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Everything posted by budado

  1. If theirs a selective payments then I guess its going to take long for all to get paid in here. I guess activity will going to slow down until all sponsors expired. And when that happen I don't know if this forum can get a new sponsors. So for me its better just to find a more stable ptp forum to post to. But if this one start paying actively again then I guess its time for me to be active in here.
  2. I though this site is back in active duty since this thread is active but to my surprise theirs nothing new about this forum. I guess its better this thread be close already so that it can be rest in peace already. It can be open anyway when the site is back as paying or earning forum. But right now with no positive development I don't think its worth it to visit this site.
  3. I will wait for your update. If you get paid then I will try to be active in here also. I'm not yet active in this forum. But since I have now lots of free time I'm hoping to be active in here and maybe its can also help my trading career. And since its forex oriented I'm sure some how I can earn good enough ideas to help me develop more trading strategies.
  4. Okay. One question. How much is the rate in ptp section and payments processor section in mtw and in dmt? And in forex section how much is the rate in dmt and in mtw? The rate in dmt is two to three cents per post while the rate in mtw is one to two cents per post.
  5. I will try to post in this section twice to three times a day. I already resign in my offline job to concentrate in forex trading. And since I have some free time now I'm hoping to be more active in ptp forums like dmt. Its some how good to be back in here posting actively. I really do hope that I can now start earning more in my online earnings including ptp forums like dmt.
  6. I'm just wondering if I can chance my leverage to 1:100 in here and its just make me curious why my free margin is really high in here. Its already reach 2000% plus free margin but in other broker site with the same investments and the same trading strategy I only have 200% free margin. This worries me. Because I can get MC if I'm not careful.
  7. Practice. That's the best forex trading system. Because no matter what you do if you don't practice you will never going to make it in forex trading. I do believe I can handle my trading account and become a rich trader some day. I'm so sure that I can become a lucky earner in here some day. Lets just all do hope to see ourselves earning great in here.
  8. Right now majority of the pairs that I'm trading is aud/usd and I do hope to hold this pair for my own advantage. I do know that the interest rate in here is really good and this is the main reason why I focus on having this pair so that I can earn more and more profit in here. Eventually I can say I can end up as a successful forex trader in here with this pair.
  9. For me if I have bigger trading capital then its useful but if I don't have bigger trading capital then its not. I really don't know how long its going to take me to become a rich trader but I realize right now that if I really want to earn big in forex trading I need to learn how forex trading works and right now I really need to have big trading capital to start with.
  10. Pamm account is run by individual trader. Even me has a PAMM account. So how transparent a PAMM account is depends on how good we are in forex trading. But I'm sure we can check the history of a PAMM account before we can invest. Its good if that PAMM account is popular. For me its better to invest in a popular PAMM account.
  11. Its not about if its good or bad. Its about us learning. The more we know how to trade the more we can end up making profit. This does not matter if you have no idea how to trade because you will surely going to loss money. So don't expect or think that its not good or its bad. Think that you need to learn first how to trade to make profit.
  12. Ebooks is good for understanding. But in the long run we really need to make sure that we know what we are doing. We can't just trade in forex and hope that we make money. Forex trading the key to success is to trade in demo account first before we trade in real account. Don't expect that we earn big simply because we know how to trade. In fact we can end up making big profit if we keep on trading.
  13. I do trade good trading news in forex trading. The more strong the news is the more I end up making some good profit. I do hope that I can sustain and maintain my trading account after the first break. Usually if I do earn good trading news I end up getting MC later on. This is the main reason why I love to focus on forex trading. Eventually I do know I can handle my trading account well enough to make me earn good profit.
  14. Theirs no secret in forex trading. You only need to practice. The more you know how to practice the more you can end up making some money. I'm really happy with the way things are for me. Forex trading is the best thing we can do right now and I really enjoy having some fun in forex trading. I guess in two to three years time I can really enjoy making big income.
  15. I'm more on eur/usd. Its good to trade gbp/usd if you know this pair down to its fundamentals. Because if you do then you will know how strong the trends is in here. Its always a bullish trends for months and bearish trends for months if its move. This is the main reason why its really good to do averaging in this kind of pairs.
  16. I do trade every day and some how I'm happy and lucky to earn each day. I do hope that I can have big trading capital. My main goal of earning at least 500 dollars a month is still long to reach. But I'm really hoping to grow my trading account big enough for me to say I'm earning just fine. I do hope that constantly I can build my trading account.
  17. My advice is always the same. But always neglected. My advice is for newbies to spend their time practicing in demo account. The more they practice the more they can end up making some good income in forex trading. Its takes months before we taste some profit so we need to be patient. We also need to grow our trading capital and become a big time trader.
  18. The biggest mistake in forex trading is when we invest small amount of money but want to earn big right away. We end up trading aggressively. Its good if we make profit but what if we end up losing? Then we end up having hard time earning in forex. I do suggest that we make some good money in forex trading by practicing in here.
  19. Its can help you start trading in forex. But I don't think its going to help you succeed in forex. You need to have a good amount of trading capital if you want to make it big in forex trading. I'm so sure that in two to three years time I can earn 1,000 dollars or more in forex trading. I just need bigger trading capital to start with.
  20. Big question is what is newbies? If you trade for a month do you still be consider a newbies? I don't think its good to always call a new trader a newbies and expect that he going to loss. theirs a lot of newbies who spend much of his time studying forex trading and end up making some profit right away. So those who loss are those who don't know how to trade yet.
  21. For me if you loss 5 its already time to stop trading and trade in demo account. I don't incur loses for the last five months already. And I'm hoping to grow my trading account big. In forex trading we must focus on learning and then earning . This is how we make profit in forex trading. We don't rely so much in demo account to earn. We must still practice in real account to control our emotions.
  22. Demo account is really hard to practice since we actually don't make money in here everybody just want to earn money so they start trading in real account and they end up losing. In demo account theirs no pressure and theirs no risk of losing so they don't take is seriously. In the long run we all going to end up losing big amount of money if we don't patiently practice in demo account.
  23. Since in gambling we rely only on luck and in forex trading we do analysis. Its more on calculated risk in real account forex trading than in relying on luck on gambling. So for me its not the same. The chance of making money is much much higher in real account forex trading than gambling. And the odds of making profit is really much higher in here.
  24. How can a broker site earn when we loss? Its more on negative in their part also. Forex broker sites earn via spread. So it does not matter if we earn or loss as each time we trade they earn money from the spread. Now if we loss we can't trade any more and if we stop trading then they don't earn. So they actually loss also if we loss since we stop trading.
  25. I'm happy that I have 172 dollars in here. Its already included that bonuses though. I do hope that I can reach 200 dollars before the month end of July. I'm really excited to see myself earning good in here. I'm so sure that in this year I can reach 1,000 dollars in here and earn 25 dollars minimum each month in here.
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