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Everything posted by budado

  1. That's good. That means if we have referrals we can double our earnings also. Now lets go to sustainability. I know its hard for a ptc site to sustain itself if its giving members good earnings. and if we get 4 ads each reset time that means we earn 8 cents a day .that means we reach 4 dollars in just two months.
  2. 4 dollars is a big amount. The minimum is only 2 dollars. I'm wondering if we can cashout right away the 4 dollars? Or we can use it to rent referrals or something? The sad part is that when we rent referrals what we got are nonclickers and after a month or two you end up losing this 4 dollars. lols.
  3. I want to say that I don't believe it. Unless its come from a member that I feel honest. The reason I say this is that I don't know how long its take him to earn that much. so even though he earn in hundred of dollars we don't know the cercumstance on how it reach that much. But still its best if we check ptcbox in ptc investigation.
  4. Then I guess you going to be breakeven in here. When I still active in here and if your computation is the same as mine its going to take 10 months more or less to reach and earn 10 dollars without referrals. That means you breakeven after ten months.I think the best strategy is to upgrade when you already have at least 10 referrals.
  5. The big question is what do leadingbux leading to? Is it leading in term of scaming members or going to be leading in term of paying? lols. But I guess before that going to happen we need to check first if theirs clickers who is joining and trusting this site too. because for me theirs no use if theirs no active members.
  6. Commissiona threads are opening in many ptp forums right now. Its a good sign. At least is started to be advertise. Now its up to pioneer member to promote this site the way its fits to them. I think this site is good but we still not going to know it until its start paying. And its will going to take weeks before a member reach minimum and try to cashout..
  7. If you can't use it to rent referrals then I guess you can't use it to upgrade either. Because RR is much cheaper and can or will expire in a month. So if admin does not allow neopoints to use in their how much more in a much expensive upgrade? I'm worried and same time feel tired of neobux. Sad to say if its going to turn to scam I say its about time. Lets face it neobux is old ptc its proven itself already.
  8. I'm wondering if they going to add LR in here. I notice that they accept AP and PP only. Before its usually only two. But now new ptc sites added either or both LR and OKpay and even other form or processors.But in refbackbux its seems its only accepting ap and pp until now.
  9. I guess so. Its weird but I think theirs a reason behind it. For example if we upgrade then I guess that's the time we going to receive referrals earnings? Although I doubt it too. I think its better that we just going to find a much establish ptc than this one. Theirs just too many uncertainties in here.
  10. Until now its only have 904 members while only paid 51 dollars total. So its only shows that this site is paying. But my concern is that until now I still don't see proof of payments. So I'm not sure if those payments are cashout payments or earnings payments.
  11. I guess we have no choice but to open an account and be active so that we going to find the stats. Or we can ask the author of this thread how he know about the site rate. In this way we can find out how we going to check the site rate. But I guess he joined the site that's why he know the rate.
  12. 2 cents is a good rate. Compare to other bux type that the rate is between. 0.008 dollars per click to 0.01 dollars per click. And the worse is the aurora type ptc that has as low as 0.00001 dollars per click. Now the big question is will kostbux will be stable and paying ptc? Or its going to turn to scam soon?
  13. I really don't understand. The first stats its say The second stats say Now the big question is this what is the real rate? Is it 1 cent per click? or 28.50 cents per click? I think this must be explained by the author of this thread soon or at least revised his thread to make sure its going to work.
  14. Just have one question are you a member of this site? If yes then does it means this site gives 0.0001 dollars rate for ads to click also? I though the ads rate in here is fixed to 1 cent per click? So how come that their will be an ads that is worht 0.0001? Where did you get this figure?
  15. Actually right now I don't think its worth it even to try this site. Its just that theirs just too many ptc site that turn to scam than right now the best way to earn in ptc site it to look for aurora type ptc. At least we can have a greater chance that to click in a bux type ptc. But buttomline though is that its still in the hand of egyptionbux.
  16. Then that only shows that you got wrong EA. Try to find a bot that suits your needs. For example. Try to fine EA that will going to alert you and don't trade for you. In short its just going to alert you and its up to you to finalize it or not. In this way you still in control but you don't need to watch the chart 24/7 and wait for that moment. Because EA will do that for you and when its has a hit you will just going to get alert. So make make sure you check mt4 mails alert.
  17. I dont know what your point in here but if I understand you right you want to have low spread between current price and your stop loss? If that is the case then you will always get SL. Because in trading you don't have a fix SL. You compute it. You compute the market daily volatility, you calculate the trend. Because SL against the trend and SL along with the trend is different spread. Its not the same.
  18. Its not even its given if you trade with small amount of funds. Because if you don't put SL you will end up getting MC anyway. So if you have small funds its not a choice to put SL its a must unless you just want to have MC. Problem with small amount of funds is your tolerance to market volatility. So sometimes we put less SL lewey and get SL right away.
  19. Me too. I want to start 100 dollars. But my target is to have 250 dollars to invest. Now you may wonder why 100 dollars but I need to have 250 dollars. Its because of margin purposes. In short my plan is to invest 250 dollars but I'm only willing to loss 100 dollars. the 150 dollars are just for margins.
  20. If you open multiple account just make sure you have a reason. For example I open multiple account for two reason. One is that I can put one strategy on each account and check what strategy is best to use. Second I use different brokers to check its features and so that I can use the best broker site that suits my liking.
  21. That's true. also in demo account we have thousand of dollars so our margin can handle the volatility. But when we trade real account I think most of use only invested in hundreds and not in thousands so that becomes our limitations. Secondly I also notice that in demo account theirs some features that is linient than in real account. For example in demo you can go negative and still its hold. In real account you get MC automatically.
  22. lols.. that's true. Anyway. I don't want to brag it becasue I don't own it by my two sisters has a apple iphone 4S and its really handly. I wish I have one also. But I'm just a poor boy. lols. Just imagine since we have wifi in our house. I can close my computer and leave my cellphone connected. Then I add EA in my mobile and just alarm when certain indicators was hit. So in this case I don't need to monitor it in my laptop and leave it to my cellphone. But that just a dream. I know I can't afford it. lols.
  23. I'm excited to start trading in here. I I'm a member of mt5 for more than a year but never post in their. Last december I post and get 4 dollars. Last january I post and get 2 dollars. Now this february I plan to earn 10 dollars in here. I'm hoping to earn that much this february. But on march my plan is to earn 25 dollars. My plan in here is to reach 100 dollars then I will going to try to trade and hope I can have successful career in instaforex.
  24. Theirs so many other broker brokers site that offers the same. Anyway what I can only say good about etoro is that etoro is the pioneer in promoting forex trading to hyip oriented people like us. First forex broker that I know who advertise in ptc sites and in ptp forums. Later on theirs liteforex, instaforex etc. But etoro is the one who open this door. Problem with etoro is its not innovating. Other popular brokers site has a paying forum. etoro has none.
  25. From 32 dollars I started last january first week its goes up to 57 dollars after three weeks. its seems I'm going to have a fun earning in here. But then with one bad luck decision. I increase my lots trade from .01 lots as I always do to .03 lots. Also I leave my open position without any SL, I think its greed and over confidence. Sad to say next morning when I wake up and check I only have 8 dollars left. So I open another lite account and right now I have 23 dollars this month of february but I don't trade.
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