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Everything posted by budado

  1. I love this site. Although the rate is low. Its still perfect for me. I can post in here daily and earn in here daily without thinking that I will be ban because of spamming. Sometimes if you really enjoy waht you do you post a lot and its really painful if your reward is ban simply because of called spamming.
  2. Right now I will try to cashout using HD. problem even do I do exchange I still can't find anyone who is interesting to buy my HD. They want LR not HD. If only I can find a way to make HD profitable in exchange business of mind that will be fun.
  3. I'm trying to be active in here but I don't see ptp sections in here and that's a negative to me. Since I can't post regularly in here. Its either I will post daily in hyip section only. But I feel I'm spamming if I do that. That why I only post in their maximum of twice a week.
  4. Right now my plan is reach 300 points and cashout in here. In my country 3 dollars is worth about 130 pesos. That's almost 1/4th of our minimum wage. Not enough right? But I can use it to look for real job. 130 pesos is enough for me to pay my fare back band forth.
  5. I still have problem with the rate computation. If 100 points is equal to 2 dollars then 1 point is equal to 2 cents right? But our post is worth 0.225 points per post. So that means per post we earn half a cent right? or 0.005 per post?
  6. If mylot can fix our earnings to one or two cent per post. I think many members will post in here. Its nice to post in here simply because theirs no limits to your post a day. Problem is that we earn less than a cent per post and for me its time consuming to post in here and earn less than a cent a day.
  7. I'm still struggling to post in here. Activity is so low especially in hyip sections. I see lots of new hyip threads but has less than three replies each. For me I love to post in a hyip threads that has at least 20 post already. But now that the site is start processing pending payments I'm sure activity will pick up again.
  8. @ archu7 Do my strategy. Post 15 post a day in TCC in each section. For example. PTP section. 15 post, next day 15 post in hyip section, third day 15 post in ptc section, In fourth day 15 post in general and in ecurrency section. In that way you earn while not spamming the same threads.
  9. The minimum cashout in here is 500 points. If you receive 4 dollars that means you have lots of violations. In long run if you keep receiving 4 dollars you will end up having low rate.IT will later result to farther deductions. Until you only receive about 2 dollars from your 500 points. So four dollars earnings is not bad. But if that a pattern then its a concern that you need to take.
  10. Just have one question. If you say delay then its means you waited more than the promise time right? Now my question is. How long is the waiting period of hyrextalk before we get paid? A day? A week? two weeks? or more? Then how long did you wait? Is that more than the promise time to wait? If not then wheres the delay? Many are claiming that theirs a delay of payments. But if you ask them how long is the allocated time for cashout. No one can answer. Delays only happens when its not been done as promised.
  11. Don't make an advise if you don't make research. The reason that theirs was a delay is well explained. Right now eft cycler is the priority of EFT admin. That the reason why theirs a delay. Right now eft cycler will have a new injection system to make eft cycler matures faster. And about the delay. We will be paid after three days if you care to read when we will be paid in eft news.
  12. I'm trying to be regular poster in here but I'm not happy at all. The reason is simple. Yesterday I try to post in hyip section but I can't find well known and popular hyips threads. What I found are new hyip sites threads that we don't even know if this site is paying or not. And the worse part is that the plans are scam like. earning about 20% interest a day. I wonder why theirs no activity in hyip section.
  13. The best way to earn in here is not to post proof of payments and if you do. Just keep it below 10% of your total post. The reason is simple. Once you have lots of proof of payments post you end up having minimum of 1000 post instead of 500 post to request cashout.
  14. Guys can you help me up understood the rules. Okay if I post 5 post and request cashout I earn 15 cents. I have done that and I'm happy that I got paid. Now my second question is this. Since I don't request cashout but I post and already have I think more than 50 post. How can I request to be paid with my previous 50 post? Can I request multiple times in a day? For example today I post 20 post. Can I post 4 request for 5 post each? So that I will be paid 15 cents five times?
  15. If this site make other section paying I think its will increase the posting activity and since the earnings is through sharing theirs no problem with with admin earnings. Because no matter how many poster their is he still earn.
  16. I think GT also slowing down. Lets face it. Hyip industry is not healthy as before. But yes we must support ptp like GT also. Even if its not paying section anymore we still need to post. I think its a small favor since we are also paid regularly by GT.
  17. What about if we quote it. Does the rules still apply? Because in my knowledge if we post proof of payments and quote it its not a violations. But I did not try it. Its just a theory that I believe and I think that its true. Until now I'm still waiting for my cashout. Its been a week already and still nothing.
  18. 150 business days means about 200 days of waiting. For me its a long wait. In this time in which short term hyip are popular. Theirs will be no or less investors in long term hyipo like cashalliances than does investors who are investing in short term hyip.
  19. How did you know that this site ssl is real? How did you check? Anyway theirs so many complain at this early stage that this site is not paying or do selective paying. So I suggest you weigh your option if you want to invest in here or not .Although the minimum is low. But its still a loss if you can't cashout it.
  20. Try to check again. Theirs so many problem right now in this site. Its has AP problem and its payments is delayed for four days now and even more, others claims. I think a site that has problem with their payment processor or ecurrency has a little chance of recovering. Because even if the site recovers it many members will try to cashout and new investors potentials will look for other much safer hyip site to invest in.
  21. As long theirs investors a hyip site will always keep on paying .That the law of ponzi. But once the investments stop then a hyip site turn to scam. I don't think its really hard to do hit and run in here. As its really too dangerous and too unpredictable.
  22. You don't need to put too much dots. (.......) or space. Because your post can be branded as spamming. Anyway if you want to know if this site is paying look for proof of payments. About its payments processing time. Try to visit the site and read TOS of the site. In short the answer of your question can be found in FAQ of the site and about proof of payments and like visit the proof of payments sections and also visit hyip monitoring sites. Good luck.
  23. I have seen many hyip that offer tutorial before and some also has forums and chat room. But all of those site turn to scam too. So for me I'm not impress at all. but since this is the only site this site this year that has an admin that has this kind of dedication. I'm sure this site will last two to three years.
  24. For me it does not matter at all. What I just need is proof of payments that this site is paying. Then I will invest and cashout after two to three weeks. In my probability study this site is good and paying in three weeks minimum to seven weeks average to three months and three weeks maximum. So its really good to do hit and run in here.
  25. Its easy for this site to add many merchant and ecurrency processor. But the big question is will this site stays and pay us for a long time or will turn to scam eventually? I think this site will turn to scam eventually. The big question is when and or if its okay to invest in here still? I think its still good to invest in here. But just invest what you can afford to loss.
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