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Everything posted by budado

  1. Last time I have 5 dollars in here is february 5. And until now I only have 3 dollars worht of post. Before I already reach 5 dollars and already get paid. But right now I'm hoping that I can post as regular as I can. I'm hoping that my two weeks non regular activity will be over. Its really hard to do online posting when you are also busy offline.
  2. I don't have a doubt for MTV right now. I know its stable and paying good until now. But I'm hoping that MTV will be MTV forever. As its really good to post and earn in here. Some ptp forum that has the same rate as MTV don't last now. In fact I think its only MTV as the last survivor of its rate.
  3. Right now I'm also trying to try this task of yours. Its seems interesting to earn this way. Although I don't know when I can start or how to start as I don't even open my mylot account for two to three weeks now. I'm hoping to be active in here once I settle down with my personal time problem. As I have lots of offline choirs that I seldom go online now.
  4. I will going to be more active in lots also. I'm happy that suddenly Lots become alive again. I also going to upgrade lots in my ptp status as primary. that means I'm going to post more and be active in here more and hope that I earn at least 5 dollars a month in here. That's my target in here.
  5. Date: 2012-17-02 02:02:25 Batch: 85410738 From Account: U0886337 Amount: $2.86 Memo: MEF Point Cashout. Keep support us at www.moneyearningforum.com Thank you.
  6. I think its time to close this thread. Its only going to be spam also. As theirs nothing really to discuss in here as investforum is a scam ptp forum. Its also frustrate me to see that this thread is still open as I spend lots of time in here only to find out that its not paying.
  7. I already give up. January 17 is the last time I saw admin in paidtp. january 17 is the last time I login as I request payments in here. Admin did not reply to my PM. But I will going to try to visit the site today and check what the latest news. Although I doubt of any activity or payments well be made right now.
  8. Don't worry. I will be more active in here soon. I just have three busy weeks that I can't manage to post as many and as costantly as I can. But I'm hoping to post in here twice or thrice a week starting now. Or at least I'm planning too. lols.
  9. As far as I know the rate in GFT is three to four cents per post and the rest are non paying section. But I will going to check it again. anyway I'm posting lonely in here. Can you add like ten to 15 post each time you login in here? My plan is to reach 60 points per login in here. but now I can only manage 15 points per login because of low activity.
  10. I'm happy that in two more day post in here. I'm going to reach 400 post. I will going to request payments in here. And if I get my two dollars. I will going to think to stop posting in here. But same time since this site is paying even with low rate I can still be active in here. Although its take me two months just to reach 400 post in here.
  11. Finally I have 500 points in here again. Although two weeks delayed. Although its frustrate me to think that this month of february I slow down to the point that I have 80 dollars loss revenue because of slow down in online activity. I'm hoping that when I get paid in myhyip its going to motivate me to be more active online once again.
  12. I guess does are people who don't have any idea what is luxury status right now .Although I'm happy that theirs still activity in here. I'm more happy if its starting to be a paying ptp forum instead of a stagnant forum. I'm even surprise that this thread is open because I thought this site has a non paying status.
  13. Its paying. But not fast. lols. I still not visited the site for a week now I gues. But I will check on what date is the current payment date. Last time I check is paying last week of november request of payments and its already february. So just imagine the delay. But I'm sure if theis no more poster in here or at least no one request payments. I'm sure their will be no backlog after two months. lols.
  14. First rule. post four liner or more. Because less than four lines usually is not counted. Second try to interact. Don't post like your talking to the thread but post like your talking to the last ten posters in that thread. And most of all. Don't repeat same topic and isssue again and again.
  15. My strategy in here now is to post 2.50 dollars worth of post twice to thrice a week. In this way I can get 5 dollars a week and that means I can receive 20 dollars a month or even more. But right now I have hard time following my own rules in here but that's my main goal in here.
  16. I want to settle down right now. Its been three weeks since I last have a good week post. This month of february I slow down in posting. Almost loss 70% opportunity post. That's means I post 70% less than I do last month. Its really frustrating but I'm hoping that I can post more starting today as I'm already a week delay to my request of payments in mtw.
  17. I notice that your post is just one liner or one and half in dmt. As far as I know you need to have at least two line post in order to be counted as an earning post. I don't know I'm not a mod. But just to make sure post at least two lines to be safe. Its still good to have HD just for a reserve. We don't know when will LR loss its grip like egold.
  18. Your question is just too general. Okpay has no connection with ptp or ptc. Its dependson ptp site or ptc site if they going to use okpay as their processors. its like its depends on you if you want to use okpay or not. But so far I only know one ptp site that pay using okpay. In ptc site I don't have one that I'm active with. But I know that when I visiting ptc sites I see ptc sites that use okpay. I just forgot what site it is.
  19. What do you mean by restricted? Do you mean "limited"? or do you mean "not accessible"? if its limited then I don't know a country that is restricted in term of limits that you can't receive money. India can't receive funds via personal but can receive via gift or purchase. While other countries are not really allowed to have an account.
  20. Can you elaborate? you quoted my post and I don't understand what is the connection of my post to your reply. Because for me AP and or not sofiscticated processor. They can stand on their own but not sofisciated on its own right. For me they are the same in features level. Its only who really come first that become popular and ahead.
  21. I'm surprise that in three sites that I'm active right now, one in poker site, one is a forex broker site and one is a sports betting site they all accept webmoney. wow. that means webmoney is also popular in other online industry. Its not widely use in hyip industry or even in ptc and ptp but its has followers in other industries.
  22. I think LR will say thank you for egold and the federal government. especially the U.S. federal government by raiding and closing down LR. Because without closing down of egold LR will just be another ecurrency like STP or PM or HD. Open, running but not widely used.
  23. @sankaviaks Its your second payments right? I'm wondering how long its take you to reach 21 cents in here? Although the amount is small I'm little interested right now to try this one also. But as long I can earn 20 cents in a week. But if I can't earn 20 cents or more per week then I guess I will just going to shy away.
  24. One failure after another? lols. Me my impression is always this. Its better to open a new ptc than bought a failing ptc and hope you can revieve it. Its just me humble opinion. The reason is simple. If its a failed ptc. Its already have a negative record so why start in something negative? for me change of admininstration or admin is already negative.
  25. This is good. I see proof of payments its means its paying right now. Now the big question is this. Is this site good to be paying ptc for another four to six months? If you feel the answer is yes then I think its still good to join right now. Its never been tolate to join now.
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