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Everything posted by budado

  1. My objective is to have 20 broker sites. Five of this forex broker sites I want to have minimum of 10,000 dollars trading capital. The other 10 I want to have 1,000 dollars minimum. The other 5 forex broker site left I want to have 20,000 then 30,000 then 40,0000 then 50,000 then 60,000 dollars trading capital. I'm so sure once I accomplish this I'm really earning in thousand of dollars each month.
  2. I do believe theirs only a restriction on how long before you close your position. Usually its only about 5 minutes holding period. So if you are a scalper some how its really not a big fuse. I do scalping and I hold my position for 20 minutes to one hour before closing it and I never experience trying to close my position in less than 5 minutes anyway.
  3. We can only minimize risk but theirs no way we can eliminate risk. If we want to make some good income in forex trading we need to focus on doing analysis. The more we know how to trade the more likely we can end up making some good income in forex trading. I do know try to build my trading career and I'm expecting really to earn a lot of money trading in forex right now.
  4. My goal is to have 5% profit increase each month and earn 5% profit each month also. Its seems a small starting point but I do know that little by little I can really grow my trading account. This is the main reason why I focus myself on earning good amount of money in forex trading right now. Because I do believe that in the long run I can really earn good amount of money in here.
  5. You can easily loss 1,000 dollars because you don't even bother to try to learn how to trade before you trade. Theirs nothing and no one to blame but yourself. I'm so sure you can earn big amount of money if you know how to trade in forex. I do some how manage to earn good in forex trading even though I'm only self taught. So how much more if you are trading with good education.
  6. I guess I can say its very useful. In fact I do earn good amount of money in forex trading and I do end up having some good profit in forex trading some how. I'm so sure that I can say I am a lucky trader. In two to three months trading a bot in demo account some how I can copy how a bot trade if its profitable. But I don't think I will going to let a bot trade on my real account.
  7. I really need big trading capital. But even with just 1,000 dollars a month profit I'm already happy with it. So far I do know that I can earn 100 dollars a month. Now I just need to increase my trading capital so that I can earn 1,000 dollars a month. Then I guess if I can earn 1,000 dollars a month I can think of earning 1,000 dollars a day.
  8. Some how I slow down on friday also. I do analysis for weekly analysis during sunday so on monday I open a pending order and all order for daily and weekly strategy I use I closed in on friday and just open again on monday. For me this is some how safer because I have no control if the news come on saturday or sunday. At least on monday I can so something about it.
  9. Its really good to see myself making some profit in forex trading. In forex trading its all on us. If we trade badly then the result is bad but if we trade with good strategy and understanding then the result is good. I do advice newbies that we spend more time learning how to trade. Eventually I can say I can end up becoming a successful trader without any problem.
  10. On regular basis I usually use four hours time frame. This is really good to make me do long term and same time short term strategy. I really do believe that I can handle my trading account and make me earn some profit in here. I'm so sure that in two to three years time I can really master my trading strategy using the same lot size and the same time frame and the same strategy all over again.
  11. I'm just waiting to get paid in here. Once I got paid in their then I'm going to be active in this forum earning points to trade also. I really do like forex trading and for me this is a long term earning potential even after the forum and the forex broker site that sponsor it stop the promo. I'm sure I can use the bonus funds to continue trading and hoping to make me rich trader.
  12. Click user CP then click edit profile then put your PM account or update your PM account in their. As far as I know its automatic. I get paid without receiving any reply from admin. But I don't send PM to admin. I just chance my PM account in my profile and theirs no problem after that. One problem though that I never find out except after few payments is that I have updated my PM but I put my LR account in my PM. lols. so I get paid to my PM account but the account number is actually LR number.
  13. Its seems I can't view how many post I make and how many threads I open. I don't know why its disabled but I already admin in here so hope to know how many post and threads I made or how much points I earn in here so that I can request my first request of payments in here. I already have total of 100 post both threads and regular post. So lets see if I will get paid in here once I request payment in here.
  14. I'm some how surprise that for two months I don't get any deductions. This is more scary that getting some deductions. Before when I post I end up getting fewer points on the next day but for a month now I don't experience this. My fear is that once I reach 50 dollars worth of post I end up getting huge deductions. I really don't know. This is only my fears.
  15. I finally request payments for 200 post in here. Its took me like two months more or less to reach 200 post in here. I do hope to get about 5 dollars more less also. But the bigger the better. I would like also to join a new forex broker site under him if he has a forex broker site that I can invest using STP. Too bad he has none. I guess theirs no forex broker site that I can use to invest STP and its only instaforex that pays via STP. But once I want to add new forex broker site I will going to join again under DCP.
  16. Actually I just use the forecast as my estimate base. After trying to monitor it I just try to put my estimate few days before the actual result. In this way I can have more chance of knowing if its really going to go up or down and so on. I guess the estimate in here will be in the range only. Although we really need to predict the actual number. So the chance is some how good if you know the range of estimate forecast.
  17. I really don't understand my posting behavior in mtw. Even though the rate is the same with dmt. I can post and get 50 cents worth of post easy in a day. But I have hard time posting and reaching 50 cents worth of post in a day in mtw. Is it because theirs more activity in dmt than in mtw? Then why? Since the rate is the same? Right now I'm trying to maintain 25 to 50 cents a day posting in here.
  18. Its best if we don't just think about our earnings in here. Just be active on regular basis and for sure you will get paid in here. For few months or even a year or two being active in here. I still end up getting paid in here. So for me I don't think anymore about if I'm getting paid or not or what ever. I'm just thinking to post and request payment if I reach 500 points.
  19. Marketing and hyip monitoring> Its seems good why to earn money online. I'm just wondering if you can teach me how to do marketing and hyip monitoring. So far I do earn good in forex trading but its good to diversify your earnings online also. In this way we can earn good amount of money each month. I'm so sure I can enjoy having good income in forex trading each month.
  20. I only attend seminars and visit online forex learning sites. And so far its really help me a lot in term of understanding forex. I do hope that if theirs a formal schooling in our country that can make me earn really good amount of money I can say I can end up becoming a successful trader also. I just do feel that its worth it to become a big time trader with good education.
  21. Its really hard to recover if you are losing money in forex trading. The more you know how to trade the more you can end up making some profit so far. I do know that we can have better future if we know how to handle our trading account. So its really best if we can just spend more time trying to learn how to trade and make money. I'm so sure we can end up making good trade some day.
  22. I'm so interested to know that I can deal with my trading account enough to make me a rich trader. I do know that slowly but surely I will going to have some thing good with my life right now. A simple two to three hundred dollars a month is a good start. I'm so sure I will going to have some good income in here without any problem. I'm really happy with it.
  23. I'm still 400 dollars short for my minimum living wage in forex. My 100 dollars a month profit is not good enough to sustain and maintain my living condition. That's why for me if I really want to earn enough money in forex trading I nee to have at least 10,000 dollars trading capital and earn at least 500 dollars a month. So far I have hard time achieving my goals.
  24. But make sure that you know the amount of money that you have in demo account is too big compare to the amount that you are willing to invest. If you want to earn and have the same trade as the demo account its good if we can invest the same amount as we have in demo account. For sure we can earn some good money some how.
  25. Can you explain how? The main reason why they are called broker is because they are the one who broker the deal between two traders. Now if you going to loss money a forex brokerage has nothing to do with your trade. Its only charge spread. And that's who its earns. It does not matter if you make profit or loss money in forex and its does not matter how big your profit or how small your profit is. The spread is the same and the commission is the same.
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