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Everything posted by budado

  1. Wow. I never notice that theirs a login contest also. I will try to login and join the contest. I know its not much but that can help augment the fees I'm paying in LR if I receive payments or funds. At least I can earn 2 cents extra more.
  2. Still waiting to get paid from login and from 15 post contest. Just wondering if the site stops paying again. Or if its paying really slow? I'm waiting to see new proof of payments to confirm that the site is back and paying again. How I wish I can find a way to earn more in here. But I think its better to spend my time in ecmf than in here.
  3. Look I really don't understand why you need our advice in this kind of decision making. First question. What do you use. Do you use LR or PM? second if you been given 1 dollar. On which ecurrency do you prefer to receive it in LR or PM. Its up to you. Because your the one who going to use it not us. I don't have PM so I will say me its LR. But other one for example has no LR and have PM account so he will say PM. So its you who must decide for it.
  4. Can I have your username in their? I will read your post in their and see what is appropriate in this kind of forum and what is not. Anyway I found out that the thread that I post is also deleted. So I guess what happened is that the thread I reply on is nonsense thread so my reply become nonsense also. I don't know. Anyway I have 66 points in here already and two rejected post. And those post come from rejected thread also.
  5. Still under maintenance rules. I wonder if this site is still good to join and post or not. Its seem this site is not picking up members. Right now when I open this site its states maintenance view. So I guess its down again. Last time I read in other ptp sites this site is down also. So its means this site is always down? or not yet fixed until now?
  6. The rate is low so I don't know if I will waste my time in here to earn small amount or not. But same time I prefer to join and post a little. In case many ptp lower their rate like what tcc and ep have done. Or stop paying like money-forum has done. Then at least I have a back up earning forum.
  7. Its a nice site its a good rate site that why I joined but I don't last a day. The reason is simple. Most of my post are deny. I been trading forex and stocks for more than five years now and almost all of my advice are nonsense post by a mod in their. Yeah I'm new in that site. But it does not mean I don't know what I'm taking about. Instead of arguing my case I just don't return. Its useless.
  8. I been a member of eezor for two months now but I forgot to list eezor thread in DMT. So even though I'm active in eezor I'm not active in DMT thread of eezor. But right now I already bookmark this thread so I'm ure at least once a week I can post in here and update this thread.
  9. I'm excited its my second day of posting. So I'm hoping that after few days every day I can earn about 15 cents per days as I love to post in five post and also the login contest. I don't count the login as I put it as fees in LR. Its nice additional to my earnings.
  10. Amount: $1.90 USD Transaction date: 7/25/2011 Transaction time: 12:17 PM Payer Name: Cashfindforum Payer Email: cashfindforum@yahoo.com Message: CFF Cashout - 3rd Payment - Sponsored by Okpay.com
  11. Nope. This site stops paying on april 27. That is about three months ago already. And the server problem just happen three weeks back more or less. I already talk to admin a month ago. And the reason as we all knowis that theirs no advertisers. So in short no ads no earnings no payments. I think the shift of server for me is downgrading. Since theirs no posters. Save money until they find new advertisers. That what I think happens.
  12. One thing is certain in here. Activity will farther slow down. I really don't understand why admin need to removed the GPT section. But I guess he has hard time finding advertisers. So he has no choice but to limits the threads to post that we can earn. I just wonder why other ptp sites can pay huge amount while others can't.
  13. I can open GT and post in GT but goldpoll I can't open until now. I wonder what is the problem. I think its better that GT is down than goldpoll is down. The reason is simple. Its goldpoll that pays our earnings in GT. So without Goldpoll what the use of GT. gets?
  14. Just wondering. Is posting five post per day has expiration? I mean what if I post five post and I forgot to request for it? Can I request of it in the next day? Or is there a grease period when I will request my five post?I just realize that because before I post daily and more than 5 post a day but don't request payments and I saw the 7/24 when I got paid. So I'm thinking that I can request payments for the other 17 days of more than 5 post?
  15. Date: 7/25/2011 7:49 AM Batch: 66247044 From Account: U4128580 (MyHYIP.com) Amount: $5.00 Memo: N/A
  16. Just try to clean your cache. If you open too many sites in one browser you will eat up lots of cache memory that why you have a slow down and can't open MTV. anyway. Its really don't make sense why every now and then they need to upgrade every thing and eats lot of memory space and in turn make our browsing slow down.
  17. I agree. I think its better if they increase the rate to two cents per post. If they can't do that at least they pay weekly or twice a month and not monthly or sometimes more than a month. Anyway. I keep on posting in here. I'm hoping to earn about 5 dollars a month in here. As I need to post 500 post to earn that much.
  18. I can login and I can open section of forums. But when I tried to open a thread to post I can't open the thread. I wonder how long it takes for Nick to fix this problem. I'm also frustrated that until now the site is not back but the rate is down to two cents per post. I'm hoping that this is only temporary.
  19. Now they chance the rate. Did they chance the rules also? I mean 100 character to earn 1 cent? Its seems over kill to me if you ask me. I mean you can demand something if you pay high rate. But what do you expect for a member who will only earn a cent per post? I rather spend my time in other ptp that pays more than two cents per post than in here.
  20. As I said a thousand times. Mylot is not a ptp. We are not been paid because we post. We are not been paid because we joined. Now why do we earn if we post. Because mylot rewards use for being active. its not a payment but a rewards. Its like this. You visit your friends house. Your friend give you drinks and snacks. Did it occur to you that its payments because you come? Not right? and does it means your friend is oblige to give you drinks and snacks? not also. So what your friend did is not an obligation but something he do on his own. That what mylot do. Mylot gives us rewards if we are active in here but it does not mean its a payment.
  21. Not only in this site. Almost all of sites that pays using HD-money gives bonuses. In this way they can promote HD-money. I think what happen is that They can buy HD-Money for 1.50 dollars per 1 dollar. So that why they give 25% bonus while keep the other 25%. I don't know it just my theory. Figures are not facts.
  22. @ umeghayu Just wondering when did you cashout in here? I'm still waiting to get paid until now. But I'm hoping that I will receive my payments this week and at most next week. Because next week it will be a month of waiting for me. I still post in here. As I see your proof of payments its give me hope that I will be paid also.
  23. Six cents? Wow. I never notice that I can earn that much.Anyway what section of the forum that pays that much? Or is it depends on your post? But I notice that every time I post its automatic increase of points. So its mean its already a fixed points and only got deductions if you make a violation or something. Anyway I will try to look for that section that pays six cents. But its much appreciated if you can share that section. thanks.
  24. Right now I don't give a damn if this site turn to scam. But what frustrate me is that he don't say it in advance. I have 5.55 dollars or even more points in their and I did not receive my payments as I request cashout four days after the last payments. That what happen if you give trust to a site too much. I should have loss 1 dollar or even less if I cashout every time I reach 1 dollar.
  25. Yeah. I'm hoping for more good news in this site. right now I make LOT my number one ptp this week. The reason is simple. MTV is down and GT is down in few days. And I base my rating on the earnings I got every week. And its just happen that last week I earn good in LOT. I hope this week I earn good again. To retain it top spot.
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