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Everything posted by budado

  1. This site last payment is dated august 14-15 and I don't think this site will return in order to pay again. Its sad but I do agree its time to move on. Its time to close this thread and move on. I already removed this thread in my list of paying hyip. So this is the last time you guys will see me post in here unless its starts to pay again. But I doubt it.
  2. Sad to say until now I still see proof of payments and I think they come from hyip monitoring site. Right now I'm disappointed with goldpoll too. Because in goldpoll the status is still paying. Usually in my experience the status will be problematic. Even if the site is paying since its paying selectively. I loss my faith with goldpoll right now because of this.
  3. ha ha ha.. Yeah.. its NBCtrade. I also reach BEP in their. Problem is that I don't earn also. Simply because when I reach BEP the interest I earn I just keep reinvesting. So in short I only reach breakeven... About eurextrade. I think this one will last longer than nbctrade. Since if my memory is correct nbctrade offers like 30 business days plan. Principal not return but the interest is high. So that means the interest I earn every business days is some part of principal plus interest earn. While in eurextrade the interest is small enough that it can sustain itself to pay investors in long term.
  4. To be honest. I'm really surprise that this september earngroups is still paying. Last month when the issue of AP surface. But bet is that this site will not going to reach september. Lets face it. History wise. Almost all hyip that loses AP loses the site. I'm even surprise that when they report that their AP account close down by AP. Theirs no mass withdrawals.
  5. Cashfindforum has just sent you money with OKPAY. Payment details Amount: $3.00 USD Transaction date: 9/5/2011 Transaction time: 2:28 PM Payer Name: Cashfindforum Payer Email: cashfindforum@yahoo.com Message: CFF Cashout - 6th Payment - Sponsored by Okpay.com
  6. I already have two dollars and I can request payments as soon as I want too. But right now I prefer to post more and to reach 5 dollars or six dollars before I will try to cashout. in this way I can receive a good 5 dollars in my LR account. I hate to cashout small because I end up earning few dollars. While if I request 5 dollars at least theirs an impact. lols
  7. GT will always pay and will never stop paying. Right now the problem is more on technical than financial. But I'm just wondering why theirs always a problem in GT almost every month in the last three years that I'm active in here. I don't know what is the reason or what is their solution. But I hope they can find a way to fix this problem.
  8. I think members of myhyip most be aware by now that admin does not delete spam post. But it does not mean its allow it. What admin does is that its just deduct our penalty when we request payments. My last request I receive 56 cents deductions. But right now I'm hoping that I will not receive any deductions.
  9. I just have one question. Did you send support and ask why you still not get paid until now? Did you ask for a reason? I think if you really want an answer you need to send message to admin or even to a mod their asking what happen to your cashout and what is the reason why theirs a delay. I think that what you need to do right now. Rather than claiming that you still not get paid.
  10. I'm sadden today when I notice that its took me two months to reach my 5 dollars goal. Now my plan is to post for three weeks and I will see to it that I will reach 5 dollars in three weeks or before the end of september. I want to post more to get back the deficit I incur. I know its hard but I must do it.
  11. Since mylot is a social site. Most posters in here don't think of how much they can earn. But most posters in here think how they can help others or just have a plan conversation. Also theirs some newbies who flooded mylot with spam advertising. In the end every body loss if you receive a spam post from your thread you must report them or else you loss your thread for supporting and not reporting abuses.
  12. I'm happy that even though I'm late for my goal of five dollars earning for august. I already request payments this week and I'm hoping that I will get paid soon. Now my task it to post again and reach 5 dollars worth of post before september 20. I want to post a request of payments again this september 20 so that theirs a great chance that I will receive my money this last month of september.
  13. I'm happy no matter who is the winner will be in here. Although I don't join the contest and I know I will not going to win as I only post twice to three times a week in DMT. But right now I'm trying to post more to earn more and to reach my 5 dollars goal. Because if I can reach 5 dollars worth of post then I will request for payments.
  14. I don't think its allowed to change it if you already posted it. But lets see. If its not yet been approved then I think its allowed but if approved already I don't think its allowed. Before I do that also (not in lot) and my request of payment was been rejected because of that changes. But different site has different rules. So just update us if you got approved.
  15. And you don't think that its either they get some deductions or they earn that not from posting but from contest? Theirs many ways to earn and many ways to get deductions in italk right now that right now I feel pity that they earn that little than doubt that they get paid. since if I'm going to make a fake proof of payments. Why not put a higher amount than that right?
  16. Right now I'm worried. I still have 4 dollars earning in here or I'm near 4 dollars. My goal is to reach 5 dollars before I try to request payments but with this development I will try to cashout when I reach 4 dollars. I'm hoping that I will get paid along with those who will get paid right now. I think admin has many delays before but its continue paying so lets see for now.
  17. I'm happy that I have 600 points in here. I'm wondering does who already reach minimum and cashout do you still get deductions? Or the amount you cashout is already been pre- approved? What I mean is that when I post mod already checked our post right? So if mod don't delete it after a day or two that means our post is good right? So when we cashout we don't get any deductions right?
  18. Nice to see proof of payments. I already know about this site but until now I still not make up my mind if I really want to be active in here or not. I feel that the topic in here is so far to what I regularly post in ptp sites. So if I want to post in here I need to be more active in this kind of environment in order to post good post also.
  19. Right now bigtimebux is surging good. So far theirs a lot of improvement in incrasebux. And usually when theirs a good think about its older sister ptc. Its also has much more good thing for its younger sister bigtimebux. Because this two site is manage and run by the same admin.
  20. Its a good idea and actually I earn about 50 dollars a month online but almost none come from ptc. Anyway. My previous post is concentrated only to the earning of cashnhits. And I'm looking for way or suggestion on how to increase earnings on cashnhits itself. Like strategy. Or common like looking for referrals.
  21. I guess we only have few ptc sites left that is good and paying until now. I think ayuwage already reach the point that it can sustain itself. Like what happen to neobux. For me even though the rate of neobux is so low but because its reach a point in which advertisers are willing to pay to advertise in neobux. That why until now neobux is paying and that what I think will happen to ayuwage also. Sustainability.
  22. Actually no amount of investments in here if you ask me is not enough. Unless you go upgrade because you have more than 300 direct referrals. If that is the case then its good. But if you rely only to the rented referrals click then for me its not worth it at all. This kind of strategy means you need to have a website or a blog to get that much direct referrals.
  23. Theirs no question with the site paying power. But the big question is the earning power. Usually this is what we really need to see first if we want to earn. Not if its still paying but how we can earn more from this site. So you must find a way or strategy to increase your earning in here like looking for referrals.
  24. Theirs so many ptc site that turn to scam that I wish they don't turn to scam yet because of the good rate per click and because you can earn good amount of money per month. But logiptc? I'm looking forward for a day that this site will turn to scam. The reason is simple. If theirs so few ads to click and theirs a chance that somebody will beat you up with the click and you end up earning zero per day. then what the use that its still paying right?
  25. Its more on quantity than quality ads click. But the good thing about this site is its still paying. Right now its hard to be a picker. Its because many good ptc sites turn to scam and almost all that left are aurora type ptc. That we can earn few cents per week and its hardly we can earn good amount per month.
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