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Everything posted by budado

  1. So you mean you are willing to invest in here? Although I don't discourage you. For me its better to be standard and earn few cents a week than to be an upgrade member and loss dollars worth of investments. I been in ptc for four years now and believe me. Its a waste of time if you are interested to invest.
  2. Since the rate in here is 1/10th of the cent per click. I think the 10 cents minimum means its going to take like 100 click to reach. Not problem at all. I'm happy that this site is going to be a paying ptc. Because we can reach 100 clicks in less than a month. And in less than a month I'm sure we going to know if this site is going to be paying or not. And usually low rate low minimum to pay more than the 1 cent rate and high minimum.
  3. Its funny that its say clicks needed for payout is zero. But how can you request payments if you have zero click? As the minimum to cashout is 2 dollars? Unless if you invest in here you can cashout the whole amount without clicking an ads. But I doubt it. I don't think its good to spend our time in this site. I just don't have a good feeling about this site.
  4. I'm not saying that this site will turn to scam but in my experience a ptc site that offers low upgrade price or give lots of discount usually don't last long. Simply because the reason why a ptc site offers discount its because it does not interested to pay members but get their money before they even turn to scam.
  5. Low rate and low minimum is still better than high rate high minimum. Because at least I know its better to see small amount of earning than wait to get paid the big amount only to find out that the site has turn to scam. I think its better that we going to check if the site is really paying first by reaching minimum then continue clicking to earn more but in high minimum you can't do that.
  6. Its depends on how many ads you get every day. If you get 4 ads a day that means you earn 4 cents in ten days that's 40 cents in 100 days that's 4 dollars. not bad right? I'm happy to say that its just three months and ten days of waiting. But the big question is this site going to pay after three months and ten days? Because what the use of clicking that long if it does not pay when you reach minimum and cashout.
  7. I don't recommend a site that has less than 1000 members. If this site reach 1000 members in less than a month then I will going to consider clicking in here. I really don't mind if theirs no proof of payments yet as its understandable that its new. But I'm hoping that this site is going ot be good if its going to get lots of members.
  8. This mean that we need to click 100 ads to earn and cashout 10 cents in here. I know the rate is low and almost not advisable. But if your really into ptc its good that you click in here and join many other sites also so that you can earn good amount in here. I know its hard to earn money online but strategy and online smart really going to make you at least good amount.
  9. I guess that's the reason why this site has low minimum. simply because its has low rate to speak of. actually ten ads means 1 cent in here. And if the minimum is 5 cents ites means we only need to click 50 ads so that we can cashout. Not really going to be a long wait. Just about two months of clicking more or less. lols.
  10. Really? And who is that friend that has this kind of problem? I already request and get paid 16 times in here and so far I never experience or heard any fails payments because of technical problem. That's why I want to know who is this friend so that I can check what really happens and if its true or false because many will read your post and its important that we need to post factual post.
  11. What do you mean very less paying rate? As I know 10 ptp that has lesser rate or equal rate with EP but I only know three that is more than EP rate. So I'm wondering that is a good rate for you and how many sites do you know that pays more than EP rate. EP rate is now very less at all. Its the average rate of most ptp also.
  12. Actually if I compare my earnings in here I'm more encourage to post in here. In all ptp that I'm posting the highest average I earn is in fxfred 20 dollars a month. second is MTV 10 dollars a month. While in mylot I can earn 10 dollars a month in here also. So for me this is the third highest paying ptp in my list right now. Because the only advantage mylot has its has no daily posting limits.
  13. As far as I know its three cents in general discussion and in hyip news per post not 5 cents. Maybe the five cents is if you open a thread. I don't know but as far as I know the rate in this section is only three cents per post. Also. I really like to post in hyip section that only pays 2 cents per post simply because its not strict in their unlike if I post in news and in hyip general section.
  14. I do agree although I do post 15 post a day in here. that's my goal in here and so far I don't have problem getting paid in here. I know its hard to post in ptp like italk since its really hard to wait and get paid in here. But I'm hoping that I will going to reach 500 post in here and request the whole amount. I'm hoping that I will going to get paid the whole amount soon. lols.
  15. Really? How do you know that? are you active in MEF? because I see charydme post almost every day in here but I don't see your name in their unless your using different name in here. Mod Jay_chan is a mod who check for request of payments if its in right format and its the admin who is paying us. So in short its up to him to decide if we get deductions or not.
  16. GFT only turn to paid to post this february and only paid one member until now. Second where did you get the news that Nick have some serious works. what kind of workt is that? If he has other works then I don't think its good for us posters as theirs no way he can give time for both works. But I don't see any updates not only in here but in other site that he has some serious works other than this three forums that I know of.
  17. I'm happy that you got paid. I'm wondering what happen to my pending payments. I'm hoping that I will going to get paid soon also. I hope I will before the end of the month as I really have lots of pending payments right now that I don't know what to do anymore. I'm trying to find new ptp forumst that I hope will going to pay me also to increase my monthly ptp posting earnings.
  18. I request twice in ME. one on 15th day of the month the other one is in the end of the month. And since its only 100 post per request of payments its easy to reach it in here. I think that what we need to do in here. I really love to post in this site and I can even earn up to 6 dollars a month in here if only activity is very good. The only reason I limit myself to 4 dollars earnings is that its low of activity.
  19. I hope admin will going to pay us next week. Because its going to be a month since it last pay. I think admin will find a new moderator soon. I'm wondering why its take him too long to decide to look for moderators. I hope that we all going to get paid in here next week with or without moderator. Because my rules in posting once its not paying after a month I stop posting.
  20. The rate in here is only 1 cent per post regardless what section you are posting. I think its better that we spend our time posting in as many section as possible to increase our earnings in here. Right now I earn between two to three dollars a month in here. For me that's a good income still. Its better than no earnings at all right now. And since theirs a lot of pending payments at least seeing I got paid even in forex-bb really make me happy.
  21. That's good. I just started to post in here and in just one day I do manage to post and earn 50 cents. In this case if I earn 50 cents each day in here I can reach 5 dollars in just 10 days. Not bad right? I'm hoping that its going to be good and paying for a long time. Because I have three stable ptp forums that still not paying and I'm hoping to find at least three new ptp to augment my loss of income from the three that still not pay me.
  22. I don't have any problem posting right now. I gues you just need to clean your cache or check your computer for any errors because I don't think its dmt that has a problem in your problem. Maybe some bios or motherboard problem or something. Because my old laptop also have similar problem before.
  23. my 50 cents is not a bonus. That's true. we need to post few post and after that they will rate your post. But after they evaluate your post and you got passed I think its become automatic. because in first day I post I earn zero bonuses. On second day I post and post until I earn 50 cents bonuses. Anyway I call my earnings bonuses and not points because its called bonuses.
  24. That's why its important that a ptc site only accept balance funds and not creditcard payments. Because of the chargeback. And its really frustrating to be scammed and those scammers really don't think of others but themself. But I'm just wondering theirs so many safe guards again charge back I'm wondering why this site don't see it coming or prevent it to happening.
  25. No ads to ptc site. I think even if this site going to have an ads I don't think its going to be a paying site. Just imagine that your opening a new ptc site without even a single ads to click. that's only shows how irresponsible this site is. I don't think its going to be worth it to waste your time in here. Its time to find a better ptc site.
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