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Everything posted by budado

  1. Its give me an headache reading this thread and I notice that the author of this thread get banned. but one thing I want to say. Even though he get banned and even though I get a headache because of the long reading. Its still informative. Yeah. Many will say they have read this a hundred times in internet. But did you try to read and understand? Its like praying. You pray the same prayer every day that you forgot what the meaning of what your praying. In forex we also need to read and try to understand what we read. Not just read.
  2. I don't go to school to study forex trading. What I learn in forex trading is all because of my experience. Now how to trade with emotions checked. One thing I learn is to have patience, to have confidence if you trade and not afraid to loss money if you trade. That's for me is the best way to earn in forex trading. It really does not matter how many times you loss. What's matter is how many times you earn every time you make a loss.
  3. That's why Its better you develop three things. One is discipline, two is patience, three is confidence, Now if you have discipline but lack patience in the end you are pressuring yourself. without confidence you always doubt that what you do is wrong. And its not the strategy that make you loss money in trading its your doubt.
  4. To make is simple. You have a U.S. dollars and you go to other country you exchange your US dollars to local currency of that country using money exchanger. Now that a small timer. A big timer money exchanger is forex exchange market. That's the simplest way I can explain it that every body can understand.
  5. Do you mean day trading? This is the most risky way of trading. Do you know that 90% of those who day trade loss their account in six months? That how unprofitable day trade is. What the pair do you use and what indicator do you use? And how much pips you earn per day? and also your stop loss? I tried many times to day trade but its really don't work for me.
  6. I agree. One is money management. Two is the use of indicators, three patience. that is the most important in forex trading. If you have money managements skills you have good tools, but if you don't have patience you end up fooling around and make a loss. Because in forex trading what you need is patience. that is the hardest skills to learn.
  7. Money management. That's the best way to control your loses. For example if you have ten dollars. Try to trade 1 dollar margin only. If you hit the one dollar then its a stop loss. In this way you only loss 1 dollar and you have 9 dollar more to trade. But my advice is just 50 cents margin if you have 10 dollars. And take profit if you hit 75 cents.
  8. You must also look at the weekly forecast. If its bearish or bullish. then that's the time you will going to set your own stop loss. Since resistance and support level are horizontal line only. If the price goes down. your support will go down also along with your resistance level. So in short S and R can give you the pivot line. But if its going to be a rally or a dip its does not help at all.
  9. Wow that's good. 200 pips. But what is your profit level? Its seems 200 pips is already a big profit. What pair do you trade? Usually when I hit about 100 to 150 pips I close the trade. Its already a good earning. And just wondering what is your stop loss? If you can tolerate 200 pips earning then its means you also put high stop loss, right?
  10. Its must not be an automatic buy. Your support level especially your S1 can be your pivot also or your R1 in just a matter of an hour. So its always your guide but you need to check the chart and the check the indicators if theirs really a reversal and take note. the dip can continue for days.So even your S3 can be your R3 in just a matter of two days also.
  11. You can also try to adopt their strategy if you like it or you think its a good strategy. Right now the best way to trade in forex is through patience. Because if your not patient you end up losing your money in few days. No matter what you do unless your a master day trader. But if you really want to earn in forex you need to have along term goal.
  12. In term of leverage its the same no matter if its in forex or in stocks trading. Once you go below the margin its going to be automatic sell. Although I still don't encounter a stocks broker that offer a 1: 100 leverage in stocks. Because in stocks theirs what we called put and options. So using leverage in stocks is not normal. May I know what stocks brokers that offer this kind of leverage?
  13. Tips: or what I do. Before I trade I already put the stop loss price. for example. 1 dollar. Now if you going to loss 1 dollar is it okay with you? Then you going to put stop loss in one dollar. How you going to do that? Its about your Lot and your margin. Do some little computation. Actually if you trade few times with the same pair and take note. You will realize that if you loss 70 pips you will going to loss this much if you have this lots at this margin. trial and error does help also. Focus more in your strategy and not on your earnings or losing.
  14. My concern right now is that I can't open the 50wallstreet.net right now. I'm wondering if this is a good site. I like the idea but I don't or will not going to add this site in my list of sites to check and read advices before I trade. Because theirs no followers and worse I can't open the site right now.
  15. Its good to use this as an indicator. but how to use this support and resistance level depends on the forecast. Is the pair bullish? Is the pair bearish? Is it oversold or overbought? This are the question need to be answer. Because if its over sold then do you think your resistance is feasible? What is the status is oversold? does it mean theirs going to be a reversal? Or will their will be still a rally?
  16. 2004 I start trading in stocks. from 25,000 pesos capital I earn up to 500,000 pesos until I loss a lot when stocks fall down in year 2007. Forex I start I think 2006. Yeah I spend lots of money in forex. Yes I loss. But its not really a loss because I learn from my loss. The basic things in life is that if you are successful its does not mean you will be forever. Its more on over confidence. Because one success trade after another. But when I start to loss I panic. Right now I'm less aggressive and more on technical aspect. I can do without trading a month if I feel that I will loss a trade. But I continuously trade until now.
  17. First what information your asking? Second if its about the trader loss and the broker profit then you must know the basic of forex trading. First how forex broker earn and what is the purpose of forex broker. Brokers earn via pips. If you can see theirs the difference between buy and sell And the difference is pips and that how brokers earn. Now the price change because of supply and demands. If theirs too many who sell then theirs many supply and the price goes down. Same thing if demands increase. Now for example. If you buy it at the high price and sold it at the low price. You loss right? but it does not mean the broker earn because of your loss. Its the other trader who buy it at that price has a savings. get the idea? its like you buy an apple 1 dollar. then you sell that apple 50 cents. You loss 50 cents but does it mean that the person who sold you the apple earn? because you sold it at 50 cents? no. Does it mean the person who bought your apple by 50 cents earn? No. So its the same thing. Brokers only earn by pips and by withdrawals fee if theirs any.
  18. If you are a newbies. its good to have a bot. But you must try to take note on the indicators. Take note on the behavior of the bot. How its trade how its earn, How its make mistake. In this way you will learn how to trade. Adopt how the bot trade. If its earning do what it does if its losing try to find way to make earning out of it.
  19. Like a friend theirs some who is just trying to be your friend or take advantage of you. So try to know who is really a friend and who is really pretending to be one. In forex trading do the same. Try to find out which is real reversal and which is false reversal. Theirs always many false reversal. And don't rely too much in the news and forecast. because every hour forecast do chance. So keep on updating yourself.
  20. US and Europe market is the biggest market mover. but In ten years I'm sure every thing will chance. US, Europe will going to follow where the China market want them to follow. If US. can't bail out Europe now and China going to bail out Europe I will see a chance of market environment.
  21. If you have low spread then what will be your stop loss? Because as you can see if you trade to trade your always in negative pips. Since theirs always a difference between the buy and the sell. So if you add stop loss then you will have a spread that is much and always higher than your spread in profit. For example if your using marketiva. theirs a two pips difference. So you need to earn 3 pips just to break even. While if its goes down one pips you already loss 4 pips.
  22. Totally agree with this one. I use 15 minutes and 4 hours charts and even weekly chart. But usually I use daily and weekly for fundamental analysis. 15 minutes and 4 hours for technical analysis.
  23. I really don't understand why you need to open multiple account. Since you can have one account and can make multiple trading account. And we only use one login as you have one accounts its in your portfolio that you will have many accounts. Or consolated account. I'm wondering what broker site is this that you have a problem.
  24. Learn one, adopt one, learn more adopt more. If you get confuse then just learn one at a time. For example. Me I only trade two pair until now. But every week I keep on trying to improve my trading by learning more strategy. And the funny thing is that the more I learn the less I trade. And its also frustrate me at first. Only to realize the less I trade the less I loss and when I trade theirs a great chance that I earn. So in a month I earn more even I trade less.
  25. Your 120 dollars you earn 1060 dollars? How long did it take you do earn that much and what pair do you mostly use? I'm wondering why you said in the past. Why what happen now with your 1060 dollars earning? Me the most I have is from 500 I gain or reach 800 dollars in two weeks. But that's the most I earn. When I'm still have no money management. When I put money management I don't earn that much but the risk I take is not that much either.
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