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Everything posted by budado

  1. Another thing that many newbies forgot to make some judgement. Leverage. The lower your capital and the higher your leverage the more you going to loss lots of money in forex trading. Because low capital and highe leverage means high risk. Just imagine that if you have low capital and high leverage you can get MC in just 50 pips. While if you have low leverage and high capital you can have 1,000 pips and still survive.
  2. I can give you one tip. In my case. I just study strategy and I trade. I seldom look at my earnings or at my loses. As I only looks at the pips that I gain or the pips that I loss. Once you don't think about monitary value in your screen you don't think about your loses at all. Your concentration will be in your strategy. But I guess its hard to do. The only reason why I don't feel anything anymore is that I have been trading for six years now.
  3. I'm doing 1:100 right now and I feel good. The reason I feel good is that although I only earn few cents per trade I can survive market volatility. Now the pips can move 200 pips negative and I can still hold it. if I use 1:1000 leverage I'm sure I already get MC. But now I still have like 400% free leverage. But I'm still studying the long run effect. Because I want to trade long term and the swap interest is my main concern right now.
  4. You really don't need money to have a live mentor. In forex trading if you want to learn you must not going to pay. If you pay you don't learn. that's my rules in forex learning. Why do you think I say that? Because most of those who sell ebooks and teach online and charge are actually not good in trading. Beause if they do earn in trading they will not going to spend their time selling ebooks and teach to pay.
  5. mobile trading is only good for emergency trade. If you got disconnected. brownouts etc and you need to put SL or TP. But if you really want to trade in regular basis in mobile I don't think its advisable. Because you need to have a enough memory and power to have good calculation and study about the trends and patterns in forex if you really want to trade.
  6. Then I guess you have no idea what is forex trading is do you? Beause big institution and banks do your bots to trade. In fact if you do manual trading then that means your a small timer trader. Your arguement of being lazy is like all accounting personal who uses calculator are lazy because they must compute it manually. lols. First bots can save time. The more time you save the more money you earn.
  7. I don't think that person deserve to be called a traders if it does not understand a basic principle as this. We must all understand that a title "trader" must be given to a person who deserve it. Because anyone can claim that he can trade but theirs only few who can say they really trade regularly and even fewer who can say they really earning.
  8. If you want to learn how to trade in forex you can also try to use bots in demo account then observe how that bots trade. In this way you can learn some tips on how to trade. You can adopt some of its strategy and approach and you can check its timing etc. But just make sure that the bots that you are using is not affected or infected by a virus or malware.
  9. Right now the advice that I can give for newbies is pick on strategy and try to trade in demo account. try to make a passing grade like 60% or more success trade in your last 100 trade. If you can do that then you can trade in real account. But before you do that in real account use forex calculator and compute how much is the minimum amount to trade then times is by 50 times. Now if you can't afford that deposit don't trade in real account.
  10. I have a problem. Since I deposit using AP 10 dollars in here. What I need is to cashout 10 dollars in AP then I'm going to invest in LR just to cashout in LR. I thought its going to be automatic. I'm just going to delay my experiement in withdrawing in LR in here. First what I need to do is to cashout in AP and hope that I can only deposit one dollar in LR and that is enough to cashout in LR and not to deposit more than 10 dollars in LR.
  11. I'm hoping that next month I'm going to request payments and get paid in here also. I check right now and I only have 79 cents ready to cashout. But I'm hoping that in the end of the month I can manage to earn like 10 dollars in here. But lets see its a long task to take but that's my plan in here. Its the first time that I'm going to really withdraw something in here.
  12. What do you mean you can't find okpay option? Did you login and can't find the okpay option? I'm fromr the Philippines and no way close to UK and european unions countires as Philippines in asia but I can see okpay when I visited the site today. If you can't see okpay then its better you send support ticket that you can't find it. Because its seems impossible that you can't see okpay options.
  13. budado -13th request of payments [LR] Username : budado Amount To Request (DMT points) :500 Liberty Reserve ID : U9169387
  14. what's this? meaning we have to click six ads in here? And the value of each ads is 1 cent/ half a cent, 0.003 cents and 0.002 cents? That means if we click all of the ads per day we earn 0.011 cents? that's so low if you ask me. I don't want to waste my time in here. lols. Its just really a waste of time.
  15. To be honest I'm pioneer member of neobux. that's why I'm so disappointed in here. My first earnings in here when I was standard was good.So what I did I invest and buy 350 rented referrals. My first three weeks is good. Got 1.8 clicks average per RR and since I only need .8 clicks to survive its a good earning. Then I make as sample withdrawal just 10 dollars guess what? My RR average click goes down to .2 ads per day.
  16. I'm happy to see that this site is paying but I'm little disappointment of the rate in here as the rate per click is so low. theirs so many mini ads but theirs so few good rate ads. Its like you click more than 30 ads just to earn 2 cents for me is not good enough. But still its better that this site is paying than nothing.
  17. I guess I'm going to pass this one. Its just too high minimum to cashout and the site is not that popular to make its a stable ptc. I'm hoping to find a lower minimum ptc and much stable ptc. I also hope that this site is going to last long but I guess its wont. Because in order for ptc to survive its need activity, its need active clickers to get advertisers.
  18. Sometimes you just need to be agressive to earn. I'm really interested to earn in here but I realize that theirs so many factors that prevent me to. One is that I don't have time to promote and find referrals. second I don't have money to invest, third and most important I don't have time to be active in here. Although seeing this proof of paymentsd really make me feel that I loss earnings in here.
  19. How I wish I can earn like you guys in here. Its really good to see proof of payments in dollars. If only I have extra money I'm going to invest in here also. But right now. Even if I want to be regular member in here I can't because I'm simply not that active in ptc anymore. I have spend too much time in ptp that I don't have time in ptc anymore.
  20. The simplest solution is just visit the site and check if theirs stats in their. and here is the stats. Problem solve. I really don't understand why its just so easy to visit the site to check if its true or not and so that we can post factual post and helpful post. Beside that what our payments in here for.
  21. And do you think its for real? I don't think its for real. In fact I don't think its going to be paying ptp for a month at all. I think this site will just turn to scam in third week. But lets see. Its just my assessment and I can be wrong. But base on my experience a ptc like this is a scam from a start. Its just hard to prove because its take time to reach minimum and cashout.
  22. Date: 4/12/2012 2:27 PM Batch: 91306543 From Account: U5355177 (Cashfindforum) Amount: $3.90 Memo: CFF Payment Thank you.
  23. I'm still waiting to get paid in here. Hope next week I'm going to get paid in here. I only request once a month in here and I'm sure this site pays each month so even with delays I don't have problem at all. I'm just hoping that I get the payment soon. Although I don't check and see the status of my request of payments right now. But I'm hoping that its been approved already.
  24. Me I post once in a while in here. I don't think that this is a paying forum anymore. I think of this site as a bank forum. In which I post and post and request payments and after a month or two I got paid. The good side about this is that when I got paid I got paid in bulk. So that means I earn like 10 dollars each time I got paid. although its only once a month but stil its good profit.
  25. I'm hoping that its going to happen this week. I know its going to be a paying forum once again. But as long I don't receive any payments in here I don't think I can afford to spend my time in here. But if tcc return I'm hoping to earn 5 to 10 dollars monthly in here. That's my goald and punishment for not paying for a month and two weeks. lols.
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