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Everything posted by budado

  1. I'm surprise that STP as check withdrawal options. Although its only good for U.S. my mind right now its seems that STP is trying to be the like of AP. But I don't think STP will going to be popular as AP. But at least STP is trying to improve itself and for me that's is a good thing.
  2. Right now the only problem I have with Paypal is lack of sites that I can earn in paypal. I really want to earn via paypal. I'm hoping that I can find a way to earn via paypal than LR I will going to cashout using paypal. that's how I love to have paypal instead of having LR.
  3. What I like in LR is that theirs no dispute. once you receive the funds its yours. Now if you are the one sending the funds and you get scammed. then its your fault because its your use to send that funds on the first place. its you who put the amount and its you who send the amount. so why blame the scammer for scamming you if you don't do your home work?
  4. Its depends on your country I guess. But if you really want to get verified I think the best way is to call them. I know its cost something but at least you get what you want. lols. In Right now I don't really trust AP. I don't know what AP has become. Four years ago AP was like PP but now AP was like LR.
  5. Right now I think charmbux is really charming with all of this proof of of payments that I see. I'm really happy that theirs so many people who got paid in here. I think right now its best if we join in this site and take a ride in earning power. I think this is the best way to earn money in here.
  6. That's true. Its really good to spend time in here clicking as we can earn good amount of money in here if we do. Although its not high amount. For me earning is still earning no matter how you see it. Right now I prefer quantity earning. few cents per site but as long I have lots of site like truelybux.
  7. First if someone invested then admin can still earn. second its already a paid site. So why close it when you already paid it? For example me. I open two years ago a site. and I paid for two years subscription. so even if I don't use it because I got hacked. Its still open and active until its expire.
  8. Maybe that guys is also the admin of this ptc site? lols. I think his posting his earnings. lols. To be honest I really don't like to invest my time in ptc if that ptc is not six months old and still paying. Although it does not mean if a site is paying for six months its going to continue paying for another six months.
  9. For me as long its pays its good. beside the rate is bux rate. so even with deductions we still earn more than what we going to earn if we are clicking in a aurora type ptc. So just imagine if you are earning good in ptc like 33bux and you have about 100 of this. It still a good earning.
  10. two cents is high. But I guess if we can click and cashout. A sort of hit and run in here then I guess its worth it also. But same time we must also monitor if this site is getting popular or not. Because even a high rate ptc can last longer if its popular. As admin can find good number of advertisers to advertise.
  11. If that is the case then I think its time to leave this site. Lets face it. If admin can't pay his bills how can he pays his members? That's only shows that admin don't have enough revolving funds to pay its members while its waiting for a good advertisers to advertise to his site.
  12. Proof of payments is still a must. We must not always relies on a ptc site admin promises because for me 90% of those promises are lies and the rest are half truth. So for me to say ucibux is good. It must convince me with proof of payments first.
  13. Only have 420 members and already paid 1 dollar. I don't know if that one dollar is for one person or for those who are active in here and cashout. anyway I'm happy to see the one dollar payments but same time I still need to see at least one proof of payments. I don't want to rely only to the stats at hand.
  14. If that is a case then I guess its not worth it to join this site. Because theirs now way we can earn in here. In ptc a good ptc site must always have constant number of ads to click. If theirs a days that theirs no ads then its means that this site is not going to be a paying ptc.
  15. What make you say this site is paying instantly? did you see a proof of payments from luckystarbux? Because I tried to check it but I can't find any proof of payments in forum sites and in review sites. Usually that's the best way to check if the site is really paying or not. Via forums and review sites.
  16. As long its paying theirs no issue for me. problem is that I don't think this site is going to be a paying site. Base on my experience this kind of site don't pay at all. And if they do they only pay the first month batch who reach minimum and the rest of the way they stop paying.
  17. Still waiting to get paid in here. But also its only a week since I request payments in here. I just feel that admin of cff must always be consistent in its paying time table. When first request payments in here I only waited three days and I got paid. But now its been a week and still no payments.
  18. Still no movement in my request of payments. Maybe I'm just excited since its only few days ago when I request payments in here. I'm hoping that I can get my money next week or after two weeks more. If more than that. Then I think its going to be a concern in my side.
  19. Its good to spend time in dmt. But same time its much better if we have more and more ptp forum to post into. In this way we can spread our post in many ptp forum as possible and earn as many as possible also. Because posting in one particular ptp alone sometimes going to result to use being ban for spamming.
  20. I really wondering why theirs just too few who post in MEF. But I guess that is a good thing also. because I think since theirs only few who post in here theirs also few who got paid and that means MEF can survive for long time and that means I can earn money in here for a long time also.
  21. Just make sure even if you are a newbies you post 5 liners in here just to be in good side. Quality post is good but its better if your post is long and good quality. Its double plus. But the best part is in fxfred is to learn how to trade in forex. because once you master this you going to have great earnings in here.
  22. Good thing about posting in italk is that its pays late. And by the time I got paid. I have a big amount to get paid. This month of march I'm sure I will not going to receive any payments in this site. But maybe in three months I can get 15 to 20 dollars in here. Now is it worth it to wait 3 months to get 15 to 20 dollars?
  23. I do agree. I think the downfall of lancing forum is the delay of payments. Because most posters don't wait to get paid. they rather waste their time in a ptp that pays within two weeks or less. Than in a ptp that don't seem to have a time table to pay its members.
  24. I'm not. its have bad reputation since its a week old. So for me theirs nothing new about luxury. I'm even surprise that this thread is still open until now as in other forums this thread has been closed already. But I guess Not paying and not active is different thing.
  25. I'm more worried of my two weeks in activity than earning in tcc right now. their just too many happenings right now in this past three weeks that I seldom post. Or I only post about 20% of my actual weekly post. that means I loss about 80% of my earnings but not active anymore. I suppose to reach my 5 dollars target two weeks ago in tcc but instead I'm still trying.
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