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Everything posted by budado

  1. I think I make a right decision when I decide to request payments when I reach 2 dollars worth of post. My initial plan is to reach 5 dollars worth of post. But since I'm thinking that mean I'm going to spend about two months posting in here just to reach 5 dollars I just decided to request payments each time I reach 2 dollars worth of post.
  2. Its still a concern since last year the waiting period is one month now its almost two months. But since I don't count this site as my regular ptp forum. I don't count my earnings in here. But I still do post in here and just surprise me to see 10 dollars more or less paid in my LR from Italk. In short I just think of italk as a time deposit. lols.
  3. I'm hoping that today I'm going to request payments now. Its 500 points or 5 dollars. I'm hoping that I'm going to get the whole amount. I'm excited and worried at the same time. Because as we all know TCC just return paying and I still have some pending payments log that I'm always afraid that I don't get paid. lols. But I guess its just more on my mind sine all pending payments in TCC has all been paid.
  4. I'm little worried right now. I know its only a week since I post my request of payments. I'm just worried because I'm excited to receive my payments now. This month of May I only earn 12 dollars total. that's just too low for me at may target is 100 dollars earning total this month of May. I'm hoping that I can reach that amount soon and I want to start counting my payments in MEF that is 3.50 dollars.
  5. I almost got MC in instaforex. I'm happy that I receive more than 30 dollars in my account today. Now I have more funds to survive the market volatility. I'm really happy how this works. I know its hard to earn in forex but with big capital and know how you can really earn in forex. I guess what I learn with my five days losing streak is that to survive you need realizable source of information.
  6. I'm not surprise. I once want to join this site but when I realize how low the site rate is I decided not to. Beside activity in here is not that good when I visited this site. So its nothing new to me when theirs some negative issues arise from this site. I guess that's only shows that this site is a scam site after all.
  7. You don't need to post 10 post in order to see your profile as you can see your profile even if you have zero post. The only limits of 10 post is that you can't see your post and your post until you have posted 10 post or more. But in profile theirs no connection between the ten post limits and the profile since profile has nothing to do with your post.
  8. I guess I will going to have a hard time reaching my 500 points goal in here before may 15. Its simply because until now I only have 300 points in here. And since I only post in here two to three times a week maximum. I don't think I can request payments and get paid on or before may 15. I really want to get paid before may 15 so that I can convert my earning to cash to use it to pay my creditcard bills.
  9. I'm worried now. I still post in here and I even post today. but I decided that starting tomorrow I will not going to post in here until I got paid. Lets face its. I'm wasting my time in this site posting knowing that this site can turn or has turn no not paying already. I'm going also to ask admin if I visit this site if when will the payment be process. Or better yet ask mod so that we will know if we still want to continue posting in here or not.
  10. I'm excited I have 491 points in here already. But I will not going to add 9 more points to reach my 500 points target today. Instead I'm going to wait for the days after tomorrow to post again in here and request payments in here. I'm hoping that I'm going to get the whole amount in here after two weeks. Since most of the time the waiting period to get paid in here is two weeks.
  11. When did this past happen? I been member of this site since its was been a week or two weeks old and before its paying like every two weeks. But after its running two to three months its suddenly shift to paying once a month only but since january this year its seems extended to two months waiting period. I really don't understand the delay but its good that even with delays its still pays.
  12. Actually as far as I remember this site has turn to scam already. That's why I'm surprise that theirs still movement in this thread and that why I check. But I guess most of the posters in here really don't have an investments so they are just here to check if the site status is still good or not. But in my case the last time I check the review of this site its all negative. Does it mean now its recovered? I don't know.
  13. Just wondering why is their a disclaimer? Does it mean they really don't have a connection to this people or they are trying to cover up something? But I guess its really does not matter if we are earning in here right? But once a site like this turn to scam then theirs many talks about this and about that. I think its better that we are always in caution side.
  14. its means its paying daily so I'm wondering is anyone in here invested and get paid? Its seems theirs no activity in this thread even though I like the site plan and although its last 50 days. But I'm wondering how can this site be a cycler. Its seems base on its plan its look like a hyip site to me. Or an autosurf. But I guess its really not that important. What is important it that we earn money if its paying.
  15. This site still new in fact I see that its has zero day running. Meaning its just not reach its first 24 hours yet. But so far I'm surprise that I see about 6 more or less hyip monitoring site monitoring this site. For me that good. In five days time I'm sure those numbers will going to increase. I'm hoping though that this site will be good and stable for its plan.
  16. Theirs a dozen hyip monitoring site right now that is monitoring this site and most of them has paying status. So I really don't know why you think theirs no hyip monitoring site monitoring this site. Also I see hyip monitoring sites invested in this site. One has 120 dollars investments in here. goldpoll even reach 250% ROI already. So just do some searching and you can find that theirs lots of hyip monitoring site monitoring this site.
  17. But guess what? I see about 10 hyip monitoring site that has this site paying status until now. Just check goldpoll and its still paying status in goldpoll. I guess theirs really conflicting news about the status of this site. I really don't understand how this site become stable and paying until now. I guess what this site is doing is selective paying in one given time. I don't know this is just my speculation.
  18. But guess what? I see seven hyip monitoring site that has monitor this site and one even have paying status while the rest has waiting status. I really don't understand why its even been monitored because the plan alone already suggest that this site is a scam site. Now I record this seven hyip monitoring site as not trusted because of this act.
  19. Its running for three days now and its still paying. If we invest in here on its first day we already reach 72% BEP and we only need two more days and we going to reach our first plan matured. I'm happy if I can return time three days ago and invest big in here. Just 5 dollars and when I get 1.20 dollars I will just going to invest back 1 dollar and cashout the 20 cents and so on.
  20. Simple script and so far I see 7 hyip monitoring site that has waiting status. Hmp. I don't know if its perfect but I guess not. Because for me 7 is not a magic number. We need to have lots of hyip monitoring site. Like 15 to make me do hit and run in a hyip site like this. I notice that the more hyip monitoring site invest or monitor a hyip site that look like a scam site can still last a week or two.
  21. Little worried just seen six hyip monitoring site so far that I don't think its going to add more hyip monitoring site. I think this kind of site is in dead list already even though its a new site. Now I chance my view. I don't think its good to invest even minimum in here. In six hyip monitoring site that I see only one has say that its paying. the rest don't even bother to say if its waiting. its just blank.
  22. 11 days running I see one hyip monitoring site that has not paying status. 1 that has paying status and the rest I see are waiting status. I don't know if this waiting status is because they just monitored the site or this waiting status because the site has stop paying. Lets just wait for two to three more days and check what will be the result of waiting status.
  23. Its still a new site just probably a day old so its still has waiting status. Lets see after two to three more days if five hyip monitoring site that I see will have paying status by then. I'm sure a good site like this will only last a week or so. But even so even if its going to last a week we can double or even earn more in a week.
  24. Some hyip site just surprises us. And what surprises me more is that this site has no banners in forum that I'm posting so Its mean admin does not try to make this site popular by advertising so I wonder how this site sustain itself. I'm hoping that it can run for another six months if this site is well advertise.
  25. Just invest minimum and just cashout as much as you can while maintaining the minimum. In this way you can reach bep as soon as possible. I don't recommend that you spend more time in investing in here and hope that you going to have a passive income because a site like this don't really last. But as long its paying try to reach bep. Because once you reach bep you can earn good until its turn to scam.
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