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Everything posted by budado

  1. I don't understand why theirs so many ptc name why admin choose to name his site dirtysouthbux. I mean what is dirty in south? lols. But I guess I don't want to join this site. As I don't like to get dirty. lols. Beside I live in the north not in the south. As in our country south means dangerous. lols.
  2. Its nice to see a ptc site that has an active admin. Many ptc site admin promotes its site to look for members. While this site is promoting both ways members and advertisers. I guess theirs must be balance between the two. I guess that's the best way to maintain a ptc site. because you can't earn if you have lots of clickers but no advertisers and same time you can't get advertisers if you have no clickers.
  3. I'm wondering if this guitarbux is calibrated. I'm wondering if this guitarbux has been calibrated. lols. Its been awhile since I joined and be active in many ptc sites. Two days ago I joined one but did not return to click again. Right now I'm thinking if I'm going to click in here or not. I'm hoping to be active in here if I saw proof of payments that this site is really paying.
  4. Just wondering if buxhouse site reach 2000 members already as its good to have a premium account. Theirs two things in my mind right now. One is that if its reach 2000 members already then I guess I miss the chance of having a premium account. Two if its still not reach 2000 members then that's means this site is not getting popular. lols.
  5. Since the minimum is only 1 dollar. I will going to try to wait for proof of payments before I going to be active in here also. I know the minimum can be reach in no time as the rate is 1 cent and we can click as much as 50 ads per day. that means if we are in good time we can reach minimum in two days.
  6. In order to have a big saving I guess the best thing we need to do in here is not to invest our money and just invest our time to click. Right now its hard to find a good paying ptc forum that its better to click as standard member only.
  7. I'm surprise to see that theirs already a payment. Although I don't see the actual proof of payments I see that in its stats theirs already two dollars payments. This site is getting 37 members just today. Its seem this site has potential to be a good paying ptc site. Lets just hope that we can see actual proof of payments in here. Total Members 340 New Members Today 37 Total Paid Out $2
  8. I notice that theirs a slow activity in MTV as well. although this site has still good rate and still have paying regularly. I think its good that theirs a slow down. Its slow down but the activity is still enough for us to keep on posting regularly in here. So for me the activity even though theirs a slow down is still good.
  9. I did get paid. lols. its 4 dollars plus. But I still don't see my post. Its really weird because I have problematic account since I started posting in here. But right now I decide not to be active in here. I have earn good in forexpeoples and earn 32 dollars worth of post. So I will try to concentrate in their first. or if I have free time then I will going to be active in here also.
  10. Its already a norm. Once a forum decide to stop paying admin always say he sold his forum and the new forum don't pay. But commonsense. why will someone going to buy a forum only to let it die? So for me I don't believe in selling story. As its already an old excuse. I think admin need to make new excuses as this excuses is already sold out.
  11. If the news is right. admin of gev also open another hyip site. So that means gev is earning good because he can afford to open another forum. I just notice that every ten days more or less I get paid in here. I'm happy that this site is paying and keep on paying. I think I just post too much that why I have two pending payments until now. But right now I reach another 100 points and I will going to cashout again.
  12. I'm excited with this site even though its has some negative comments like slow start. But since this site is run by gev I'm hoping that this site will be stable in a month. And I know that gev is paying until now so I know that luxury can be a good paying forum as well. I'm excited but same time I'm hoping that threads and subsections are already good and ready and have activity before I post in here.
  13. I hope its going to be like the fxfred that we earn real funds and not like mtt5 that we need to earn profit in order to earn in here. I'm happy that its going to be a ptp soon. I'm really excited because I have two new forums and one is GFT. If globalforextalk will be a paying forum then I guess Nick has three paying forum already.
  14. I only post 25 post every other day or thrice a week in here. that means I can only manage to post 75 post total a week in here. I know its not even 2 dollars worth of post. But I will try to increase it as cff activity increases also. I'm hoping to get paid soon and taste my first proof of payments this year.
  15. Since you said your posting in here and need only 5 more post to request payments then I guess you know also that theirs proof of payments section in which you can visit and see proof of payments who got paid in here right? Anyway. I requested last week and until now I still not get paid. But I'm hoping that this week or next week at most I will get paid.
  16. For me even its a waste of time to post in here. Theirs a chance to earn but I don't play with chance. I post to earn. But same time its good to improve your knowledge in forex as well. As you may have a hidden talent in forex trading that you can discover. But over all if your just looking for a forum to earn and not to earn in forex its better not to post in here.
  17. Still not get paid. but since I only requested payment last week I'm willing to wait this week also. Anyway. If you are active in here just wondering how do you interpret on how to request payments in here. I don't know if I did it right. But if you visit the instruction on how to request payments and post how you interpret so that I can check if I did it right way or not.
  18. One more week of waiting and I can see my 10 dollars in my paypal account. I'm excited. I hope I can find more forums that pays only paypal. I have hard time earning in mylot and gev pays much more. But I'm hoping to find way to maximize my earning in mylot or better to find another forum that pays higher.
  19. I just make a post in here and Its funny that I earn 1 cent per post. that's just too low for me. But I will try to post in here and post in here along with my 1 and 2 cents per post rate ptp forum. This this way I can earn good amount if I combine the whole amount of 1 cents rate ptp forums.
  20. I will not going to be active in here then. Just update us if theirs an improvement. While I will continue to check and reevaluate. If I have extra time then I will going to be active in here. For a moment I have good number of ptp and right now I have few free time to add more. But I'm still open for new ptp forum as long its has good rate.
  21. So how much is the minimum to cashout in here? Its good that we don't need to invest in order to cashout. But if the minimum is over 4 dollars then I guess theirs no use to join this site either. I don't like a ptc site that has hidden rules. I think its better that the say how many ads we click every day and what is the minimum to cashout.
  22. Even if this site has five years subscription I don't think this site will going to last that long. I think once theirs no earnings in this site admin will just simply going to close down the site or continue running but only scamming members. And since its going to take time to reach minimum in here its going to take time to know that you got scammed.
  23. half a cent rate is low. 4 dollars minimum to cashout is high. I don't think its going to be a good idea to click in here. Because its means more click and more more click to reach minimum. And I'm sure by the time you reach minimum and cashout you will realize that this site is not paying anymore.
  24. Just wondering if theirs anyone who is active in here. I mean joined this site. I know its hard to find a good ptc but sometimes if its paying its better that we are active also. Because its really hard to find a good paying ptc right now. But problem is that in order to know if its paying or not we need to join and take a gamble.
  25. Just need to be seen. since my concern right now is the ads count. I feel that this site is good to join if the ads to click is good number. But if theirs just too few ads to click then I guess its going to hard to reach minimum in here. Usually that's my problem. Because minimum is hard to reach even though its only 1 dollar simply because theirs no ads to click.
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