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Everything posted by budado

  1. Same thing happen to me. I'm frustrated because I thought I got hacked. lols. But its seems the problem is with LR and not my account. The only reason I know that I did not receive any emails when I realize I got paid in one ptp that I'm posting. But I did not receive any emails at all. So I check my LR but I found that the funds arrived.
  2. I think the rules of DMT must change if you ask me. I notice that posters are only posting more in hyip and ptp section and does not bother to post in other sections. I can also do that. But problem is that we need to post in other threads to make a good activity. Like webmoney. Its not the best processor but still its a good processor and I'm sure some of you guys uses this one also.
  3. Now neteller is getting easier to use. Just think of it. AP before try to offer debit card and until now its now even generally available or use. But look at neteller its offers prepaid mastercard that you can use funded by your neteller funds. And the best part is that you can even withdraw using your prepaid mastercard. wow.
  4. Right now I don't know if I want to exchange my okpay to LR. I feel that what I have I keep. Theirs a strong will inside me that want to maintain my earnings in okpay. Or find a way to earn more via okpay.
  5. I also think so. But even if you ask for many documents and they run away with your money. I don't think you can do something about it. beside the arms of the cyber law is not that long. So in short if someone scam you online its hard to get your money back. Even if theirs a guarantee.
  6. Just cashout and then exchange okpay to what ever ecurrency or payment processors you want to accept. This site is good and paying fast. Although the rate is low. I'm sure if few months okpay may even try to promote some hyip sites.
  7. I requested payments for 3 dollars and so far I'm still waiting to get paid. I'm hoping that I will be paid this week. But I'm afraid that this week is nearing end and still not moving at all. Although I know that this site keeps on paying. I'm just hoping that I will be paid before the end of the month.
  8. When I'm posting in here. I earn about four cents per post to five cents per post. So it the highest rate I got in many years. As I post in here for three years now. But I think the reason why many stops posting in here is for two reason. One is that the site is down sometimes every month. Second some mod in here has a half brain.
  9. Even if I see lots of proof of payments from ecmf. I just ignore it. First the rate is low. Even if many get paid. If that earnings is not even enough to pay for my electricity bill. So that why I prefer the high rate ptp. As list its easy to earn that much in few days.
  10. Now they are getting strict. Theirs a warning send to all active members that myhyip will ban or give deductions to all spammers. But this time I hope that when I report a violation admin will try to check it rather than ignore is as always.
  11. I'm still waiting to get paid by MTV. I forgot to check what happen to my request but last time I checked its already been process. So I know the payments is near. I just hope that I will get paid soon. So far so good. My plan is simple. cashout and earn good amount of money now. Cashout now. And hope MTV will continue paying.
  12. I still don't understand why suddenly italk become a unethical admin. I mean he sold hyrex without even telling its members that the site is for sale, has been sold etc. Because its frustrating and painful to know that hyrex has been sold but hyrex member don't even know that and only read it in another forum. If admin has time to post in other forum that he sold hyex. Why not give enough time to update is own forum or previously owned forum.
  13. Right now I'm not that busy posting in here. So far so good in term of earnings in here. But I'm still hoping that I can earn even more. By posting more in here. As right now I only have about an hour or two to make a post in here. And I even seldom post in here. As I prefer to post in other ptp that pay much higher rate.
  14. Nice to see that you guys already receive your cashout. Me I have about 4 dollars in here. But I'm stubborn enough not to request for payments until now. I'm hoping to reach 5 dollars or more before I request for payments. But no matter what will happen I will try to request for payments before the end of the month.
  15. Can you elaborate? what do you mean by a spamming site? This site is the most strict forum I know. But you think mylot turn into a spamming site? I hope you can show proof that its now become a spamming site. because mylot even delete an entire thread if its found out that one poster in their spam.
  16. Right now I did not post in here for about five days now. And that a big loss. Its about 100 post already. So its about two dollars more or less worth of post that I loss in five days of not posting in here. Right now I'm trying to be active in here once again. And earn about 15 dollars a month.
  17. I still prefer to post in many section as I can. So that I will not spam one section only. Just imagine if theirs only one posters in other section while the rest only post in hyip section. then other sections will end up having no activity at all. I guess its better to implement 70-50 rules.
  18. I prefer to post and earn. That's all. Nothing more nothing less. But I do sometimes post in the attendance. lols. But I never think that I will win. I just post for the sake of joining the contest that's all. Right now I decided to make LOT my second to MTV as the most paying ptp. eezor was been removed because of the 15 post per day limits.
  19. I again requested payments in here for my 100 post. Sad to say when I check proof of payments. I'm still the last person who post proof of payments. I hope admin will fix this hardware problem soon and we all get paid once again. As I have hard time posting and hard time waiting. And another delay really is so tiring.
  20. I love this site but now I'm sadden. Because I'm not a daily poster. I usually post twice or thrice a week at most but every time I have time I post about 30 post. So now I need to open my eezor daily just to post and earn. And the worse part is that I can only post 15 post a day.
  21. This is a forex site ptp so its expected that most of the communication in here is base on forex. But the good thing if its your weaknesses is that you can learn from here. And once you learn from this you can make things work at your own phase. The more you work with this the more you learn and earn.
  22. This is least of ptp that I will going to post too. Unless theirs no more ptp to post too. Simply because I don't like the site system. I joined and its takes long time to post. And I don't like that. I want to post and instantly will be posted. I don't want to wait a day before my post get okay.
  23. Its now paying for 177 days. I will just make some little computation why long term hyip do last longer like neoprogress. For example. A long term hyip gives 1.5% interest daily. That means it will take 67 days to reach bep. So just imagine that. Even theirs only you who invest in this site this site can run 67 days with your own investments. paying you back 1.5% of your investments daily. Now imagine that every day theirs one more of you who invest in this site. that why long term do last longer.
  24. I do agree. And its a win win situation. For simply because if you invest in here and do some exchange you save some fees.And same time GPI has a chance to have more funds as an exchanger. Because one way to another the funds will keep on revolving.
  25. They are now back to normal. I receive an email yesterday and I check the site and its their now. I guess they are trying to improve theirs server capacity. I think they are growing. And I don't think they will ever going to turn to scam. I know their style. They only pay interest from the percentage of their earnings. So in short if they don't have earnings they just don't pay you. problem solve.
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