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Everything posted by budado

  1. In my experience traffice exchange site really don't make any contribution. But I don't try ptc sites ads so I guess that's what make you have referrals as the one who is clicking in ptc are sure also that are going go join to add more ptc under their belt. Right now I want to do the same but I still don't have enough funds right now. so its my loss.
  2. I have some reservation about numbux its seems theirs something cheap and same time numbux intrigue me. something cheap because two years ago I join a ptc site that almost the same plan and template with this one and don't last. same time intrigue because its look like its has potential also.
  3. I'm wondering how many ads doe gtrbux will give to standard member. I notice that the rate per click in here is only one cent. So how or why will a member be active in here and click daily only to find out that after four months you still can't get paid. Anyway. I'm just wondering. I really don't know if gtrbux wil be a heat or will be boiled. lols.
  4. Its good that the minimum to cashout in here is 1 dollar only. But at the main time I'm wondering how long does it take me to reach minimum and cashout if I just going to join now? I just want to know if I can take the daily clicking and for how long before I become bored and stop clicking.
  5. Is this a joke? 100 dollars minimum to cashout? I guess this site will never going to be a paying ptc. Just imagine 100 dollars minimum to cashout. What does admin of this site thinking? Why did he put 100 dollars minimum? Do he really have no intention to be a paying ptc?
  6. I don't understand. How can iconbux be registered in six countries? I mean registered in term of domain name? or in term of server? or something else? Or is iconbux is registered as a company in this countries and not merely as a site? Because I'm intrigue on how iconbux acquire registration?
  7. What I don't like about this site is the increasing minimum to cashout. Each time you can reach minimum in here its going to increase two dollars. Its okay if you are still in two even in four dollars minimum but how about if you already on your third or fourth and so on minimum to cashout? Its going to take many months to reach minimum then.
  8. I can't see your proof of payments. But its nice that you got paid as its only shows that this site is paying and paying good right now. But I'm wondering how long does it take you to reach minimum cashout in here? Its seems the minimum to cashout is 2 dollars so I'm just wondering how long its take to reach minimum in here.
  9. Its frustrate me that I can't open this site right now. I want to check the site but its seems my laptop is doing selective browsing again. I'm hoping that I can fix this problem soon. On the main time since theirs no poster in this thread I assume that this site is new. So my guess is that its going to take four months before we can even say its paying or not.
  10. 1 cent rate. 4 ads to click 4 dollars minimum equals to four months before we can reach minimum and cashout. I don't think that's a good idea. to invest your time clicking 4 ads a day for four months and hope that you will going to get paid in here. For me its not worth it. and for me its wasting time.
  11. Don't just be afraid. You must also be concern that this site has high roi. So just imagine earning 200% in a day. that just too high if you ask me. And I don't think its going to be a paying hyip. In fact I never know a hyip that pays with a plan like this.
  12. 10% every week is a good interest. that means in ten weeks I can reach bep in here. that's about two months and two weeks time and I'm going to reach bep. Its look promising to me. I hope that this site will be stable and popular. Anyway I like the minimum 5 dollars. But I prefer to do hit and run using 30 dollars.
  13. If its difficult to figure out then why did you call this site a scam site? lols. So does it mean that you already figure out that this site is a scam site? For me I don't need to do research. In the plan alone I can say 500% that this site is a scam site. not 100% but 500%. lols.
  14. Did I understand it right? that the payments will be received every 20 trading day? And the plan is life time plan? In short does it mean that I will going to get paid every month for ever? So that means its going to take five months only to reach bep in here?
  15. Is this a joke? earning 450% after 15 minutes? What do admin think that theirs some one who going to fall for this rate? I'f I'm a scammer at least I'm going to give a rate that is very acceptable. I don't think its site will ever going to pay at all its obvious that this site can't pay that much roi in just 15 minutes.
  16. I don't even think that its paying. Have you seen proof of payments? Because I don't see one. I don't know if I'm just not lucky when I google it for proof of payments or theirs really no proof of payments for you-hyip. But I'm not surprise at all. Since this site is not popular and has high ROI.
  17. I'm totally surprise that theirs more than 50 hyip site in the last three months that has a rate like this or similar of this. . I'm wondering if they are owned by the same admin or its just happen that theirs a cheap script like this and bought by many independent admin?
  18. You don't make sense. what rules and what pressure are you talking about? Theirs no market if theirs a holiday so how can they pay investors if theirs no business on that day? that's why they dont' pay interest because theirs no earning on that day theirs no business transaction.
  19. The best way to guadge a hyip site is to check how many hyip monitoring site monitor this site and how much did they invest on that site. In this way we going to know if the site is getting popular or not. Usually the best indicators are the hyip monitoring themself.
  20. is the swing rate is fixed price? Or its just an everage percentage. Although I like the idea of the site I feel that this site is some how have unconvential system that we really don't know if its good to invest in here or not. I'm not familiar with their plans and how its work. Unlike if we say 120% in five days. That means after five days we get 120%. But in roboshares. I'm still have reservation.
  21. This site has turn to scam already and I doubt about the site stats. To mod I guess its time to close this thread. this site has turn to scam and I guess theirs nothing mroe to discuss in here. And same time to prevent spam post or nonsense post.
  22. Right now the facts is that this site is paying. If you want you can visit goldpoll and check it your self. One thing though is that for me this site is very unstable and paying status for me is not a garuantee that its going to be a paying hyip for even a week. So in short for me this site life span is less than a week.
  23. You will be surprise that a hyip site with unreasonable plan will have more than a dozen hyip monitoring site monitoring this site. I really don't understand what they like this site. Its weird if you ask me. But so far its status in all that I see is waiting. So in short even theirs so many hyip monitoring site monitor this site none claim its paying.
  24. I don't recommend this site. This site is new and I see about five hyip monitoring site has waiting status. I know its new but base on its plan I don't think its going to be a paying hyip. although I found one hyip monitoring site invested 100 dollars but that hyip monitoring site don't even show proof of payments yet.
  25. Theirs no relationship wit LR at all. But I assume this site has some relations with phishing LR emails that I frequently receive. I also notice when I do some search in DMT that theirs other hyip site that has an starting from LR name. In short theirs a hyip site that has LR name but have different ending for example. Libertyreserve-atm, other have like this Libertyreserve-(other name).
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