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Everything posted by budado

  1. 30 to 50 dollars you can start to deposit. In fact some broker site offers even as low as 1 dollar to deposit. But the big question is can you earn if you invest less than 100 dollars? Because in the end what will happen is that you going to get MC. a fund that is less than 100 dollars has a bigger risk to get hit if the market is volatile.
  2. Theirs no problem with requesting payments if its via profit and bonuses. Problem is that I add 10 dollars via AP then theirs an offer of LR and I want to withdraw using LR. If only I know that they will going to add LR I should have not added this 10 dollars from AP and just invest using LR. But right now I'm thinking of withdrawing in AP then invest again in LR.
  3. If your talking about PAMM then you need to verified your account first. then you can think of investing in PAMM. if you can't verify your account then its better you trade individually. Me I prefer to trade using my own skills and knowledge than invest in pamm as they can also make mistake and loss money just like we do. So I prefer to make that mistake.
  4. Italk must be second to our priority. Italk do pay but with two months delay. So I suggest that we only post in here if we have extra time. we going to request payments in here each time we reach 100 post and most of all we must willing to wait for two months before we can get paid in here. And my mind set is always I don't count my earning in here.
  5. That's I'm trying to do. Another thing that I want to do is to find a way to make the pips value to 1 cent per 1 pip. Because uwcfx has the highest pips value in my three broker site. In liteforex 1 pip is equal to 1 cent the same in instaforex. I'm wondering why in uwcfx the rate is high. 1 pip is equal to 10 cents. So just imagine how I have hard time reaching my weekly earning goal.
  6. Don't let me force you to post in hyip section. lols. I really need more activity in hyip section. I'm okay in ptp section. But as I always say. I don't like posting in one section alone as I feel that I'm spamming the site if I only post in one section. At the same time I feel guilty because ME do pay and the waiting period is just a week or less. Its almost impossible to compare in other ptp in term of how fast this site pays.
  7. 1 cent? as far as I know the rate in here is 2 cents in hyip and ptp section and 3 cents in forex section and the rest of the section are the one that has 1 cent per rate. So that means each section has different rate. I think you need to check the rate per section and try to familiarize your self before you post again in here. As me I only post in hyip and ptp section and forex section.
  8. I don't know what happen but I still have only 300 points in here. I still post 200 more points before I can reach minimum and cashout in here. I'm hoping that I can make about 10 dollars a month in here but its seems impossible now. Maybe next month I can earn 10 dollars in a month in here. that's if I'm going to reach 500 points and request payments and get paid on first week or may.
  9. If you check the post before you its my post and I got paid. theirs only one person who has pending payments in here so in short theirs no other proof of payments will going to show up soon. And I'm hoping that you going to be active in here also as the rate in here is also great. In fact I'm going to open many new threads in here just to make sure I can sustain my daily post in here.
  10. Then just post in hyip section 25 post and on the next day 25 post in ptp section. In this way you can have or maintain that much post daily. As I do post in here as regularly as I can and I do alternate posting so that I will not going to spam one section of the forum. I also post in payments processors and even in forex section just to make sure once I return in hyip and ptp section I'm still not the last poster.
  11. I just request payments today so I'm sure I'm going to get paid next week or on first week of May. I'm really happy that this month I already earn 10 dollars in mtv and I'm planning to maintain my 10 dollars earning a month in here. Because I'm afraid that If I'm going to post more I end up having deductions for spamming. That's why its important for me to keep on controlling my post quantity in here.
  12. Its username is incubus. Anyway my request of payments in here has been approved already so I'm just waiting to get paid in here. Another thing I'm going to return and post again in here on sunday. Hoping that next week theirs will be another payments. If theirs still no payments then I will going to stop posting again. As right now I reach another minimum and I will going to request payments once I got paid.
  13. Its already been accessible since last night. And its already sunset today in my country so in short italk is back more than 20 hours already. But I don't make post yet. I will going to post the day after tomorrow. I'm going to be busy tomorrow. But I'm going to make sure that I can earn good amount in here once I got paid.
  14. I'm tempted to return and post in here again and increase my earnings by 5 to 10 dollars a month. GT really pays me good rate in here 4 to 5 cents per post. But problem is that I really don't like their rules especially if theirs some concern that needed to be talk about by mod and posters. That's why I don't return to post in here.
  15. Date: 4/19/2012 10:42 AM Batch: 92049367 From Account: U0026333 (fxbb cash) Amount: $2.00 Memo: Convert 200 FXBB Points Thank you.
  16. I'm happy that I reach 9.89 dollars in here. Just one day and I'm sure I reach 10 dollars mark. Now I now its going to take another two months to reach 10 dollars again in here. At this rate I guess I can earn 60 dollars a year in mylot and even more if I'm going to continue posting in here regularly.
  17. I'm happy that my 5 dollars request of payments has been approved. I'm really excited that I can reach my 100 dollars target earning soon. Anyway I already have total of 70 dollars earnings from ptp posting another 5 more dollars in lots means I only need to earn 25 dollars more to reach my 100 dollars target.
  18. Date: 2012-19-04 04:09:25 Batch: 92014788 From Account: U0886337 Amount: $4.00 Memo: MEF Point Cashout. Keep support us at www.moneyearningforum.com Thank you.
  19. Just wait for a day or two I'm sure poster will return. I already make a post in here and happy to say that I'm earning good in here right now. I'm hoping though that I can have profit of ten dollars this month already but my request of payments has not been approve until now even though its been requested a month ago.
  20. What is the importance of their script? Its a common script. theirs also http://indian-forex.com and its also use the same script. the only difference is that its indian forum while this one is nigeria forum. My point is that its forum script is common script that can be use by anyone affiliated to instaforex.
  21. I'm hoping that theirs going to be an increase poster in hyip section. right now I don't have problem posting in ptp section. But I still do post in hyip section. problem is that theirs no poster in hyip section. I'm hoping that you guys will increase post in hyip section. Because I feel spamming the site if I only going to concentrate in ptp section.
  22. I'm not indian and I don't speak or understand indian language but I do post in here and already have 20 dollars worth of post that I use to trade in instaforex. So far so good in here. But I'm hoping that I can earn more in here also. My plan is to earn and 30 dollars worth of post every month in here. The more I post the more I'm going to earn in instaforex.
  23. Date: 4/18/2012 2:32 PM Batch: 91950914 From Account: U3363353 (EP TCC Payment Account) Amount: $2.00 Memo: Cashout Payment by Global Forex Talk Forum, Thanks for Being Active !!
  24. I have make a great mistake in here. I invested 10 dollars using AP in uwcfx. Now I need to withdraw and make deposit using LR before I can withdraw in LR. I will just going to wait for next month payments from fxfred. Then I will going to withdraw 10 dollars in AP then deposit 11 dollars in LR and hope to cashout the rest in LR later on.
  25. Why not? its a good thing. If you become mod in here I'm going to be active in here again. Just ask him to give you 50 dollars reserve to pay those who are posting in here. Just to make sure that we going to get paid. lols. If admin still do reply that means he is still active and still hoping to make his site a paying forum and that for me is a good thing.
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