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Everything posted by budado

  1. My old laptop for six years just give way. I have no choice but to buy new one. Its worth 1,000 dollars and right now I need to have double time posting just to have enough money to pay my monthly installment. Hope that in a year I can pay off my laptop. And I'm hoping that money-eovlution will going to keep on paying and give me no deductions even if I double my post in here.
  2. Although the rate is only half a cent they are very strict. So its really waste of time if you think you can post in here what ever you want or post fake proof of payments. I'm also wondering why so many posters still post in here their proof of payments even though the rate is just too low.
  3. At most three weeks waiting period. Becuase in my experience Nick pays at the latest is three weeks. Its never happened that its stop paying or have waiting status of more than three weeks. But lets see. Theirs always first time for every thing. But I hope it won't happen now.
  4. If I got paid I think I'm the second person in here who going to get paid. But even though I already reach minimum and even if I'm going to get paid. I don't think I can maintain my posting in here if theirs no other ptp poster in here. The only reason why I reach minimum is because most of my post are opening new threads.
  5. Me I cashout once a month 3 dollars or twice a month 2 dollars. so my earnings depends on my activity in here. If I feel that its only 10 days and I already have 2 dollars I cashout 2 dollars. If I think I can't make two cashout in a month I cashout 10 days before the end of the month the amount of 3 dollars.
  6. I already have 35.25 dollars earnings in here but I still don't use the funds to trade. I will continue to post and post and post until I get about 100 dollars then that's the time I'm going to work my strategy if its really working or not. Because if I trade less than 100 dollars. I feel that I don't have enough leverage to hold on if the market become too volatile.
  7. Date: 3/15/2012 2:05 AM Batch: 88352496 From Account: U4128580 (MyHYIP.com) Amount: $5.00 Memo: N/A Thank you.
  8. Just post in hyip and in ptp section. I do that in here. 20 post in hyip and on the next day 20 in ptp section and hyip again. In this way I can post regularly as I can without worrying of posting too much in one section. I earn good 3 to 4 dollars a month in here and its can go up if only I post regularly in here.
  9. I also request payments in here already. hoping to get 1 dollar in here maybe next week or two weeks from now. I still continue posting in here. I'm hoping that I'm going to earn 2 to 3 dollars in here this month of march. But its already 15th of march and I only cashout 1 dollar so lets see if I can even reach my second 1 dollar in here.
  10. I just joined this site. But I still don't have a post in here. I'm hoping to make a post tomorrow. I'm just trying to do research today and familiarize myself with the site rules. I'm really happy by the way this site is getting attention. I'm hoping that this one will going to pick up soon.
  11. Megagoldforum is a forum for proof of payments of hyip sites and some other paying sites. I don't think this site is good if your intention it to post a discussion because theirs no way this site going to pay a post discussion. Even the rate suggest that its only accept proof of payments post.
  12. Why I still not receive mine? I'm already been accepted two days ago. So I'm hoping that I going to get paid also today. Or maybe I just don't receive it yet. I will going to wait until tomorrow and tomorrow I will going to check what is the reason why I still not get paid. Hope its not a rejection since I request payments twice this month already.
  13. I can't access the site until now. But its because my antivirus is preventing me from opening this site. Theirs an ads banners in lots that has some malware component that's why its been blocked by my antivirus. And now theirs a trojan alert and the only suspecious site that I open yesterday is lots.
  14. Can you support your claim of two post? Because I'm posting in here regularly but I don't heard or read the rules that if you post two liners you will not going to get paid. As all of my post in here even if its less than two liners I still get paid. And I never post in here longer than three liners but I already get more than 80 dollars in here.
  15. I'm anxious to receive mine too. I still don't receive mine. I'm excite that you got paid but same time I'm worried why until now I still don't receive mine. But I will try to check tomorrow if my request has been processed and pending or has been denied or has been paid but I put wrong LR number. I really don't know.
  16. Of course their is. You can trade in 365 days without losing a cent. Just simply open our account and do hedging. Even for a year you can't loss a trade unless you close it at loss. But I guess its patience is what you need in here and lots of funds. That' what I'm doing right now and in three months my 500 dollars is now 800 dollars just because of hedging.
  17. In forex tradin you can say that, "okay I will going to trade one to two hours only". In forex trading you wait for opportunity. You can be online 24 hours if theirs no right movement. You don't open a position. you wait for your indicators to go green before you open a position. In forex trading its no like posting in ptp that you open a site you post for two hours and that's it.
  18. Try to post in forexpeople and in mt5 and in fxfred. This three sites are my source of funds in forex trading. So far I have good time trading with my 50 dollars in forexpeople. But I don't mind losing those funds. Its my second step. after demo then funds I get in forexpeople. If I become successful then I will rading in instraforex and in uwcfx.
  19. Just one question. how can you loss more than you deposited? its just commonsense. If you invested 100 dollars at most you going to loss is 100 dollars. how can you loss more than 100 dollars that you deposited? You mean to say that if you deposited 100 dollars you can loss more than that. lets say 120 dollars? then how can you loss 20 dollars more?
  20. One thing that we must all know is that we need to trade with patience if we going to earn big like this one. Its because its hard to trade if you don't have good timing. Just imagine if you open too early or too late on opposite trend. you will end up getting mc big time. That's why its always important to wait for that proper moment before you open a position to ride this opportunity.
  21. I really don't get the connection between eur and chf. Since eur does not really affect chf directly or indirectly except with the par value of usd. I don't think ou can have strategy using this two. The best way is to find a pair that are interconnected. Like eur/usd and eur/chf and usd/chf In this way three pairs are connected. Anyway theirs no pair usd/eur. the pair is traded eur/usd not usd/eur.
  22. Start your day checking fundamental analsysis. read the news, economic calendars, broker sentiments, and forecast. Then do technical analysis. Check if the market behave just like what the sentiments is showing. If not then I guess you trade with caution. As its maybe a delay reaction or theirs a latest news that result for reversal of sentiments.
  23. I think by the time I can earn 1000 dollars a day I have 1,000,000 dollars just to trade. I don't think I can earn 1000 dollars a day if I have less than 1,000,000 dollars in my account. Now in a month we can earn about 24 to 30,000 dollars total. Not bad right? But right now at most I can only trade 100 dollars so theirs a lot of zeros that I need to fill in.
  24. Theirs no such thing as night trading. Theirs only day trading but theirs no such thing that nigh trading. One day does not mean its only 12 hours. its 24 hours. that's day trading. when you do trade in less than 24 hours and it does not matter if you do trade at night in your place because in the other side of the world its day time.
  25. Why hire? If you can invest in pamm. Its much more convinient an the risk is the same. At least in pamm you're money is in pool and you can stop investing ing pamm if you want to. Unlike if you hire an analysis and you need to pay that person for his review and same time if you loss a trade then you loss twice.
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