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Everything posted by budado

  1. That's good new plan will increase the life span of pennytraders. I think pennytraders has a good way to earn and stable right now. And new plan will add more funds to the site and more funds means more money to pay its investors. But I hope investors can sustain itself also. Because once members starts to cashout the cards falls.
  2. I think this site will not last for three more months. I'm afraid I see exoticfx in here. It won't last that long. Unless they have money to burn that I doubt it. Its hard to find a site that will keep on paying for a long time while offering bonuses and contest.
  3. I decided in two months I will try to invest about 2 dollars in here. I will just wait for one ptp site that I'm in and invest it and forget about it. I will just think of it as time deposit. Beside its just two dollars. Just to say that I'm back and invested. Although I don't think I will double my money in here in a year or even two. lols.
  4. This site is a scam site. I guess its time to move on. its a waste of time opening a thread that is already a scam site. Its been a good month for profxparter but its a scam site now and theirs nothing we can do about it but move on. Theirs still many hyip that we can invest on.
  5. I'm surprise that this site is still paying. I already forgot about this site and I just visit it today to check if this site is still paying or not. I think if I'm not mistaken this site is already two months old more or less. Although I don't find any latest proof of payments. I think goldpoll status that is paying is good enough.
  6. I think that is already a standard features for many hyip sites that I know of. Its seems if you join and don't even they will always send you message until you invest. Its a good thing because its will help them get more investors. But sometimes its annoying and also sometimes we can be victim of phishing site also.
  7. Its still paying that what is the most important aspect of being in hyip investing. Because no matter how young or old a hyip. Its must be paying. Because once the site stops paying its means that the site is already a scam site. And no matter of research of prediction can chance that once its stop paying.
  8. This site is a scam site now. I guess its time to close this thread already. For me its useless to keep a thread open since this site is already a scam site and no words or activity in this thread will keep or make this site paying again. I'm thinking if you see a hyip that offers bonus. Keep out.
  9. Its already problematic in goldpoll. As I said before. If theirs a bonus its means the site is turning it scam. Its a traits of a site all of the time. I don't think this site will keep on paying for a long time when I saw the bonuses offers. And I'm right. Its problematic. But I'm surprise that I still see proof of payments as late as june 5.
  10. I do personal exchange. I buy and sell LR, AP and PP. But when I have enough funds in PP. I cashout. Because if I have 180 dollars in my paypal I can cashout without paying any fees. And that for me is a great way to earn online. Having receive your money the whole amount of it.
  11. As far as two years back I never try to cashout in alertpay. I only sell it. The reason is simple. The fees are too high if you withdraw your funds. Its much much more cheaper if you just sell it. And sometimes you can even earn from it as well. So that how much I appreciate selling it than withdrawing it.
  12. I can access the site without any problem and I'm doing an exchange also. But theirs a time about five to ten minutes that I can't open the site. But that's all. I think its just updating itself when I open it. But that's give me a big scare. Because I'm doing online exchange so you know that LR is my life line.
  13. That's a far fetch. I don't think even in my dreams it will ever come true. lols. Unless of course LR will be raided by U.S. federal also like what happen to egold. Paypal is like hd before its getting no where. But when U.S. federal government raid egold. Many online site has no choice but to use the next best thing and that is paypal. So if HD will do some crazy things to put down LR then I think it will happen. lols.
  14. I think this is the only merchant processor that I don't see as a professional one. I think even a college student can make better website than webmoney. Theirs no system in this site at all. Its in chaos if you ask me. Support also is not that systematic. I think the owner of webmoneys must study management first.
  15. Credit card, bank deposits, bank transfers are some way to funds your moneybookers. You can also exchange your funds in paypal or in any other ecurrency and merchant processor for the funds of moneybookers. So far so good if you only know how to use moneybookers. They just sometimes hard headed merchant processor. And their support service is very bad as well.
  16. What section are you posting in here? I will try to visit that section and post after you. So far so good in here. I don't have problem posting and the activity is good also. That why I'm surprise that you have problem with the activity. Right now I reach 3 dollars and I'm requesting payments.
  17. I'm supper addict with this site right now. I hope I will not be branded as spammers in here but because its pays fast its really great to post in here that every day I'm struggling when to stop posting in here. Sometimes I post about 20 some times I almost reach 50 post a day in here.
  18. I guess its time to move on. Its useless to keep this thread open while theirs no body posting in this site anymore . I think its time to close this thread. No payment this may and no payment this june. What else do you need to wait?
  19. I'm wondering if admin can simply just add every login request and every 5 post. Since the only one who have an advantage in here is the LR fees. Just imagine. paying 1 cent per 3 cents we receive. For me that is useless. Its LR only earn from this.
  20. I already have another 100 points. Just 400 more points and once again I'm good for cashout. I will try to post in here again and earn 100 points a day. I stop posting for four days now. So I have lots of catching up to do.
  21. I'm so excited to reach another minimum in here. Although 5 dollars is very hard to reach. But since MTV is a very active site I can reach 5 dollars in less than two weeks especially if I post daily. And the best part is that I don't feel I'm spamming because even if I post regularly I don't see my name as the last poster every time I visited a thread that I like to post.
  22. I think its time to check our strategy in here. Do we still want to post in here or not? Me I still want to post but that is until I post as much as 300 post. Then I will stop posting. I will just request 100 post every time I got paid or until I consumed all of the 300 post that I post and still pending to cashout.
  23. Don't think of the future but think what you can do today. As today is what we need to build our future. I'm little deep right now. lols. Anyway. To make it simple. Just post and post and post and request for cashout and if you get paid. yahooo!.. if not then its better to look for another site. That simple.
  24. Its been a while since I got paid in here. My cashout is still pending. But EP already pays me two days ago. so I'm sure by today or by tomorrow TCC will also pays me. Usually when TCC or EP starts to pays usually its only take two to three days for other one to pay also.
  25. And the best part is that you can earn more than 40 dollars a month in here if you just happen to be in a right country. You can do task or upload pictures or use search engine to earn more. posting in here is the least way to earn in here. The best way is to do task in here.
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