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Everything posted by budado

  1. I think HD is owned by LR. Just my conspiracy theory. Since last two years if I remember it correctly they have a tie up. Anyway. I think HD doing what LR is not doing. Innovating. HD now has plans like withdrawing straight to your bank, or funds your HD using creditcards.
  2. Its been three weeks since I last post in here but still no other posters. I wonder why. Although right now I believe that in hyiop WB is now second to LR as the most used ecurrency. And AP as the third in line. But soeme time now I think WB is back to number 3. As cycler become popular using AP.
  3. @ archu7 If you like sports betting and poker games and gambling then you can use moneybookers. Also some countries that don't accept paypal accept moneybookers. In short moneybookers serve more countries than paypal. But what I don't like about moneybookers is that they judge you by your country or at least by the MB support.
  4. I'm surprise that theirs no poster in here even though its been many weeks and even months already. But I just want to update this thread. This payment processor is still good and in fact still use by some ptc sites. But just to make sure that you can earn and dispose points. I prefer to use paypal instead of neteller.
  5. Date: 6/23/2011 2:06 PM Batch: 63990109 From Account: U0990758 (Digital Money Forum) Amount: $3.00 Memo: Payout from DMT,Enjoy posting at forum!!! Thank you. .. sorry for the late post.
  6. budado - 5th request of payments [LR] Username : budado Amount To Request (DMT points) :500 Liberty Reserve ID : U3147762 Thank You Admin, hoping to be paid soon
  7. Don't worry. Delays does not means it does not pay. As long its pays its good for all of us. I'm hoping that soon or later on I will earn good amount of money in here. I'm still trying to be active as much as possible in here and earn as much as I can in here.
  8. I think GT is the first paying ptp that is still paying until now. I really don't know why other ptp sites turn to scam or close down. But GT is still strong and paying until now and has good rate. I guess they have some loyal advertisers also.
  9. I miss posting proof of payments in here. For me proof of payments really helps me earn more. Especially if I'm posting in ecmf. As this is the only advantage I can get in ecmf. That I got paid daily and I got proof of payments to post and to earn also.
  10. I'm gone for three weeks. And I don't know the reason. But in two days. I'm sure I can be back to normal posting and I'm sure I can reach minimum and I will try to cashout. Lets see if I will be paid. If not then that is maybe the reason. But I know this site is paying good.
  11. Number one. that all I can say. At first I thought this site will not last. But I'm surprise that its last this long and its paying until now. The rate is so good. And will continue posting in here even if the rate went down to half as long its pays as fast as its like today.
  12. I'm a poster of hyrextalk. But in regular basis maybe twice or thrice a week at most. But I already put this site in my reserve list. That's means I only post in here if I have extra time to post nothing more. Because if I post too much I feel I'm the only one posting.
  13. @ pinoycity wow 21 dollars paypal? That is good. That is great. I will try to cashout using paypal also. I will try as right now my eoncard (debitcard I use for paypal) is near expiration and I need to pay to renew again and that why I need Paypal funds.
  14. Just post like crazy. Lols. I do that sometimes especially when I'm near cashing out. I post like crazy. Sometimes up to 50 post in a day. lols. But I make sure that I will reach minimum then cashout. Then don't visit the sit for a day or two. lols.
  15. 100%. As long theirs no new news I'm gone. I don't open my account for weeks now. I think the last time I open my account is a month ago. That how long. But still I open the site. Minus logging in. Just to see if theirs some news.
  16. In my experience yes. But take not. mylot is not a ptp. So you are not been paid per post you make. Second. Its an earning sharing. So imagine having 100,000 members in mylot and you will divide with them the earnings. That why many say the rate is low. But its because theirs too many of members who post. That's true. That why I prefer to make my own thread and make them reply or post in my thread that me going to their thread. For me its easy to monitor if I'm opening my own thread.
  17. I open the site without any problem or without adding any .php. I guess theirs some problem with FF or browser that is your using. Try to use the old FF and maybe it will work. I'm using an old FF. As they say if its not broken don't fixed it. Usually an upgrade browsers always give problems.
  18. I think reporting spamming will also help you earn more. But I don't still notice if it does. But in my experience its really help me to earn more. Anyway. I'm active in here but not as active as in my other ptp site. The reason is that I can only master to earn 3 dollars in a month. While I can earn the same amount in a week in other ptp sites.
  19. I already reach minimum but I still not cashout or request cashout. I'm waiting to reach 5 dollars before I will try to cashout. I have 15 ptp sites and I want to cashout and expect at least 5 dollars every time I cashout. I want to cashout the same time and earn about 30 to 50 dollars in a week.
  20. I already reach 5 dollars in here. But still I don't cashout. I know if I cashout I will be paid in matters of hours up to 48 hours at most. that why I don' mind having a piggy bank in money-forums. If I need LR then I will cashout. If not then I will continue posting and just cashout if I need LR.
  21. Late for what? This is a ptp site. And usually ptp last forever since they don't ask for you to invest. Rather they earn via advertisers. So the longer they stay online the stable a ptp gets. Unless that admin just want to give up ptp sites and run away with advertisers money. Or if no more advertisers come.
  22. Me too. I got a warning only. I'm not that active in ptp posting anymore. So that why I did not update when I said that my payments is still pending. But I already explained myself and I did not get banned since I did not login for two weeks. So in short I have no way to know if I got paid or update my claim that I did not get paid. I think the best way is always explained your side. And have at least proof that what your saying is true. I'm happy that I did not get banned and not even a warning. Just some words. But next time I make sure that I will update my comments if I got paid. .. here is my proof of payments. Date: 7/12/2011 12:47 AM Batch: 65278351 From Account: U8141828 (sinip doboj) Amount: $3.34 Memo: Payment for your posts in ITalkMoney forum. Thank you.
  23. The best part is always the minimum cashout. Because no matter how good a site is if the minimum is unreachable you can't cashout. But no matter how small the earning is if you can cashout as sson as possible the better.
  24. As long its pays its good. That simple it can goes. But no matter how popular a site is if its turn to scam theirs nothing more we can do about it. Its a scam site nothing more nothing less. But nice to say that this site is paying and paying good and paying still.
  25. But right now neobux is just a shadow of the past. As far as I know it theirs no more neobux. What is life is an aurora type of ptc. Low rate but problem is that unlike aurora sites. Neobux has high minimum to cashout. So in short this site is the worse.
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