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Everything posted by budado

  1. Why do you promote a blog or a site? its been two years now since I last link my blog in here. Its really a bad experience for me. I'm just hoping that later on I will use easyhits4u again to promote my site. I'm just hoping that I can find a way or an idea to make a good site again.
  2. Me. I still in the back ground. I prefer to watch this site first. Beside theirs so many ecurrency and payments processors that adding one will only make my life difficult rather than easy. As I have so many accounts to maintain. But if I can find a way to earn via payweb alone then I have not choice but to be active again. So for no luck finding one.
  3. I don't think a person who is into earning online will going to use solidtrustpay. I really don't understand why its has huge fees. But I'm not into solidtrustpay. I prefer to use LR and PP only. This are my only two virtuals that I really like to maintain and have. MB, AP,WB, HD and PM. They are all my reserve. STP? no way. lols.
  4. I'm really frustrated every time I read the problems of indian account holders of paypal. The reason is simple. theirs so many good indians who uses paypal. They will their central bank so greedy to control paypal funding? I think paypal must not allowed and members must not allowed as well that central bank of india must have a say on this. Because this is an online payment processors. And the rules that paypal must follow is the rules of U.S.A. I hope soon this problem will be solve. But I guess theirs must be a good enlightenment in the part of their banks.
  5. 62 cent? from one dollar transaction? I never experience this in my four years online business and most of the time I don't even got deductions from my 1 dollar transaction. So I don't know the validity of your claim and so far all of my dispute files or support send has all been replied within ten days from filing. And I never experience even once that none has reply to me.
  6. @luckyvoy I receive that email too and the funny thing is that I don't have an LR account on that email anymore. How stupid does scammers get? lols. The only reason why I'm still receiving those emails means its come from one of many hyip sites that I joined. Before I open my LR account and my hyip in the email that I'm receiving lots of phishing emails. Its only shows that its dangerous to invest in hyip and give information to them.
  7. And the fees in hdm-r is 5% not 1%. So I don't think any members will going to use HDM-R for the sake of having a creditcard and can file a dispute. I don't think theirs will be a member who is willing to add his creditcard in here. HD is no way near AP and PP that a member will trust their credticard number. But I'm just wondering what if I want to transfer my balance to hdm-r. I wonder if its allowed. I can't find it in FAQ section.
  8. Can you give me just three gambling and casino sites that uses webmoney? I want t add some sites that I can gamble. So far I only have pokerstar. Its a poker site. But I want to add more sites where I can gamble my funds in webmoney. Although to be honest I loss about 150 dollars already in poker. hehehe. And about 500 dollars in casino. lols. And that only my online loss not counted my offline gambling habit. But still right now I prefer to do online betting.
  9. Just wondering why that person send you 700 dollars? And why did you have transaction with him that big when his account is not even verified yet? Same time I still don't get the logic why they hold the money you receive. Since that person who send you funds already have it. Why not MB question the transaction when that person receive the funds rather than when he send it? Its really frustrating when that's happen.
  10. Actually the idea already floated in AP I think last year but suddenly its become silent. While neteller already done it. I guess theirs some complication in AP. I don't know know. About withdraw and adding funds. I think we must also consider the fees that we are paying. Sometimes we look at the convenience but we forgot to check the cost of that convenience.
  11. I found an exchanger that is willing to exchange my okpay to AP for a 5% fee. For me that is good enough rate. But I still don't do it. I'm afraid that I will loss my okpay instead of earning it. And since I don't also like AP. So I will still hold my okpay for a while. I'm also thinking to get verified so that I can cashout straight to my bank. But that's another option.
  12. Actually in PM you need to get verified. Unlike in LR that when you join that's it. But even if your account in PM is not verified you can still use it. The only difference is of course like paypal and ap theirs some advantages if your account in verified. I think the reason why some really don't like PM is because PM is more like paypal than LR.
  13. This is the first time I heard about this site. So I'm still in feeling mood. I what to feel the vibe of hitnrunmasters. I'm thinking that maybe the plan of this site admin and that is to hit and run. lols. But I'm surprise that theirs so many of you guys post in this thread and its seem you all guys are curious and confident with this site at the same time so lets see.
  14. Right now I feel the potential of this site. This is the hyip site that I thought its a hyip monitoring site than a hyip site. lols. Its seem trying to be stable and good and paying for a long time. As long this site is paying. I think this site will become stable. Right now I can't even believe that theirs a forum. Usually and although its not really a security in a sense that if this site want to turn to scam it can do it also. But still thinking of way to make site good for investors means that admin is thinking long term.
  15. I don't see any activity not only in here but in other ptp threads as well. I only trying to find out something about this site because I read in other ptp site that liberty-loan has some how a good bonus. But right now I don't know if that bonus is still their or if this site is even a paying hyip site.
  16. Its seem its not only neoprogress celebrate and make september five a non paying day. Its seem almost all hyip that has forex connection don't pay or make it a non paying day. I think its a good thing that this site done that. As its only shows that this site is still good to invest as a forex site.
  17. Its now problematic again. lols. Its a roller coaster ride in here. lols. I think if I'm not mistaken its 5th time that gorgonprojectinvest has a problematic status in goldpoll. Just correct me if my counts are wrong. Now the next question is. Is this site still good to invest until now or not? lols. I think its best if we just wait and cashout as I always advice. lols.
  18. I do agree. But investors mentally is to earn and since its still a hyip site. Many think the risk is the same. So why invest in low earning hyip than in high ROI hyip right? Me I invest in here but sad to say even me cashout my investments because I'm disappointed with my earnings. Now that investments I already loss in one hyip that I invest in. lols. Maybe if I just lift it here I think I already reach 50% bep. lols.
  19. One think I'm sure right now. In general hyip investors behavior is that this year hyip investors is getting lower than last year. I don't know if you guys the same observation or not. But last year if your in hyip thread you see lots of activity and discussion now its seems theirs so few who post in hyip section. and mostly even a popular hyip gets little reply. Now about unitrust. If unitrust exist two years ago. I will honestly say this one will be popular.
  20. Another non paying day. But I guess this is how macrotrade is paying for this long. Being a forex base hyip usually means high risk in their part also. I think if they can make good with them self the better. I just have one problem with macrotrade and that is its age. Other than that. I'm all praises for macrotrade.
  21. I do agree that short term plans hyip has shorter lifespan. And the long term plan hyip like ewfund has longer life span. But for me its not how long the site is paying but how much you can earn from that site. I mean for example if a site offers double your money in a month (short term) and the other one double your money in a year (long term) then even if short term hyip last only a month while long term hyip last a year. If you computer your earnings you earn the same. You double your money. But the good thing is that in short term its take just a month. That what I'm saying. Ewfund right now only need two more months to reach one year paying status. But earning wise?
  22. I think none payment is okay with me. As long this site will last longer than the average hyip site I'm happy. Although if you counts all the holidays reprofinance celebrate we can see that theirs so many holidays that its really a good number of earnings in a year that we loss also. But still. Its better this way as list we still earn in here.
  23. Right now this site status is problematic. So I think instead of thinking if AP is good in here or not I think we must think if its still good to invest in here or its already a good bye for this site. goldgain is paying for 590 days more or less. So for me even if this site turn to scam. I think its still deserve to call it one of the best hyip since its paying that long.
  24. I guess if you invest in here you already know it. First its because they claim that their earning is base on forex trading. Now how can they earn if its holiday or weekends? That why they don't pay on days that has no forex trading. Its good since they can save some days on paying its members interest.
  25. Yeah. I guess admin of 5strade is really have a good strategy. Until now its still paying and you will not going to notice that this site even have a hacking problem. But until now I still don't understand why this site is not getting hot. This site is good but its seems investors wise its not appealing.
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