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Everything posted by budado

  1. If I have 3,000 dollars I will going to invest 1,000 dollars on each forex broker site that I choose. Its because I do feel that it worth trading if I have more accounts as I can save one or two if I'm going to split my trading accounts. Anyway I'm happy some how that I have 3,000 dollars trading accounts already and I hope I can sustain and maintain and even increase it to 10,000 dollars soon.
  2. I don't think its only good for newbies but for all of us. Since I trade long term I only get MC twice in two years. Not bad at all. Problem is that this twice I got MC is a multiple MC since I do the same strategy in all of my accounts. But still its much better to get MC just once a year than to get MC many times. The more risk we take the more we end up getting MC. So its better to take less risk.
  3. I just use 1:100 leverage in all of my trading accounts as much as possible. In this way I can handle my trading account and still end up surviving about 100 pips loses. So far it does work for me. If my analysis is good some how I can survive the most volatile day and even weeks of enduring loses. But same time I do know the lower your leverage the lower your profitability.
  4. I don't apply stop loss but I do make sure that I do hedging or averaging. I do compute my free margin first before I open a position so I do know if my position can hold on even if its going to incur loses or not. I'm so sure I can end up being a lucky trader and have big trading capital. I just need really to invest more time and give more effort to earn more.
  5. You can start trading using bonus funds only. This is the main reason why I focus right now in making so much profit in forex trading. With multiple trading accounts I can some how earn one good earning one after another. I'm lucky that some how I make so much profit in forex trading. But I do know that I need much bigger trading capital if I want to survive and earn good in forex trading.
  6. When you trade you notice that theirs a spread. That's spread is the main reason earnings of a forex broker site. Its time we trade they earn commission via spread. And they also earn commission from our deposit. Since each time we make deposit they put our money in the bank and its earn interest in their.
  7. This really interest me. I'm hoping that you can add the link in the image so that when we click the image we can go directly to the exness website and get more information in their. Some how I do feel that I can earn money with this since I'm already trading in forex some how I can convince others to join me as well and earn commission from their deposit.
  8. Trading in real account is really hard to do. Even if we make success in demo account we will going to have hard time earning in real account. That's why its take time before we succeed. Many newbies end up giving up right away and this is the main reason why so many newbies fails. But if they continue trading and learning some how they will realize that theirs a big potential in forex trading.
  9. If you know how to do manual trading its good to have bots also. But make sure that you use that bots in demo account first just to check if its good to use or not. In the long run we can all make big income in forex trading once we are in here to make big money. Forex trading is the key to my online career. And I do want to take it seriously.
  10. Lets slowly grow our trading account in here. Even if we don't invest money we can end up making some good income in forex trading. Slowly but surely we can grow our trading account and before we know it we already have big income in here. For sure I started with just 10 dollars three years ago but now I do manage to reach 1,000 dollars trading capital soon.
  11. I'm already trading for three years now in forex and some how each day I trade I gain more and more experience. Sad to say that even if I have some experience I still do have hard time earning and controlling myself. I guess its because I don't earn much and my free margin is getting low. But I do hope that in the near future I can have 1,000% free margin in all of my trading accounts.
  12. In demo account we do practice. In real account we do trade. So its very important that we know the difference between the two. I'm so sure we can all enjoy making big income in forex trading once we knwo how to handle our trading account. In demo we must always think that we are in here to practice so we must take forex trading in demo seriously. In real account we must always think that we are in here to earn money.
  13. I guess most of us are guilty of this one. When a trend is going bullish we are some how careful not to open too many buy position and when the trends keeps on going up we open a lot of buy position only to find out later that it reach its reversal point. And end up losing more. I guess this is human emotional tendency.
  14. To all people.I'm totally surprise that you are capable of copy and pasting in this forum. You copy and paste my post. http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/4748-do-you-think-compounding-is-important/page-7 I'm sure its not the first time that you have done this.
  15. I do analysis twice a day and I open my accounts every few hours each day right now. I do try to monitor my accounts almost every few hours since I have 120% free margin to 400% free margin range in my 10 trading accounts and only two has more than 1000% free margin and the rest range between 400% to 1,000 free margin. My goal is to have minimum of 1000% free margin so that I can trade long term.
  16. Theirs many forex broker sites who also offers 1 dollars minimum investments. But for sure theirs a big chance that you will get MC if you don't know how to trade. In forex trading you don't only invest money. You also invest your time and effort learning how to trade and eventually make good income in here. This is the main reason why we need to focus on learning.
  17. Lets just say the longer we trade the more experience we get the more likely we can stabilize our trading account and make good money in forex trading. I do know that I have hard time earning in forex right now. But I also do know that I keep my trading grow and I'm sure once I reach my goal of having 10,000 dollars trading capital at least I can start cashing out profit.
  18. I prefer to trade swing strategy. Its much safer in the sense that you have limited open position and you just wait for a big one before you open a position. I do know I can handle my trading account and become a big time trader some day. So I'm really expecting to see myself making good income in forex trading. I do know I can surely build my trading account.
  19. Right now most of my trading accounts are dangerously low in free margin. My safe side is 1000% free margin at least. I do hope that I can continue trading and slowly building my trading account until such time that I have 1,000% free margin again. This is why I want to keep on trading and hoping to make big income in forex trading.
  20. If you are a newbies its best that you join a forex broker sites that has a paying forum. In this way you can earn some bonus funds that you can use to trade and earn money. My main goal and objective is really to grow my trading account and I can do that if each month I'm expecting to get more and more bonus funds to increase my trading capital.
  21. Theirs still a request of payments dated May 11 in here. That's almost a month and half already. I don't know why its not been process until now. But as long theirs little or no movements of payments in here I will just going to minimize my posting in here. I still do post in here from time to time for the sake of posting and checking if theirs a new payments.
  22. I only manage to open about 25 threads so far in forex section. Even if I have three years and seven months of trading experience its really hard to open new threads than just discuss in already existing threads. But I guess I just need to open few threads each day until I have enough threads to request payments in here. I don't know though if this one will last long.
  23. I already PM mod in here and hope to get some reply soon. I tried to find the thread or information that I read few years back that forex section has been turn to non paying section because of spamming. But if they already turn forex section as paying section then its really good news in my part as I do forex trading and I love posting in forex section.
  24. Just be conscious of time interval between post in here. In my experience the faster you post in here the more likely you can end up getting deductions. Even if your post is meaningful. But if you do some interval posting some how even if your post is just moderate you can earn good in here. I do now have 20 dollars plus points in here and I'm still long way to reach 50 dollars worth of post before I will try to cashout in here.
  25. Forex is open 24 hours a day five days and half a week and theirs a lot of news that coming in and out. So theirs no way you can end up losing words to say if you are active in forex trading. Like me for example. I do have 5 forex broker sites and 15 total trading accounts and has minimum of 100 dollars a month profit. So each day I just post what I experience in forex trading. Either I make profit or I loss and so on.
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