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Everything posted by budado

  1. 50 dollars? how di you trade 50 dollars? what pair did you trade and what broker site? And also how much do you have overall in your account? I'm sure you have more than 50 dollars becuase even if you get MC you will never going to have zero funds right away.
  2. That's why I have my own notebook and step by step procedure or manual. When I feel an urge to trade more I simply look at my manual and see if its still good to go. If not then I can reason out to my mind that its does not pass my strategy test.
  3. Its not a waste of time at all. do you know how much bank trader earn? the minimum is 1,200 dollars or about 60,000 pesos. You can't just go in the bank and give your resume and say that you learn how to trade in forex trading and they will going to give you a job right away. Theirs so many exams to pass before you can even see the trading room.
  4. Fundamental and technical analysis. Actually my first step is fundamental analysis. read the news, read the sentiments, read forecast next I check my indicators and confirm if those sentiments and forecast I read do have weights. Because its no all the time that forecast and sentiments are true.
  5. I don't agree that is more commonly used. Lets face it. How many times those theirs a breakout? it does not happen every day and not even every week. Theirs always a point in support and resistance in which its moving and breakout only happens if theirs a strong market force that result to breakout.
  6. The plan seems not well planned. I don't know if its just simplified form but base on the site plan I don't think its worth it to invest in here. Although I like the fact that its has SSL. I think its going to be good feeling that this site is going be strong and paying if we see many ads in many forums.
  7. I think with right advertising its can last for months. The plan is short term but the interest is low also. 10% daily for 12 days you get only 120% if the principal is not return then the profit you get is only 20 in 12 days. Not bad at all. And if this site have good support in ptp forums ads then I guess its going to last a month or two.
  8. I think the link given above must be updated to add the ssl. Its really important to add ssl in the url link to shows that its safe and second if you don't the ssl in the url you maybe end up opening a phishing site. To those who don't know what is ssl its the "s" on http"s" in url address of a site.
  9. Theirs only one missing ingredient and that is this ads. A good short term plan usually means its need to be popular to continue paying for a month or two and the best way to convince investors to invest is via banner ads in as many forums as possible. But so far I'm not successful in finding one.
  10. The plan alone already a proof on what the site will become. anyway. But in other cases if a site is just two days old and in hyip monitoring site is still waiting its means that they just invested so they are still waiting. Now if its turn to problem that means they don't get paid on expected date. Now if its turn to scam that means they exhust all means and they still don't get paid.
  11. The plan look worse than the template itself. lols. Because at least if the template is not good but the plan is good and its paying good then its really does not matter. I see a lot of not so good template but pays for a year and even two simply because the rate is good. In this case even if the template is well design if its look this way then I guess its not worth it.
  12. Guys just correct my computation if its wrong. The minimum is 1 dollar to invest right? If we invest 10 dollars in here on the 7th day we get 1.80 dollars right? That's sound good. Anyway after seven days we cashout our 10 dollars plus our 80 cents interest and leave 1 dollar to reinvest for another seven days. In this way in seven days we already reach bep?! sound good plan?
  13. But what the use if you invest 1 cent in here? in 180 days you get 1.80 cents. now you can't even withdraw that .8 cents. So I really don't get the logic behind that minimum. I think this is only a plot to make investors invest as much as they can while admin has no plan of lasting that long.
  14. Same time its good if we will going to do hit and run in here. 7 days 2% daily that's alreayd 14% interest. If we pay lets say 2% interest to LR fees we still get 12% interest. I think that's already a good earning for a hit and run. I really don't mind earning few interest as long I can withdraw my principal right away.
  15. What is your bases that this site will turn to scam right away? For me the plan is sustainble but its popularity is what I question in here. I have hard time finding ways to check if this site is has some reviews or not. Because for me its best that this site has review before we jump in.
  16. First this is not an auto bot system site. Its called autosurf but it does not mean its an auto bot system. Its autosurf because you invest like in a hyip but you click like in ptc. Now in average autosuft turn to scam much earlier than hyip sites. So if you compare the two its always autosurf that turn to scam first.
  17. I think its not only the best but number one First of all this is not an auto surf site. autosurf are combination of ptc and hyip. In which you invest and same time click to earn profit. But yes this is a traffice site. But again 100 surf does not give you any profits. Its going to take 1000 surf or more to earn cents in here.
  18. Are you sure in okpay theirs no dispute features? Because I have an account in okpay and here are some features. So its clearly states that you can files this things in okpay. So how came you say that theirs no dispute features in here?
  19. At least you have 3 dollars me I have 70 cents. I have 70 cents from a ptp forum that is sponsored by hyipfunds. that is if you are guys online that long. I thing that's about four years ago. lols. That's how old I am in online business but until now its seems I'm not that lucky anymore.
  20. Okay one question. give us the site that we can join and earn PM? the only reason why LR is popular is that most if not all ptp forum pays LR. But do forums pay via PM? I have hard time finding ways to earn PM. if I can have a site that pays PM then I will also have PM. That's the main problem. PM.
  21. I think they already solve that problem on creditcard? Right now my concern is check. because in our country its still not allowed to withdraw via check. I know its hard to earn online and the best way to maximise earnings is less fees. less fees means more earning and in check cashout you don't pay any fees at all.
  22. That's good. at least theirs a site that you can earn webmoney. although I have some reservation of captcha sites because for me that's is helping hackers if we join captchat tyiping site. But that's just me. I'm not saying that captcha site are bad. Now I'm thinking which is better. To join captcha and earn webmoney and use it to play in poker or not. lols.
  23. Even in hyip site. Lets say I spend 250 dollars for script 120 dollars for domain, SSL and DDOS for two years. Now imagine if you have a plan that has 50 dollars minimum and theirs 100 investors invested minimum 50 dollars. that's already 5000 dollars right away. Your already earn back your money. That's why most hyip sites uses LR because in LR theirs no dispute.
  24. I'm curious so I do google and I cant' find any site that uses pecunix. this is weird. I found a single exchanger site though that accept pecunix. I really don't understand why they still exist or what is their main source of income. But I guess since its cheap to run a website they just let it run.
  25. Theirs no problem if you live in multiple places as paypal don't really mind. As long your account is verified and as long theirs no suspecious transaction theirs nothing to be afraid of. because in europe for example. Many people transfer from one country to another and that is not an issue in them.
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