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Everything posted by budado

  1. If you know what to use then I guess I can say its useful. I do use bots before and I do know the advantage of having a bot. But in the long run its still up to us if we want to become the best trader their is or not. I'm so sure that manual trading can really make us a good trader and eventually a rich trader. Just keep on making big trading capital and we will become a rich trader some day.
  2. Its good if we have experience in forex trading and same time understand how forex trading do and works. I'm so interested to know if I can handle my trading account enough for me to earn big amount of money. I'm so interested to know if I can deal with my account. I'm so sure I will become a big time trader and become a good earner some day.
  3. I do have three steps that make me choose a forex broker sites that I want. One is that its must have a forum. Second its must have a processors that I do use and third its must be regulated. I only need two out of three to join that forex broker site. So far I do have 5 forex broker sites that I do maintain and I do hope to have 30 trading forex broker sites. This is my target.
  4. If we can make 1,000 dollars a day then that means we can earn 30,000 dollars a month. My earnings is computated each month as I'm a long term trader and I do believe I can handle much bigger trading capital. If I want to earn 30,000 dollars a month I need to have 600,000 dollars trading capital. Its seems a big trading capital for me. What I'm hoping is just 1,000 dollars a month profit.
  5. Its easy if you want to earn big in forex trading. I do know I can handle my trading account in here. Its been a while since I last invested my time in books and seminars but once I have another big income I would like to spend more time trying to invest and earn big amount of money in real account. My target of having 10,000 dollars trading capital is already near my reach.
  6. If I can earn 1,000 dollars a month I would be happy. But right now I do only have limited funds I do earn about 100 dollars more or less and that means its only 10% of my target profit. But I do know I can handle my trading account in here and make big income in here. I'm so sure I will be making so much profit in here without any problem. I'm sure of that.
  7. Practice is the best forex trading system. If we don't practice we will never going to make money in here. I do know that many do end up losing big amount of money in forex trading. I do loss money also but I keep on trading and hoping that some day I can grow my trading account big enough for me to enjoy my life. I do hope that I can earn 1,000 dollars a month right now.
  8. To be honest I really don't like bitcoin. For me its not stable at all. Its does not have actual value but its keep on going up and for sure its a bubble that will going to explode soon and if that going to happen I'm sure I can end up losing much bigger money. But I do like to trade in instaforex and in fact I have 10 accounts in here.
  9. We need to do constant practice and constant analysis if we really want to earn big in forex trading. Eventually we can all become a successful forex trader some day. I'm sure many do end up having hard time earning. I'm so interested to know if I can deal with my trading account or not. I'm so sure I can have some big income in here and become a rich trader.
  10. I only spend two to three hours a day. I open my accounts in the morning for an hour and half and same also before I go to sleep as I do try to update my trading accounts. I do expect myself to make big income in forex trading and eventually I can become a successful forex trader. I do enjoy making big income in here?
  11. I'm hoping that their will be more activity in this forum. I really don't know why theirs just too few who are actually posting in this forum. This forum is paying good and paying fast also compare to other ptp forums so why theirs just limited poster in here? I do hope that activity will be back in here once again. I do want to post in here daily.
  12. If you have an account in mt5 I'm sure you can't be active in this forum. I miss the days when I joined so three forums that is instaforex related and its so good as I can really earn good amount of trading capital. But now I only going to stick to mt5 forum. Although I really want to be active in this forum also and hope to make additional funds in my account in instaforex.
  13. Its good that you get paid in here. But right now I really don't know if I want to beome active in here or not. Its seems the activity is some how not good for me and the payments is their but as you said theirs some delays. For how long will this forum is going to pay? I really don't know and I don't know about this forum enough for me to take some risk of posting in here.
  14. And its better that this thread be closed already. This section is for paying forum and if that forum stop paying then its means its a waste of time investing our time posting in a forum that we can't earn. Its good rate forum but its not paying anymore. I guess we are in here to find a stable and much better paying forum.
  15. I got paid few days back and I'm sure if you request payments few weeks back you already get paid right now. I guess you only request payments recently and your cut off is for nex payments and not for this payments. If you reach another 100 post you can request payments right away and hope that you will get paid at the same time.
  16. The opening of new thread is 8 cents but the post is only a cent? I do found opening new threads much better than posting as I can earn bigger. And I guess others will want to open new threads than reply also. I think its better that opening new threads is only worth 4 cents and posting worth 3 cents to make this forum more active.
  17. I'm happy that I have about 10 active accounts in instaforex and I really do want to have bigger trading capital. I can only do that If I'm going to be more active posting in this forum. So far so good that I do earn money in here. How I wish that I can end up having so much profit in forex trading. I really do want to get about 10,000 dollars trading funds in this forum.
  18. I already have requested payments from this forum like two weeks ago. I don't know if mod in here forgetten my request of payments or what. I do hope that I will get paid in here. I still do continue posting in here and hoping that I can grow my trading account with the funds that I can earn in here. I almost near 20 dollars worth of post in here already.
  19. Me too. If its a pay per post forum then I guess I'm more active in this forum also. I do want to see myself making some good income in forex trading and this is the main reason why I love forex forums. But if I can't earn bonus funds per post then I prefer to just read and not post and maybe get some tips or two. But that's all I can do in here.
  20. I guess this site is no more and for me its time to move on. Its good to have a new site but if admin of a new site does not know how to run his forum properly its can just go down and turn to scam. Some how we are in here to make some money. Lets all do hope that we can find a much stable and paying forum.
  21. Welcome back. theirs a lot of ptp forum that turn to scam already. I guess that's the reason why your points has been hulled. But theirs also other reason like your post is like a spam post so you really need to increase your post quality. Its good that dmt is really paying good until now. I do hope that we can make good profit in here.
  22. I'm so happy that I do make some good income in forex trading so I want to become active in this forum also. But right now I'm still waiting for this forum to pay its pending request of payments so I do hope that this one will going to start paying soon. I decided to become active in here again once I got paid in here.
  23. I just want to share my proof of payments coming from this site. 12:11 12.06.14 Receive 60134006 U1949613 DMT and MTW Account +3.00 13.15 Received Payment 3.00 USD from account U1949613. Memo: Payment From Money Talk World Forum, Post proof at different forum!!!
  24. Theirs so many other processors that we can use if your country is not allowed. The main good purpose of having paypal in my country is that I can withdraw it straight to my bank account. But if my country is not on the list I don't give a damn and I will not going to try to use paypal also.
  25. The big question is if you going to withdraw the funds in here to your bank account how much do you pay? I'm sure its very high. Although I have not done it yet though. But I'm hoping this year if I have 1,000 dollars in neteller I will going to use their bank wire withdrawals features. I do want to use neteller as my online earning.
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