in here. I'm tired and sick of losing money and I do know that I can end up having hard time earning. But eventually I'm sure I can end up in profit for the rest of my life.
  19. Forex trading is some how not risky if you know how to trade. I do have 13 trading account and I don't feel that I will get some loses this month. Although theirs one account that I monitor right now because I trade big lots in here. I do hope that its can jump start my trading and my earnings in here will going to grow. Just imagine if you have a thousand of dollars earning each month in here.
  20. Having 100,000 dollars trading capital total is my main goal in forex trading. If I can achieve this then I can say I am a successful forex trader. But right now I'm lucky if I can survive with my small trading capital. My hope and dream is to have a 100,000 dollars trading capital. But lets face it its hard to have that much trading capital in forex and believe that you will end up getting paid.
  21. I'm excited to be back posting and earning in fxfred. I have limited post two months ago so last month I did not even reached 1,500 points. But now I have reach the maximum and I'm in full swing to post in here daily as I can. My main goal is really in mayzus. I do have plans to reach 10,000 dollars in mayzus. I do hope that with bonus funds and my profit in trading I can reach this goal soon.
  22. My focus right now is to grow my trading account in here. I do hope that I can grow my trading account and become a rich trader in here. I'm so happy that some how I do earn money in here and in two to three years time my goal is to have a 10,000 dollars trading capital in here. Once I reach that point I will just going to keep on cashing out the extra profit that I make.
  23. I'm really happy that I keep on trading in here. I got MC three months back and my 1,000 dollars plus trading capital is almost 40 dollars left. I know its very bad news in my part. But I do know that its my fault and I do know that I can bounce back. Now I have 150 dollars in mayzus and I'm sure in a month or two its can turn to 200 dollars and before I know it I'm back in the game.
  24. I'm just wondering. When will paypal be back to be use to cashout? I been investing in instaforex for more than three years now and I always cashout using paypal. But the last time I cashout using paypal theirs a problem and its seems until now paypal is not yet back in instaforex list of cashing out. I'm just wondering how long its going to take for me wait to get paid via paypal.
  25. budado -32th request of payments [PM] Username : budado Amount To Request (DMT points) :500 PM : U1897602
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