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Everything posted by budado

  1. I have some how hard time posting in here since the rate is much lower to dmt. So I prefer to spend more time posting in dmt than in mtw. But still I do try to post in here on regular basis. If I post in dmt 20 post I also try to post 20 post in mtw. Although I do know my earnings will be much better in dmt than in mtw.
  2. I'm hoping that you are going to be more active in here also. I'm trying to be a regular poster in here. I do know that I can earn really good amount of money in here since this site has good rate. I just need to see more members being active in here so that I can post in here on regular basis. This is what I'm hoping to achieve in here.
  3. I already reach 5,000 points in here and I'm expecting to get about 29 to 30 dollars in here next month. I do hope its going to come in the first week to second week of next month. I really do like to expand my trading account and become a rich trader. So earning good in fxfred really going to help me earn a lot in forex trading.
  4. Just wondering is forex section a paying section now? I'm not active posting in here as activity is not that much and since as far as I know forex trading is not a paying section. I'm not active posting in forex section. But I'm sure if forex section is a paying section I will be glad to be active in here most of the time.
  5. I like this forum. Some how I can do about 15 to 20 post daily in here without any problem. I'm trying to be more active in here hoping to have good earning chance again online. I'm so interested to see myself becoming a successful online earner and I do feel happy that I do earn good amount of money in here to make me a good income earner.
  6. Its nice that you got paid in here. I do hope that I will going to earn some good earnings in here also. So far so good that I am trying to be active online again. My goal is to make some good income in forex trading but I need funds so I will try to be active in here to get more trading capital. I do like to see myself sharing my forex trading experience and earn from it.
  7. I don't know the reason why you stop but this forum do pays 4 cents per post and just posting 10 post you already get 40 cents and if you post 20 post you already get 80 points. I do try to post in here on regular basis if I can. I do hope to get 50 to 100 cents per day in here starting today. I do hope I will not get deductions for spamming.
  8. That's true. Its easy to post in ptp forums that has forex section if you are trading in forex. Before I'm active in hyip section since I invest a lot in hyip. But now I am happy trading and I love to post in forex section. I do hope that I can make good post in here on regular basis since I decided to stop working offline and start trading in forex to earn more money.
  9. I already have 10 trading accounts in instaforex and most of the funds I have in here come from this site and I still get paid until now. In fact I already guaranteed myself of earning at least 50 dollars a month in instaforex trading thanks to mt5. This is the main reason why I love forex trading its because of this forum.
  10. Its so frustrating this stp is asking a lot of documents. Its more strict than any processors that I open. I do hope I can get my account verified in here soon. I still need to send them my picture. I really don't understand what is that for as they can see my picture in my ID also. But for the sake of getting verified I will going to give what they want.
  11. I'm some how happy that I do earn via PM. I do hope that I can grow my earnings online via PM right now. I'm trying to establish an online earnings and I do feel that forex trading is really for me to earn big. Lets all do hope that we can sustain and maintain our profit online for the long period of time using PM.
  12. I don't know if its just because I don't use webmoney or some how others do have the same sentiment as me. I do feel that webmoney is not getting popular right now. Its seems its getting less and less attractive as PM is now getting more hold when LR goes down. I think theirs some think that webmoney must do to make it a contender once again.
  13. I don't agree that we need to incur loses to make it in forex trading. I do believe I can end up earning good in here. Eventually I can say success is the best way to make big profit. I don't like to loss but I do know I can handle my trading account and become a rich trader. I'm sure I can and I'm sure I will be a good earner in here. I like that.
  14. In learning experience I will going to say yes. I did this when I was a newbies. I do trade eight pairs and do analysis on each pairs some some how I do end up understanding the relationship of each currencies. Right now I only jump from one pair to another to trade. I do trade aggressive and volatile pairs and hope to make good income each month.
  15. I already reach 20 dollars worth of post in here and I do hope that I can reach 50 dollars in here or 60 dollars then I will going to try to request payments via neteller or paypal. I really do get excited making some good profit in here. For me this is the only way I can manage my trading account and earning in ptp forum at the same time.
  16. Why what other sponsored forum you are in right now? Instaforex is the main sponsored forum so its better to be in this forum that its affiliate forum. But again it just me. Because I joined so many instaforex affiliate forum also and end up giving up all of it and become active in this forum and earning 50 dollars to 80 dollars a month bonus funds and 50 to 100 dollars a month trading profit.
  17. I have now about 4,000 points in here. I just need to post four to five days and I'm good to reach 5,000 points in here. I do hope that I can sustain and maintain a 6,000 points in here each month. Although the maximum we can earn is just 5,000 points and theirs also the percentage of earnings. its really good if we can maintain the maximum profit in here.
  18. I'm really trying to be active in here but it hard to post on regular basis if theirs so few who actually posting in here. I been not that active in ptp forums recently especially in this forum. But I do hope that I will going to be back in ptp posting after having my job works for the last one year. I do believe I can handle my trading account and become a good earner.
  19. I think its more on how active you are in many section but not posting big enough to consider you a spammer. When I was new in here I do post about 25 post a day in here but now I can only do average of 5 to 10 post a day if the forum is active and regularly reposted by members. But posting wise I do only try to be active in here by posting depends on other posters activity.
  20. I will just going to try to reach about 5 dollars worth of post in here then before I request payments then just wait to get paid. If I want to earn 5 dollars in here I end up posting 500 post or opening 100 threads. I guess I prefer to open 100 threads then request payments then stop posting in here. Its so hard to be active in a forum that is more on opening new threads than having conversation.
  21. I also request payments in here. This is the first time that I request payments in here and I do hope that their will be payment soon as I'm really excited to get paid in here. I some how minimize my posting in here since I'm busy offline but I do hope to be regular poster in here in two weeks time as I decided to resign in my work to concentrate in forex trading and of course posting in here.
  22. The rate in mtw is lower compare to dmt in some of its sections. But I still do like to maintain my posting in here. So if I post in dmt I also try to post in mtw. For me its not the earnings that really matters but posting in here since I been in here for more than a year now and just like being active in this forum sharing and getting some information.
  23. Its been few days since I last post in here. Its nice to be posting again in here. But I guess I can only manage to post once or twice a week since its really busy time for me in my offline work and I concentrate more in forex trading. But if I have free time its always in dmt that I do make my first post and hope to maintain even just earning 5 dollars a month in here.
  24. Both are. But I don't think you can gain some experience in forex trading if you don't have trading skills to start with. How will you know if you are earning money if you don't know how to make some money? In two to three years time I can guarantee you that we can earn big amount of money if you going to keep on learning and trading each day for that long.
  25. That's true. We really need to have huge trading capital to earn that much or much lesser but more aggressive approach if we want to trade that kind of earning each day. I only wish I can earn 100 dollars a day. Right now I can earn comfortably 100 dollars a month with 3,000 dollars trading capital. so if I want to earn 100 dollars a day I need to have 90,000 dollars trading capital and earning 3,000 dollars a month.
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