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Everything posted by budado

  1. 30 days deposit. 150% vs 80 days 2.4% daily I really don't think its realistic to invest in 80 days plan and earn 2.4% for 80 days. And the big question is after 80 days will you get back the principal or not? In this case its better to invest in 30 days 150% earnings. I'm sure you can reinvest your funds to another 30 days and earn 150% again. In short your 60 days you earn back 300% while in your 80 days plan you only earn 2.4% a day.
  2. This shows that the script has a bug? Or is it the server problem? Right now I don't think its good to believe that every thing is going to be okay. Just wait for awhile before you start adding more funds in here. Theirs nothing to loss if you wait but lot to risk if you don't. good luck.
  3. I remember an old hyip that turn to scam already that has this kind of admin. Very communicative. In fact that particular hyip has its own forums and theirs also a meeting once a week if I'm not mistaken. You can hear his voice. Talk to him. Etc. Its really a great hyip site. The only problem is when it hit a maintenance problem. Every one panic and cashout. That what kills it.
  4. I earn about 3 cents per post in here. I think what you need to do to earn more in here is don't copy and paste. Nick hate members who do this and get lots of deductions. Second don't spam. Me on average a week I only post about 50 to 70 post a week.
  5. @echofrommadiun I think every site we are in we must follow the rules as a sign of respect to that site. For me theirs no such thing as strict ptp site. Because what is the use of the rules if its not implemented. Right? I still not reach minimum in here. In fact I'm just starting to post in here. But I make sure that I will follow the rules that is given to me. And if I receive warning I make sure I will not do it again.
  6. I think its time to close this thread or merge this thread to the new thread. Since the old one is gone and theirs a new one. But I think we can't claim that this site turn to scam since its still pays member. But just wondering why this site need to open a new forum if they will still pay the old payment request? Why not just continue the old forum?
  7. I don't think it won't affect payments. In fact contest is like an advertisement its help particular site to get more member. So its means more money for the site to pays its investors. Just think of it. Ty don't offer contest for a loss. They offer contest so that they can earn more.
  8. I'm happy to say that gorgonprojectinvest is not affected by the downing of liberty reserve last week. Many hyip site has problem paying its members. Some who pay instant has a waiting period of few hours to even days. Problem is that the longer the waiting period of payment the more members try to cashout. So the final effect is always the closing of that site. I'm happy that gorgonproject did not suffer the same faith.
  9. One thing I like about this site is its still paying. But two things I don't like about this site is that its alexa rating is 250,000. that is almost tripled the limits that I set in to invest in hyip and that is 100,000 alexa rating. A good hyip site must be 100,000 or higher alexa rating. Second This month or the past 30 days 5strade loss 20% of its visitors. That means some who invested in here did not return or simply theirs no new investors and for me that is a bad sign.
  10. Don't count this site out yet. This pass seven days this site have activity or visitors increase of 20%!. And that is despite Liberty Reserve is down last week. I'm sure this site still have some kick and its still good to invest or at least maintain your investment in here.
  11. If you see the chart of lionsociety visitors log. Its like the back of a crocodile. up then down then up then down. But The good news is right now its 20% up this past seven days. Badnews is that its one month average its still down by 20%.
  12. Right now midasgoldund on average this week is down by 20% That maybe the result of liberty reserve going down last week. But if you look at the chart. Right now its claiming back again. I'm sure next week we can see about 20% grown in this site.
  13. Right now its almost touching the 10,000 alexa rank. I think so far in terms of alexa ranking oil-capital is the most visited hyip site I know. Since I never know any hyip that has reach even the 15,000 alexa rank.
  14. Right now this site is stabilizing. What I mean of stabilizing is its not growing. Its now has an average of 36,000 alexa rating for a month now. Its highest is in the middle of February when this site is just starting. But exoticrfx is very innovative I think even though theirs no more increase of investors. Its can still sustain itself for a long time because of forex trading.
  15. I don't want to put down this site but its fails all of my requirements in my hyip investing strategy. First this site is run from "Xtgem" if you don't know what is xtgem you can visit the site xtgem.com For me this is a cheap hyip created by a hoping admin. Don't get me wrong. But I rather invest my money in a professional hyip admin than this one. Sorry.
  16. In a month this site has an increase of activity by 250%. But that's is not enough to propel this site to 100,000 alexa rating. I hope this site will reach 100,000 level. for me a good and stable hyip must have 100,000 or higher alexa rating. Less than 100,000 for me is still questionable.
  17. I just want to update my thread. I charge 12% fees for an exchange. Right now I have LR and PP. And I accept LR, PP and AP exchange and also buy and sell to filipino clients. Just pm me at my ym bulastika@yahoo.com for more details thanks.
  18. Despite of Liberty Reserve going down for five days last week this site still register a 1% increase of visitors!. Unlike other hyip site that loss about 20 to 30% of visitors simply because theirs no LR to deposit or withdraw.
  19. In just seven days this site loss 30% of its visitor. I don't know why but I see a pattern in other hyip sites as well. I see that other hyip sites loss either 20 or 30% of its visitors. That starts when Liberty reserve have time down for five days or so.
  20. This is a new site so its understandable that its alexa rating is 250,000. One thing that I'm looking at this site right now is its growth rate. Its only 20%. Usually a site like this one has an increase of 30% or more. But I will wait in few weeks if its alexa rating will reach 100,000 mark. Then that is the time I considered investing.
  21. I know its paying but base on my research this site is not good to invest in. If your already in here I think the best move is to cashout as much as possible. Here is the reason why. In just seven days the site loss 30% of its visitor. What happen to does 30% visitors? I don't know. But I don't want to be the last investors to go out.
  22. This site start last december and it reach it peak in the same month. Then its started to slide down until Last week of march. As its started to raise again. Problem is that at the end of march to first few days of april LR is down. So what happen is that fxband slide down again.
  23. This site is new but its not picking up at all. In fact it has a wave pattern even though the site is new. Usually you see a wave pattern if the site is already old and stabilizing. But this one is not growing at all. And its alexa rating is 150,000. I will wait if it will reach 100,000 alexa rating before I will consider investing in here.
  24. Right now gorgonprojectinvest is getting stronger and raising still. despite of Liberty Reserve down town last week its only down by 5% compare to other hyip sites that loss about 20% of its visitors because simply LR is down and in the whole month this site still have a growth increase of 37%!
  25. In pass seven days its down by 30% of its visitors. So far in my research the down time of Liberty reserve result to -20 drops on hyip site that caters liberty reserve. But viscocorp has -30% drop. Lets see if this is just temporary decline of visitors. The site still rank 50,000 in alexa rating so its still strong despite of the slow down.
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