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Everything posted by budado

  1. I think its better that you visit both site and click the fees. Its because in PP each country has different rate and its best that you get your source in the site itself than in here so that others will not going to get misqouted. I do know that what is important is how we can use our PM. In fact I do love to use paypal. But if I can earn in PM then I have no choice but to use PM.
  2. Some how the rate of this site is just too high. I don't recommend this site at all. For me its a waste of time investing in here as this site can turn to scam any time. I do advice newbies and investors to find a much stable rate. A rate like this one will never going to last long nor its going to start paying. If ever it will I'm so sure its going to do selective paying only.
  3. Even if we know the issue we still can't do anything but wait. I'm sure this site will going to be active soon. Its not the first time that this happen in GT. In fact I experience this kind of situation many times already. But it do comeback and I do make some good post and good earning in here. The good thing about this forum is that when they return they pay bigger average.
  4. I notice that theirs a points in my profile. Does it mean that its not 100 post per request payments in here anymore? What is the points for? I don't know if theirs a points when I stop posting in here and I just forgot about it. But I do hope that its not the case. Becuase I try to post in here few days now and its seems my points is not getting bigger. lols.
  5. I guess I will just going to wait for few weeks or months before I'm going to be active in here. the irony maybe is when I decided to join this site I got hard time cashing my bonus funds. But I guess theirs a remote chance that its going to happen this year. I'm so sure this site is strong and stable enough to last long. Lets all be active in here if we have free time. So I do hope to have free time soon and be active in here also.
  6. Right now I want to reach 500 points in here. I don't know when did Iast request payments in here. But I do hope to reach my goal of 5 dollars worth of post in here before I'm going to request payments in here. I'm so excited to see myself making so much profit in here and I do know we can handle my trading account in here and become a big time millionaire.
  7. Theirs some months that this site has problem paying its member. But still its end up bouncing back and paying its member each month. Unlike other ptp forums that pays fast then gone fast. This forum is paying slow but steady. This is the main reason why this site is going to last long. Its because its does not force its payments but rather pay as its progress. A good management for this forum.
  8. Thanks. Does this forex broker site accept STP? I only have funds in STP right now. But I guess in a month or two I will going to have 30 dollars in neteller. Its good that I can invest using 1 dollar in here but same time I really do need bigger trading capital. Because even with 1 dollar I don't see any reason why I will going to trade just to earn some few cents. My target is always 5 to 10% profit each month only. 1 dollar that's only 5 to 10 cents a month profit.
  9. If you can't make do with 5 dollars then I'm sure you can't make do with bigger trading capital. In forex trading we need to understand how to control our trading capital to make money. Because no matter how big is your trading capital is if you don't know how to trade you will never going to make it big in forex trading. I do suggest that you spend time reading and learning first how to trade to make profit in here.
  10. My goal is to earn 500 dollars a month. This is what I really want to achieve right now. I do know I can manage to earn 50 dollars a month on regular basis now for many months now. But I have hard time breaking the 200 dollars a month more that I usually do earn before I got MC few months back. And since I become more defensive in trading I end up earning less also.
  11. Big question is this. Can you handle your account? You can't just say you going to compound your money in forex because you actually can't do compounding. At most you can do is to open more trading position. So if you open 2 lot size and you make profit your next trade you open 3 lot size and so on. But the big question is what if you going to end up at loss? then you loss every thing in just one trade.
  12. If you know how to trade then it would be easy. But if you don't know how to trade then chance are you going to make big loses in here. I'm so happ that some how I do manage to survive in forex for the last three years and from that three years now I understand how to make big in forex trading. I just need to make sure that I do know how to handle risk before I add more funds.
  13. What matter most is that you are earning profit. This is the basis of our success in forex. The more profit we make the more successful we are. Right now I'm so interested to know when we can handle our trading account. And I'm really happy with the way things are for me and so far I'm really into forex trading and I'm so sure we all going to make it big in here. I'm sick of losing money and I'm now on my profit.
  14. A forex trader is a learner and the more we all know how to handle our trading account the more we can end up making big income in here. I'm so interested to know if I can handle my trading account or not in forex and I'm so sure I will be making big in forex trading once I do know how to make it big. I'm tired and sick of losing money. But I do know I can really handle my trading account once I do know how to trade.
  15. What if theirs a breakout? Then their will be a new support and resistance level and once that going to happen then I'm so sure that you going to end up having hard time knowing what will be the next support and resistance level is. I do trade only if the resistance and support level is not break. At least I do know that I can earn some how if the trend is trading on range only.
  16. Its been two days and I can't still open the site. I'm just wondering if my isp got ban in here or something. But this is weird. Because I can open other site except this one today. I do hope that in the long run I can really enjoy making big income in here. This is the ptp forum that I first joined and earn. So I'm hoping to see myself posting in here again.
  17. You can PM mod in here for details on how to make good in forex trading if you going to join under him. Its not only posting that you can earn bonus funds in here but you can get also some free trading capital if you are really trading in forex. This is what I really like about this forum. As I can get more trading capital and grow my trading earnings.
  18. Finally I can post in here. I just have 4 dollars worth of post in here and that is a good start. I will going to continue posting in here until I reach 100 dollars worth of post. Then that's the time I'm going to request payments using paypal. I want to have some funds in paypal to use to trade in forex trading. This site is really good source of information for me.
  19. Its always best to practice in demo account. The more we trade in demo account the more experience we get. Before we know it we are already earning good money in real account. I also advice newbies to be active in ptp forums. The more we post the more we make good bonuses that we can use to trade in forex. this is the main reason why I love to trade in forex. Its because I know theirs an opportunity to make profit in here.
  20. Can you give me specific forex broker site that givr bonus funds but don't give high margin? Because all the forex broker sites that I joined give me high margin limits or allow me to use higher marging limits and in fact this is the main reason why they give bonus and high margin. So that you can trade and loss your money or earn big right away.
  21. Just think that leverage is the percentage you are willing to loss. For example if you going to have 100 dollars trading capital. And you use 1:1 leverage then that means 1 cent movements in a pair that you are trading you going to end up earning and losing 1 cent only. now if the leverage is 1:100 then you going to end up earning or losing 100 cents or 1 dollar. Now what if you going to use 1:1000 leverage? then 1 cent movement you can end up losing or earning 1,000 cent or 10 dollars.
  22. May I know what kind of forex broker sites that do this? We need to be careful but how can we be careful if we don't know what kind of site that do this. I guess its much better if you can names the sites that do this in order for us to be aware. I do already have joined a lot of forex broker sites and so far I don't experience any thing false in their rules. You just need to read it before you join it.
  23. This is totally not true. We earn simply because we open a position favor to us. If someone loss money I don't think its because we earn money. It just that they make wrong position and end up losing. The market is so big that many of us trade as speculators. But most of those who are in forex trading are actually in their to exchange their currency. So if they get the currency that they want then they don't loss at all.
  24. I think all forex broker sites do offer free demo account. But theirs some few only who actually offers free bonus funds and much fewer who has ptp forums that we can post and earn bonus funds to trade. I do believe we can all handle our trading account and become a rich trader once we know how to trade and the best way to practice is in demo account.
  25. Scalping is about trading in less than a day. Usually the SL and TP is about 20 to 50 pips range only depends if the pair that you are trading is volatile or not. But the main reason of this is that its better to close your position and run way with the profit the hold your position and get MC. This is the main reason why so many like to do scalping. Easy in and easy out attitude.
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