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Everything posted by budado

  1. This site is getting popular in many ptp forums that I'm posting. Now I'm wondering if this site going to be a long stable hyip or will just going to turn to scam in just few weeks of opening as most other hyip site do. But we really don't know what is the plan of the admin. What we all know that this is a hyip site and it can turn to scam any time soon.
  2. Its very dangerous to invest in this kind of site. If you ask me I think its better that we going to close this thread already. I don't think this site is going to be a paying hyip site for a month. So I'm sure even if this site is paying its only going to pay for days not even weeks. Because the plan is just to high to sustain itself longer than a week.
  3. I don't know about you. But for me a hyip site with this kind of plan don't deserve to have an active thread. And I guess theirs no proof of payments that is even dated December 10 or latest than that. I think this site has turn to scam before december 10. Because the way I look at the site plan. Its not sustainable at all.
  4. If I have funds I will going to invest in 50 business days plan. then if I have 10 dollars interest earnings I will invest in 25 business days plan. Then after that I will try to cashout as much as I can. Just doing hit and run in here. I think that would be about three months worth of waiting. I know its long wait. But its better than having not strategy at all.
  5. I think its time to close this thread. its hopeless and useless to keep this thread running simply because this site has turn to scam. I guess its better this way. At least its only victimize some investors. But the same time I think admin will going to fix this problem and going to be a strong hyip. But lets see.
  6. I don't think this site will have a paying power to reach ten days. I'm sure its going to turn to scam. with in ten days. this site is not that good. simply because its plan is just too high to be sustainable site. I suggest you make good with your money by just keeping it.
  7. three months for me is just too old to start investing in this site. I prefer to invest in a week old hyip then hope that in a month I can reach bep and hope that in next two months I can earn interest. After that. paying or not I'm going to cashout and find another hyip to invest in. I will going to pass this one.
  8. I believe this site is good for two to three cycle only. At most its can reach ten cycle. But that is if this site will sponsor at least three ptp sites. But if this site is contended with threads and hyip monitoring site. I guess only three cycle life span. Its reaching its first cycle. So theirs still one or two to go.
  9. A short term hyip is good if its has a balance roi. But this site is just have so high roi that I don't think its worth it to invest in here. I don't think you even going to get paid in here after a week. So in short its just too risky and its just not so stable to invest in here. I don't like how this site run at all.
  10. the rate is just too low. Its takes 1000 clicks just to earn 1 dollar in here. and since the minimum to cashout is 2 dollars that means its going to take 2000 clicks in order to cashout in here. I don't think I'm going to last that long. I don't recommend this site. For me its useless to click that many.
  11. 11 cents is low. But if you can continue cashing out that amount. I'm sure you can earn more by simply posting your proof of payments in at least 10 ptp sites. Just imagine earning 11 cents then you post it in ten ptp forums you earn another 10 cents. that about 100% growth.
  12. The rate is good. 1 cent per click is good. The ads is 4 ads per day is also good. now I have one problem with this site its the minimum to cashout. Its 3 dollars. Now I don't think 3 dollars minimum is good. because if my computation is correct its going to take about 3 months more or less to reach 3 dollars and cashout in here. that just too long for a wait for me.
  13. 40 cents rented referrals for me is just too costly. And if that referrals will not going to click then we going to loss lots of money if we rent. I think if we really want to join this site we just going to join and click but will not going to rent any referrals. Because its may turn out that what you earn in here you just return it back.
  14. Best part is that even though this is an aurora bux type of ptc. Its minimum is also low. that why you can cashout low in here. And for me that is the best thing in cashnhits and that is its minimum cashout. As more has been cashout more has been fond that this site is paying and many more join.
  15. I loss my neteller account. I can't remember the question and answer. So that means good bye neteller account. Although I don't have funds in here. I still got frustrated when neteller accept every thing. My password, my username. etc. But since I did not open my account for a long time its ask me to answer the question and answer also. darn.
  16. Can you elaborate? what so hard with its security features? I mean what do security got to do with using your paypal? Since security features of paypal are not frontal. Its their good system that is a good security features. But in term of using it. I don't see any difficulty because of its security features. Unless you yourself don't follow the rules of paypal. then its not the security features that is the problem but the user.
  17. I guess theirs a lot of Nigerian who use PM simply because theirs other ecurrency and payments processors that is not allowed in here. Like AP and PP and even MB if my memory is correct. So I think that' why they uses PM. But at least we all know that PM will always be a contender. its not as popular as LR but its still have some followers.
  18. Yeah. An alternative for LR and PM and even for AP. So I think theirs only few who really use STP and I doubt admin of that hyip site is happy if he get deposits from STP than if he gets deposits from LR or AP. But I guess we just don't know. Maybe that hyip admin has really reason why he also want to accept STP.
  19. CFF has been down for awhile. And its now return but its state that they will start to be a ptp again next year january 1. All current members has been deleted. So that means does who has pending or has post in this site before will have no more record. But I will going to be active in this site because I want to earn fund via okpay. Right now I'm in forex trading and somehow I can use my earnings in CFF via okpay to invest in forex.
  20. I did some experiment, I open an account a month ago. But I never used the email account that I have in other things except in opening another LR account. I use that LR account to get paid in PTP sites. One thing I notice I receive phishing email of LR. Now my question is why did I receive an LR phishing email? Since nobody know my email address except LR.
  21. Sorry for delay return.. wow still no posters in here. its only shows that theirs nobody care about MB anymore. But yeah I think its better that MB must do survey first if the name is good or not. Better yet ask members the name and pick top ten then lets the members vote and even guess also. In this way MB will know if members and guess will like the new name.
  22. I really don't understand why they keep on updating that theirs still no update on that status of mastercard and visa? I mean I'm a member of AP and every time they give an update that is not a good news. I feel that AP is going down. Its better that they don't update use. Since at least we forget about it. I think they will just going to wait if theirs a good news then they announce it. Than announce that they don't achieve anything yet.
  23. Its been a while since I last visit this thread and I'm surprise that theirs no poster but us. In fact without you posting in here. I may find myself spamming this thread even though its takes me many days to return in this thread and make a post... I think the reason of the shift is that the value of HD right now is getting low. I mean if you have HD. You going to have hard time exchanging it to LR and earn money. Unlike before that when you have HD plus the bonus if you chose HD instead of LR in withdrawals and when you exchange your HD to LR even if you pay fees you still get extra because of the bonus you receive. But now even if you receive HD with bonus the value of HD is still lower because theirs really no demand for HD right now.
  24. Its good site to advertise but I don't think its a good site to click. For me the rate is just too low. I'm not really fond of a ptc site that has a low rate simply because I want to earn more. But I also like a ptc that has a cheap ads package because we can advertise and hope we can find a good referral for a site that we earn more.
  25. Since I'm in ptc four years ago. Almost all ptc only have pp and ap. Its only lately that its added other payments processors. Anyway. I don't see any difference if a ptc is new or not in term of earnings in clicks. As it does not matter if its one week old or six months old. As the ads rate and ads numbers per day is the same. So in short your earning will always be the same. But of course its different story if admin going to chance its click value and its ads volume per day.
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