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Everything posted by budado

  1. I also won! lols. I don't know how this happen or how they compute it but I'm happy that I won. I will try to increase my post so that I will earn again. I don't know really what cause or the reason why I won. But I think its because I increase my post so lets see.
  2. I really want to increase my activity in here. But so far I'm slowing down instead of posting more. I think theirs so many reasons. Like tv and poker and facebook. lols. But I guess I need to have discipline. As the more I post the more I earn attitude must be imbedded in my mind.
  3. So far so good. I already reach minimum again and I request payment again. I hope by two weeks maximum I will be paid again. I have good time posting in here as the activity is trying to be back to normal. I'm afraid that this site will stop paying three weeks back. But I'm happy that its pays again a two weeks back and now I reach minimum and I'm waiting to get paid.
  4. That's also true. Its a good site to socialize. Actually its more on social forum that ptp. Because of the mind set of people who are posting in here. Some people post to have a conversation and to have some fun. That how they earn. But if you post because you want to earn you end up earning less.
  5. This site is not paying anymore. Dead. I think its time to close this thread as its useless to keep this thread open while this site is not already paying. Its just a waste of time to keep this thread open if you ask me. So far so bad for this site.
  6. I hope so also. I have hard time posting in here now since I have one pending payment and I'm already near reaching my second minimum. After I reach my second minimum I think I will stop posting and concentrate to ptp that pays me fast and steady.
  7. I don't have problem with the site rate. I'm good with how much I got paid. My problem and my concern is the activity level. What the point posting if I'm the only one posting in a thread right? Usually I spread my post in many threads. But right now I'm planning to concentrate on threads that has an activity only.
  8. I agree. Although in ptp section theirs still good number of posters but in other section like ptc and ecurrency I'm always the one only posting. I think admin must encourage members to post in other sections as well and not only in ptp and in hyip section. Because I have hard time posting in other section if I'm the only on posting in their.
  9. I think it two more days I will reach 3 dollars. I will cashout after I reach 3 dollars. After that I will try to cashout another if I reach 4 dollars. My plan is to cashout one dollar more every time I cashout again. I hope I will reach 10 dollars point. If I reach that I will cashout every time I reach 10 dollars nothing more.
  10. Date: 5/26/2011 3:38 AM Batch: 61972443 From Account: U3031858 (LOTraj) Amount: $3.80 Memo: LOT Payouts Amount requested: $4.00 Deductions: 0.00 Approved AMOUNT:$4.00 Fee:0.2 AMOUNT TO BE PAID: $3.8 CONGRATULATIONS!! Thank you. Date: 5/26/2011 3:38 AM Batch: 61972443 From Account: U3031858 (LOTraj) Amount: $3.80 Memo: LOT Payouts Amount requested: $4.00 Deductions: 0.00 Approved AMOUNT:$4.00 Fee:0.2 AMOUNT TO BE PAID: $3.8 CONGRATULATIONS!! Thank you.
  11. I think its time to close this thread. Its been a month now and theirs still no payment. So what the use of being active in here if this site does not pay at all. So far so bad. But I hope this site will start paying again. As I really miss posting in here . I been a member of this site for more than a year now.
  12. Guys just wondering. I can't open italk for two days now. Is anybody has the same problem as mine? Or is my isp has been blocked or something. I don't have a clue right now but I miss my posting in here for two days now and I hope I can open the site soon so that I can post again.
  13. The good way to earn in bananabux is to hit hard when this site is new. But I guess right now its a little bit too late. Its not that too late but a month ago you can get 10 direct referral easy and now I think you can only get two a month on average. The longer the site run the lower the chance that you can get more direct referrals.
  14. This is the last ptc of last year that has still good rate until now. I think its going to close down or lower its ads or its rate in few months before it will eventually turn to scam. Lets face it no ptc sites last longer unless they lower their rate. The only site I know that keeps on paying and still good with its ads and rate is incrasebux.
  15. I notice that ads are getting more in here every week. I think neobux admin vision is working. I think this site new opponent is donkeymail. Donkeymail is the most popular in low rate ads click. Problem is that donkeymail has 1 dollar minimum and even less depends on the ecurrency you want cashout. While in Neobux its still has a high minimum rate and every time you cashout the minimum increases.
  16. My concern right now is that this site is paying but because of low members to cashout ratio. Lets face it. Most members stop clicking even before they reach minimum and cashout. At this rate I think this site is good for three to five more months maximum but still this site can turn to scam any moment at all.
  17. I think the only reason this site is paying is that simply because most members who click in here don't reach minimum and leave and does who are religious clickers earn after five to six months of clicking but much earlier if you have good number of direct referrals. But I don't think if your a regular clicker with no direct referrals and no ads to click I think you will leave also.
  18. Its really hard to earn in ptc now a days. In fact its not only clicksia that has this kind of rate. Theirs so many ptc that has low rate as well. I think this is the trend right now. Its better to loss members than to loss money. I think that what ptc admin is thinking right now. Beside the main source of income are advertisers not members anymore.
  19. I'm sadden because before theirs a filipino group that really promotes this site and earn from this. But problem is that as its grows bigger its become unmanageable. I think the reason is simple. its just another ponzi type system. In which you need to find downlines in order for you to earn.
  20. I don't think this site will last. Its seem their system is so new and its seem members or online clickers are not buying its new style of ptc. But who knows. Are they just advance of their time or is their system really not that good. I'm for innovation. But same time why chance things that is working? For me one cent per click, four ads a day is good.
  21. I notice that the average rate in rented referrals turn up last April but this May its going down. I don't know if I'm the one only experience this or others experience this also. As far as I concern even at the highest rate that I got I'm still at loss. Since the rented referrals rate is very low. One thing that give me an advantage is that every time I invest back the minimum I can cashout increases.
  22. Finally I saw proof of payments in other forums. So its means this site is paying. Its just that this thread here in DMT its has a hard time getting member to post. Back to the topic. So far buximple is paying good. But base on the proof of payment and on the forum of the site I don't think this one has lots of members.
  23. budado - 3rd payout request Username :budado Amount To Request (DMT points) :500 Liberty Reserve ID : U3147762 Thanks Admin and mods
  24. No amount of contest can help if theirs no proof of payments to back this site that this site is paying and paying good. I don't read any poster that say that this site is paying and its paying good. I wonder if theirs even a single member of this site that invest in here.
  25. I don't see any proof of payments lately and until now the hyip monitoring link is not yet done. If your a hyip site and want to last longer or want to get more investors and what to pay for a longer period of time. The first thing you must do is to finish the hyip monitoring link. Its an added security and advertisements features for a site to have dozen of hyip monitoring sites links. In this way its can convince lots of investors that this site is paying good.
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